

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12

男, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师

86-; 86-136-7153-6166
中国上海市杨浦区1239号岩土楼616室, 200092








20.中建总公司/上海建工集团上海环球金融中心总承包联合体委托项目“上海环球金融中心(101层)基础测试与分析”(与中浦勘察技术研究所合作)(2004.12 - 2008.12)
23.国家自然科学基金资助项目“软粘性土剪切带形成及其破坏机理的研究” (2004-2006)
25.上海市科委资助项目“考虑共同作用的超大型逆作法综合施工技术研究”子项 “长峰商城逆作法基础(地下四层)与上部结构共同作用的测试与分析”(2003.6-2004.12)
28.德国Zuedlin AG Civil Engineer and Constructor 委托项目“上海市金山化学工业区拜耳工地基础施工咨询”(2000.11-2001.2)


1.艾智勇, 仓乃瑞. 横观各向同性层状地基非轴对称问题的位移函数解. 中南大学学报 (已录用, EI源刊)
2.王路君, 艾智勇. 非稳态热传导时层状路面体系的温度响应. 岩土力学 (已录用, EI源刊)
3.艾智勇, 慕金晶. 竖向简谐荷载下二维层状饱和地基的解析层元解. 岩土力学 (已录用, EI源刊)
4.王路君, 艾智勇. 地埋点热源作用下层状半空间的热力耦合响应. 岩土力学 (已录用, EI源刊)
5.艾智勇, 张逸帆, 王路君. 层状横观各向同性地基平面应变问题的扩展精细积分解. 岩土力学 (已录用, EI源刊)
6.艾智勇, 蔡建邦. 层状地基与弹性薄板相互作用的边界元解. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版) (已录用, EI源刊)
7.艾智勇, 任广鹏. 层状横观各向同性地基性质对刚性条基摇摆振动的影响. 振动与冲击 (已录用, EI源刊)
8.王路君, 艾智勇. 衰变热源作用下饱和多孔介质热固结问题的扩展精细积分法. 力学学报 (已录用, EI源刊)
9.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), L. J. Wang. Thermal performance of stratified fluid-filled geomaterials with compressible constituents around a deep buried decaying heat source. Meccanica, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s11012-016-0608-7. (SCI源刊, EI源刊)
10.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), L. H. Wang. Influences of Biot's compressible parameters on dynamic response of vertically loaded multilayered poroelastic soils. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 94: 7-12. (SCI源刊, EI源刊)
11.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z. Zhao, L. J. Wang. Thermo-mechanical coupling response of a layered isotropic medium around a cylindrical heat source. Computers & Geotechnics, 2017, 83:159-167. (SCI源刊, EI源刊)
12.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), H. T. Li, Y. F. Zhang. Vertical vibration of a massless flexible strip footing bonded to a transversely isotropic multilayered half-plane. Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 92:528–536. (SCI源刊, EI源刊)
13.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. F. Zhang. Vertical vibration of a rigid strip footing on a transversely isotropic multilayered half-plane. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(23–24): 10521–10532. (SCI源刊, EI源刊)
14.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z. X. Li, L. H. Wang. Dynamic response of a laterally loaded fixed-head pile group in a transversely isotropic multilayered half-space. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016, 385:171-183. (SCI源刊, EI源刊)
15.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), L. J. Wang. Three-dimensional thermo-hydro-mechanical responses of stratified saturated porothermoelastic material. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(21–22): 8912–8933. (SCI源刊, EI源刊)
16.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), J. B. Cai. Static interaction analysis between a Timoshenko beam and layered soils by analytical layer element/boundary element method coupling. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(21–22): 9485-9499. (SCI源刊, EI源刊)
17.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), C.L. Liu, L.J. Wang, L.H. Wang. Vertical vibration of a partially embedded pile group in transversely isotropic soils. Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 80:107-114. (SCI源刊, EI源刊)
18.艾智勇, 蔡建邦. 层状地基上梁的边界元-边界元耦合解法. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 44(10):1513-1516. (EI源刊)
19.艾智勇, 杨轲舒. 横观各向同性层状地基上弹性矩形板的参数研究. 岩土工程学报, 2016, 38(8): 1442-1446. (EI源刊)
20.艾智勇, 李志雄. 冲刷作用下层状横观各向同性土中群桩水平振动响应. 岩土工程学报, 2016, 38(4):613-618. (EI源刊)
21.艾智勇, 张逸帆. 墙下条形基础与层状横观各向同性地基共同作用. 岩土力学, 2016, 37(5):1243-1248. (EI源刊)
22.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), L. H. Wang, Y. D. Hu. Load transfer from an axially loaded pile to multilayered saturated media. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(13-14):6509-6522. (SCI源刊, EI源刊)
23.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. D. Hu. The analysis of beams on layered poroelastic soils with anisotropic permeability and compressible pore fluid. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(11–12):5876-5890. (SCI源刊, EI源刊)
24.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), C. L. Liu, J. P. Jiang. Dynamic analysis of a vertically loaded rigid disc in a transversely isotropic multilayered half-space. Meccanica, 2016, 51(8): 1887-1895. DOI: 10.1007/s11012-015-0340-8. (SCI源刊, EI源刊)
25.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), G. P. Ren. Dynamic analysis of a transversely isotropic multilayered half-plane subjected to a moving load. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2016, 83: 162-166. (SCI源刊, EI源刊)
