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Kenneth A. Kim 教授,经济与金融系

1992.9-1997.5 金融博士学位,商学院,美国罗德岛州大学
1990.9-1992.6 MBA,商学院,底特律大学
1986.9-1990.5 经济硕士学位,美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校

“Corporate governance in China:A survey,” 2020, with F. Jiang,Review of Finance, forthcoming.
“Corporate finance, financial institutions, and financial markets in China,” 2019, with F. Jiang and Z. Jiang,Journal of Corporate Finance, forthcoming.
“Corporate culture and investment-cash flow sensitivity,” 2019, with F. Jiang, Y. Ma, J.Nofsinger, and B. Shi,Journal of Business Ethics154, 425-439.
“Bank competition and leverage adjustments,” 2017, with F. Jiang, Z. Jiang, J. Huang, andJ.R.Nofsinger,Financial Management46, 995-1022.
“A pecking order of shareholder structure,” 2017, with F. Jiang, J.R.Nofsinger, and B. Zhu,Journal of Corporate Finance44, 1-14.
“Product market competition and corporate investment,” 2015, with F. Jiang, J.R.Nofsinger, and B. Zhu,Journal of Corporate Finance35, 196-210.
“Family-firms risk-taking: Does religion matter?” 2015, with F. Jiang, Z. Jiang, and M. Zhang,Journal of Corporate Finance33, 260-278.
“Corporate governance in China: A modern perspective,” 2015, with F. Jiang,Journal of Corporate Finance32, 190-216.
“The effects of corporate bailout on firm performance: International evidence,” 2014, with Z. Jiang and H. Zhang,Journal of Banking and Finance43, 78-96.
“Share repurchases, catering, and dividend substitution,” 2013, with Z. Jiang, E. Lie, and S. Yang,Journal of Corporate Finance21, 36-50.
“Reevaluating price limit effectiveness,” 2013, with H. Liu and J.J. Yang,Journal of Financial Research36, 493-518.
“Financial management in China,” 2013, with Z. Jiang,Journal of Multinational Financial Management23, 125-133.
“Appointments of outsiders as CEOs, state-owned enterprises, and firm performance:Evidence from China,” 2013, with F. Jiang and J. Huang,Pacific–Basin Finance Journal23, 49-64.
“The effects of bank relations onstock repurchase decisions: Evidence fromJapan,” 2011, with J-K Kang, P.Kitsabunnarat, and T. Nishikawa,Journal of Financial Intermediation20, 94-116.
“Reaching for the stars: The appointments of celebrities to corporate boards,” 2011, with S.P. Ferris, T. Nishikawa, and E.Unlu,International Review of Economics58, 337-358.
“Why do price limits exist in stock markets? A manipulation–based explanation,” 2010, with J. Park,European Financial Management16, 296-318.
“On the predictability of Chinese stock returns,” 2010, with X. Chen, T. Yao, and T. Yu,Pacific–Basin Finance Journal18, 403-425.
“On the relation between intellectual collaboration and intellectual output: Evidence from the finance academe,” 2009, with K.H. Chung and R.A.K. Cox,Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance49, 893-916.
“The effect of cross-listing on corporate governance: A review of the international evidence,” 2009, with S.P. Ferris and G. Noronha,Corporate Governance: An International Review17, 338-352.
“A test of the representativeness bias effect on stock prices: A study of Super Bowl commercial likeability,” 2009, with C. Chang and J. Jiang,Economics Letters103, 49-51.
“Behavioral finance in Asia,” 2008, with J.R.Nofsinger,Pacific–Basin Finance Journal16, 1-7.
“Large shareholders, board independence, and minority shareholder rights: Evidence from Europe,” 2007, with P.Kitsabunnaratand J.R.Nofsinger,Journal of Corporate Finance13, 859-880.
“Behavior of Japanese individual investors during bull and bear markets,” 2007, with J.R.Nofsinger,Journal of Behavioral Finance8, 138-153.
