

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12

姓名: 冯聪
2011-现在 同济大学 材料科学与工程学院
2007-2010 香港城市大学 建筑与土木工程系
2004-2007 上海大学 应用数学与力学研究所
1999-2003 太原理工大学 信息与计算科学
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“质子交换膜膜电极组件破坏机理的研究”(**)
2. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金-新教师类“基于石墨烯的燃料电池电极材料的力学可靠性研究”(20**8).
3. 同济大学青年优秀人才培养计划-培育类“质子交换膜燃料电池膜电极力学稳定性研究”
4. 中央高校交叉项目“纤维混凝土抗压高延性的多尺度研究”
5. 同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动计划“碳纳米环能带结构和抗拉性能的理论研究”
冯聪,曲坤南,一种具有催化剂梯度的膜电极,5. 6,2019,发明专利
1) Tang SQ, Feng C*, ShenJ, Enhanced oxidation resistance of TiAlNbCr processed by isothermal forging,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.152174.
2) Feng C, Li Y, Qu KN,Zhang ZM, He PF, Mechanical behaviors of hydrated perfluorosulfonic acidmembrane at meso and nano scales, RSC Advances 9, 2019, 9594-9603.
3) Li Yan, Feng C*, Qu KN,He PF, Effects of water and hydrogen content on the interaction mechanismbetween particles and the mechanical properties of a Nafion-based catalystlayer, Materials Research Express, 6, 2019, 08556-13.
4) Qu SJ, Tang SQ, Feng AH,Feng C, Shen J, Chen DL, Microstructural evolution and high-temperatureoxidation mechanisms of a titanium aluminide based alloy, ACTA Materialia 148,2018, 300-310.
5) Feng C, He PF, Moistureand thermal expansion properties and mechanism of interaction between ions of aNafion-based membrane electrode assembly, RSC Advances 7, 2017, 34556-34566.
6) Tang SQ, Qu SJ, Feng AH,Feng C, Shen J, Chen DL, Core-multishell globular oxidation in a new TiAlNbCralloy at high temperatures, Scientific Reports 7, 2017, 3483-8.
7) Feng C, He PF, Themolecular model and structural stability study of a Nafion ionomer basedmembrane electrode assembly. Journal of Chemists & Chemical Engineers ofCroatia- Chemistry in Industry 65, 2016, 457-464.
8) Feng C, He PF, Atomisticinvestigation on the diffusion mechanism of Pt nanoclusters on well-alignedmulti-walled carbon nanotubes. Computational Materials Science 103, 2015,157-164.
9) Feng C, Wang JW, ChengYM, He PF, Liew KM, Diffusion mechanism of platinum nanoclusters onwell-aligned carbon nanotubes. RSC Advances 4, 2014, 60711-60719.
10) Feng C, Liew KM, He PF,Wu AH, Predicting mechanical properties of carbon nanosprings based onmolecular mechanics simulation. Composite Structures 114, 2014, 41-50.
11) Feng C, He PF, Liew KM,Xu W, Predicted mechanical properties of carbon nanotube-based structures,International Journal of Applied Mechanics 6, 2014, **-15.
12) Feng C, Liew KM,Structural stability of carbon nanosprings, Carbon 49, 2011, 4688-4694.
13) Feng C, Liew KM,Fracture Properties of defective carbon nanorings, Journal of Computational andtheoretical Nanoscience 8 (1), 2011, 1-7.
14) Feng C, Liew KM,Buckling behavior of armchair and zigzag carbon nanorings, Journal ofComputational and theoretical Nanoscience 7 (10), 2010, 2049-2053.
15) Feng C, Liew KM,Energetics and structures of carbon nanorings, Carbon 47, 2009, 1664-1669.
16) Feng C, Liew KM, Amolecular mechanics analysis of buckling behavior of carbon nanorings undertension, Carbon 47, 2009, 3508-3514.
17) Liew KM, Feng C, ChengYM, Kitipornchai S, Complex variable moving least-squares method: a meshlessapproximation technique. International Journal for Numerical Methods inEngineering 70, 2007, 46-70.
18) Zhang Z, Feng C, LiewKM, Three-dimensional vibration analysis of multilayered piezoelectriccomposite plates. International Journal of Engineering Science 44, 2006,397-408.
19) 冯聪,封卫兵. 一维血栓形成过程的数学模型及其非相似性解. 中国血液流变学杂志,2005, 15(4): 540-543.
20) 封卫兵,冯聪. 考虑血小板粘附性的血栓生长数学模型. 中国血液流变学杂志, 2008, 18(1): 43-44,67.

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