

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12




1. 新型电池:金属空气电池、柔性电池、锌基二次电池等
2. 电化学催化:氧还原、析氧、析氢等
3. 碱性燃料电池
4. 电化学传感器


2019/9-至今 同济大学材料科学与工程学院 青年****特聘研究员
2019/3-2019/9 东华大学材料科学与工程学院 特聘研究员
2018/5-2018/12 加拿大滑铁卢大学化学工程系 博士后
2014/5-2018/5 加拿大滑铁卢大学化学工程系 博士


1. Fu, J., Liang, R., Liu, G., Yu, A., Bai, Z.,* Yang, L., Chen, Z. W.* (2019) Recent Progress in Electrically Rechargeable Zinc蠥ir Batteries.Advanced Materials, 31, **.
2. Liu, J., Peng, L., Zhou, Y., Lv, L.,* Fu, J.,* Lin, J., Guay, D., Qiao, J.* (2019) Metal-organic frameworks derived Cu/Cu2O catalyst with ultrahigh current density for continuous-flow CO2 electroreduction, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 7 (18),15739-15746.
3. Fu, J., Hassan, F. M., Zhong, C., Lu, J., Liu, H., Chen, Z. W.* (2017) Defect Engineering of Chalcogen-Tailored Oxygen Electrocatalysts for Rechargeable Quasi-Solid-State Zinc Air Batteries. Advanced Materials, 29 (35), **.
4. Fu, J., Zachary, P. C., Park, M. G., Chen, Z. W.* (2017) Electrically rechargeable zinc-air batteries: progress, challenges and perspectives. Advanced Materials,29 (7), **. (高被引论文)
5. Fu, J., Hassan, F. M., Li, J., Lee, D. U., Ghannoum, A. R., Lui, G., Hoque, M. A., Chen, Z. W.* (2016) Flexible rechargeable zinc-air batteries through morphological emulation of human hair array. Advanced Materials, 28, 6421-6428.
6. Fu, J., Zhang, J., Song, X., Zarrin, H., Tian, X., Qiao, J., Rasen, L., Li, K., Chen, Z. W.* (2016) A flexible solid-state electrolyte for wide-scale integration of rechargeable zinc-air batteries.Energy & Environmental Science, 9, 663-670.
7. Fu, J., Lee, D. U., Hassan, F. M., Yang, L., Bai, Z.Y., Park, M. G., Chen, Z. W.* (2015) Flexible high-energy polymer-electrolyte-based rechargeable zinc-air batteries. Advanced Materials, 27, 5617-5622.
8. Fu, J., Chen, Z. W. Metal-Air and Metal-Sulfur batteries: Fundamentals and Applications (Chapter 1: Zinc-air batteries: Fundamentals and Applications). (2016) Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis,CRC Press, ISBN 30.
9. Li, Y. B., Fu, J., Zhong, C.,* Wu, T. P., Chen, Z. W., Hu, W. B., Amine, K., Lu, J.* (2019) Recent Advances in Flexible Zinc-Based Rechargeable Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials, 9 (1), **.
10. Wang, Y., Fu, J., Zhang, Y., Li, M., Hassan, F., Li, G., Chen, Z.W.* (2017) Continuous Fabrication of MnS/Co Nanofibrous Air Electrode for Wide Integration of Rechargeable Zinc-Air Battery. Nanoscale, 9(41), 15865-15872.
11. Lee, D. U., Fu, J., Park, M.G., Liu, H., Kashkooli, A. G., Chen, Z. W.* (2016) Self-Assembled NiO/Ni(OH)2 Nanoflakes as Active Material for High-Power and High-Energy Hybrid Rechargeable Battery. Nano letters, 16(3), 1794-1802. (高被引论文)

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