“Large shareholder monitoring and regulation: The Japanese banking experience,” 2007, with S-H Lee and S.G. Rhee,Journal of Economics and Business59, 466-486.
“Trading performance, disposition effect, overconfidence, representativeness bias, and experience of emerging market investors,” 2007, with G-M Chen, J.R.Nofsinger, and O.M.Rui,Journal of Behavioral Decision Making20, 425-451.
“Liquidity and quote clustering in a market with multiple tick sizes,” 2005, K.H. Chung and P.Kitsabunnarat,Journal of Financial Research28, 177–195.
“Price limit performance: Evidence from transactions data and the limit order book,” 2005, with S-H Chan and S.G. Rhee,Journal of Empirical Finance12, 269–290.
“Institutional herding, business groups, and economic regimes: Evidence from Japan,” 2005, with J.R.Nofsinger,Journal of Business78, 213–242.
“A note on price limit performance: The case of illiquid stocks,” 2005, with G-M Chen and O.M.Rui,Pacific–Basin Finance Journal13, 81–92.
“Ownership and operating performance in an emerging market: Evidence from Thai IPO firms,” 2004, with P.Kitsabunnaratand J.R.Nofsinger,Journal of Corporate Finance10, 355–381.
“The puzzling increase in the underpricing of seasoned equity offerings,” 2004, with H-H Shin,Financial Review39, 343–365.
“The costs (and benefits?)ofdiversified business groups: The case of Korean chaebols,” 2003, with S.P. Ferris and P.Kitsabunnarat,Journal of Banking and Finance27, 275–297.
“Initial margin requirements, volatility, and the individual investor: Insights from Japan,” 2002, with H.R. Oppenheimer,Financial Review37, 1–16.
“Price limits and stock market volatility,” 2001,Economics Letters71, 131–136.
“Characteristics of stocks that frequently hit price limits: Empirical evidence from Taiwan and Thailand,” 2000, with P.Limpaphayom,Journal of Financial Markets3, 315–332.
“Taxes and firm size in Pacific–Basin emerging economies,” 1998, with P.Limpaphayom,Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation7, 47–68.
“A test of the two–tier corporate governance structure: The case of Japanese keiretsu,” 1998, with P.Limpaphayom,Journal of Financial Research21, 37–51.
“The effect of economic regimes on the relation between the term structure and real activity in Japan,” 1997, with P.Limpaphayom,Journal of Economics and Business49, 379–392.
“Price limit performance: Evidence from the Tokyo Stock Exchange,” 1997, with S.G. Rhee,Journal of Finance52, 885–901.
《公司治理:西方理论与中国实践》2016,姜付秀,Kenneth A. Kim,王运通,北京大学 出版社.
2015.9 ---目前,福布斯、贡献者(双周刊)
2006--- 2009,证券诉讼和咨询公司,特别顾问
2005--- 2006,Nexus顾问
2003 --- 2004,特许金融分析师协会(前身为AIMR),顾问
2001--- 2004,吉隆坡股票交易所,学术顾问
2002--- 2002,美国威斯康星大学的信用社主任
1998.6 --- 1999.6,经济分析,美国证券交易委员会,高级金融经济学家办公室
1992--- 1995,太平洋盆地资本市场(PACAP)研究中心,协调和研究助理
2012---2015,美韩金融协会 (KAFA),董事
2009---2012,东部金融协会 (EFA),董事
2009.1 --- 2009.5,商学院,韦恩州立大学,客座副教授
2007.1 --- 2007.5,商学院,密歇根大学安娜堡分校,客座助理教授
2015.9 --- 2015.12,凯斯西储大学,助理
2006--- 2013,新加坡管理研究所,助理
1998.9 --- 1998.12,乔治城大学,助理
1994--- 1996,罗得岛大学,讲师
2015年---目前,Journal of Financial Research,副主编
2015年---目前,Finance Research Letters,副主编
2014年---目前,Journal of Corporate Finance,特设副主编
2013 ---目前,中国企业研究前沿,编委会成员
2013 ---目前,Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance,编委会成员
2003 ---目前,Sasin Journal of Management,编委会成员
2010 --- 2014,North Korean Review,编委会成员
2000 --- 2009,Multinational Business Review,编委会成员
2004--- 2007,Journal of International Business Studies,编委会成员
2013-2014,Journal of Corporate Finance,中国金融管理特刊合作编辑
2012-2013,Journal of Multinational Financial Management,中国财务管理特刊合作编辑

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