

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12

通讯地址:交通工程系 交通运输工程学院A514

主要从事交通网络建模与优化方面的研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、上海市晨光计划人才项目1项、中央高校基本科研业务费项目3项;发表SCI期刊发表论文30多篇,国际会议学术报告近20次,国家发明专利授权2项。在连续三届的交通领域国际最高水平理论性学术会议ISTTT (International Symposium on Traffic and Transportation Theory)发表论文4篇;受邀担任20多个国际期刊和10多个中文核心期刊的审稿人。

本科:长沙理工大学,交通工程 (2002-2006)
硕士:东南大学,交通运输规划与管理 (2006-2008)
博士:东南大学,交通运输规划与管理 (2008-2012)
美国Utah State University国家公派联合培养博士生(2009.8-2011.8)

香港科技大学,土木与环境工程学系,Postdoctoral Fellow(2012.11–2014.01)、Lecturer II(2013.02–2013.06)

2016Transportation Research Part C杰出审稿人
2013美国TRB ABJ 70 (Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing)委员会Shinya Kikuchi Best Paper Award
2007第13届交通研究国际学生研讨会(ISSOT) Distinguished Presentation Award,日本

1. Xu, X., Chen, A., Yang, C. (2017) An optimization approach for deriving upper and lower bounds of transportation network vulnerability under simultaneous disruptions of multiple links. Accepted for lectern presentation at the 22nd International Symposium on Traffic and Transportation Theory (ISTTT).
2. Xu, X., Chen, A., Lo, H.K., Yang, C. (2017) Modeling the impacts of speed limits on uncertain road networks. Accepted by Transportmetrica A. 10.1080/**.2017.**
3. Xu, X., Chen, A., Cheng, L., Yang, C. (2017) A link-based mean-excess traffic equilibrium model under uncertainty. Transportation Research Part B 95, 53-75.
4. Xu, X., Lo, H.K., Chen, A., Castillo, E. (2016) Robust network sensor location for complete link flow observability under uncertainty. Transportation Research Part B 88, 1-20. (Most downloaded articles from Transportation Research Part B in the last 90 days, July 1 to Aug 31, 2016)
5. Xu, X., Chen, A., Yang, C. (2016) A review of sustainable network design for road networks. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 20(3), 1084-1098.
6. Xu, X., Chen, A., Wong, S.C., Cheng, L. (2015) Selection bias in build-operate-transfer transportation project appraisals. Transportation Research Part A 75, 245-251.
7. Xu, X., Chen, A., Kitthamkesorn, S., Yang, H., Lo, H.K. (2015) Modeling absolute and relative cost differences in stochastic user equilibrium problem. Transportation Research Procedia, Papers selected for the 21st International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory 7, 75–95, and Transportation Research Part B 81(3), 686–703.
8. Xu, X., Chen, A., Jansuwan, S., Heaslip, K., Yang, C. (2015) Modeling transportation network redundancy. Transportation Research Procedia, Papers selected for Poster Sessions at the 21st International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory 9, 283–302.
9. Xu, X., Chen, A., Cheng, L. (2015) Reformulating environmentally constrained traffic equilibrium via a smooth gap function. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 9(6), 419-430.
10. Xu, X., Chen, A., Cheng, L., Lo, H.K. (2014) Modeling distribution tail in network performance assessment: A mean-excess total travel time risk measure and analytical estimation method. Transportation Research Part B 66, 32-49.
11. Xu, X., Chen, A., Zhou, Z., Cheng, L. (2014) A multi-class mean-excess traffic equilibrium model with elastic demand. Journal of Advanced Transportation 48(3), 203-222.
12. Xu, X., Chen, A., Cheng, L. (2013) Assessing the effects of stochastic perception error under travel time variability. Transportation 40(3), 525-548.
13. Xu, X., Chen, A., Cheng, L. (2013) Stochastic network design problem with fuzzy goals. Transportation Research Record 2399, 23-33.
14. Xu, X., Chen, A. (2013) C-logit stochastic user equilibrium model with elastic demand. Transportation Planning and Technology 36(5), 463-478.
15. Xu, X., Chen, A., Zhou, Z., Bekhor, S. (2012) Path-based algorithms for solving C-logit stochastic user equilibrium assignment problem. Transportation Research Record 2279, 21-30.
16. Chen, A., Xu, X. (2012) Goal programming approach to solving network design problem with multiple objectives and demand uncertainty. Expert Systems with Applications 39(4), 4160-4170.
17. Chen, A., Xu, X., Ryu, S., Zhou, Z. (2013) A self-adaptive Armijo stepsize strategy with application to traffic assignment models and algorithms. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 9(8), 695-712.
18. Liu, P., Xu, X.*, Chen, A., Yang, C., Xiao, L. (2017) A select link analysis method based on logit-weibit hybrid model. Accepted by Journal of Modern Transportation.
19. Yang, C., Liu, B., Zhao, L., Xu, X.* (2017) An experimental study on cumulative prospect theory learning model of travelers’ dynamic mode choice under uncertainty. Accepted by International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology.
20. Castillo, E., Grande, Z., Mora, E., Xu, X., Lo, H.K. (2017) Proactive, backward analysis and learning in road probabilistic Bayesian network models. Accepted by Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.
21. Castillo, E., Grande, Z., Mora, E., Lo, H.K., Xu, X. (2017) Complexity reduction and sensitivity analysis in road probabilistic safety assessment Bayesian network models. Accepted by Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.
22. Chen, H., Yang, C., Xu. X. (2017) Clustering vehicle temporal and spatial travel behavior using license plate recognition data. Journal of Advanced Transportation. Article ID **.
23. Kitthamkesorn, S., Chen, A., Xu, X., Ryu, S. (2016) Modeling mode and route similarities in network equilibrium problem with go-green modes. Networks and Spatial Economics 16, 33-60.
24. Kitthamkesorn, S., Chen, A., Xu, X. (2015) Elastic demand with weibit stochastic user equilibrium flows and application in a motorized and non-motorized network. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 11(2), 158-185.
25. Chen, A., Ryu, S., Xu, X., Choi, K. (2014). Computation and application of the paired combinatorial logit stochastic user equilibrium problem. Computers & Operations Research 43, 68-77.
26. Ryu, S., Chen, A., Xu, X., Choi, K. (2014) A dual approach for solving the combined distribution and assignment problem with link capacity constraints. Networks and Spatial Economics 14, 245-270.
27. Ryu, S., Chen, A., Xu, X., Choi, K. (2014) Modeling demand elasticity and route overlapping in stochastic user equilibrium through paired combinatorial Logit model. Transportation Research Record 2429, 8-19.
28. Yang, C., Chen, A., Xu, X., Wong, S.C. (2013) Sensitivity-based uncertainty analysis of a combined travel demand model. The 20th International Symposium of Transportation and Traffic Theory (Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 395-415) and Transportation Research Part B 57, 225-244.
29. Yang, C., Chen, A., Xu, X. (2013) Improved partial linearization algorithm for solving the combined travel-destination-mode-route choice problem. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 139(1), 22-32.
30. Chen, A., Pravinvongvuth, S., Xu, X., Ryu, S., Chootinan, P. (2012) Examining the scaling effect and overlapping problem in logit-based stochastic user equilibrium models. Transportation Research Part A 46(8), 1343-1358.
31. Chen, A., Zhou, Z., Xu, X. (2012) A self-adaptive gradient projection algorithm for the nonadditive traffic equilibrium problem. Computers & Operations Research 39(2), 127-138.
32. Cheng, L., Xu, X., Qiu, S. (2009) Constrained Newton methods for transport network equilibrium analysis. Tsinghua Science & Technology 14(6), 765-775.
33. 许项东, 程琳, 邱松林. (2013) 交通分配自适应梯度投影算法的敏感性分析. 东南大学学报, 43(1), 226-230.
34. 许项东, 程琳. (2009) 城市道路单行系统布局优化的双层规划模型和混合算法. 系统工程理论与实践, 29(10), 180-187.
35. 邱松林, 程琳, 许项东. (2012) 基于路径长度的Logit型随机用户均衡模型. 东南大学学报, 42(1), 173-176.
36. 程琳, 朱志坚, 许项东, 邱松林. (2009) 交通分配起点算法的实证研究. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 17(6), 950-957.
37. 程琳, 于春青, 王炜, 许项东. (2008) 基于网络均衡的交叉口分流率计算方法, 西南交通大学学报, 43(2), 1-8.

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