26.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Q. L. Wu, L. J. Wang. Axisymmetric coupled thermo-mechanical response of multilayered elastic medium. Meccanica, 2016, 51(6):1405-1417. DOI: 10.1007/s11012-015-0295-9. (SCI, EI源刊)
27.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Q. L. Wu, L. J. Wang. Extended precise integration method for axisymmetric thermo-elastic problem in transversely isotropic material. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2016, 40(2): 297–312. DOI: 10.1002/nag.2402. (SCI, EI源刊)
28.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Q. L. Wu. The behavior of a multilayered porous thermo-elastic medium with anisotropic thermal diffusivity and permeability. Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 76: 129-139. (SCI, EI源刊)
29.Y. C. Cheng, Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇). Consolidation analysis of transversely isotropic layered saturated soils in the Cartesian coordinate system by extended precise integration method. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, 40(4):2692-2704. DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2015.09.085. (SCI, EI源刊)
30.艾智勇, 蔡建邦. 层状地基上弹性地基梁的有限元-边界元耦合分析. 岩土力学, 2015, 36(S2): 685-688. (EI源刊)
31.L. J. Wang, Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇). Plane strain and three-dimensional analyses for thermo-mechanical behaviour of multilayered transversely isotropic materials. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2015, 103: 199-211. (SCI, EI源刊)
32.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), C. L. Liu. Vertical vibration of a pile in transversely isotropic multilayered soils. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015, 357: 145–155. (SCI, EI源刊)
33.艾智勇, 吴全龙. 横观各向同性地基上刚性矩形基础分析. 岩土力学, 2015, 36(5):1347-1351. (EI源刊)
34.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. F. Zhang. Plane strain dynamic response of a transversely isotropic multilayered half-plane. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2015, 75: 211-219. (SCI, EI源刊)
35.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), L. J. Wang. Axisymmetric thermal consolidation of multilayered porous thermoelastic media due to a heat source. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2015, 39(17):1912-1931. (SCI, EI源刊)
36.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), L. J. Wang. Time-dependent analysis of 3D thermo-mechanical behavior of a layered half-space with anisotropic thermal diffusivity. Acta Mechanica, 2015, 226(9): 2939-2954. (SCI, EI源刊)
37.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z. X. Li. Dynamic analysis of laterally loaded piles in a transversely isotropic multilayered half-space. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2015, 54: 68-75. (SCI, EI源刊)
38.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. F. Zhang. The analysis of a rigid rectangular plate on a transversely isotropic multilayered medium. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, 39(20): 6085-6102. DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2015.01.054 (SCI, EI源刊)
39.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. D. Hu. Multi-dimensional consolidation of layered poroelastic materials with anisotropic permeability and compressible fluid and solid constituents. Acta Geotechnica, 2015, 10:263–273. (SCI, EI源刊)
40.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), J. B. Cai. Static analysis of Timoshenko beam on elastic multilayered soils by combination of finite element and analytical layer element. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, 39(7):1875-1888. (SCI, EI源刊)
41.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), L. J. Wang, K. Zeng. Analytical layer-element method for 3D thermoelastic problem of layered medium around a heat source. Meccanica, 2015, 50(1):49-59. (SCI, EI源刊)
42.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. D. Hu. A coupled BEM-ALEM approach for analysis of elastic thin plates on multilayered soil with anisotropic permeability. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2015, 53: 40-45. (SCI, EI源刊)
43.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), L. J. Wang, B. Li. Analysis of axisymmetric thermo-elastic problem in multilayered material with anisotropic thermal diffusivity. Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, 65:80-86. (SCI, EI源刊)
44.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), D. L. Feng. BEM analysis of laterally loaded pile groups in multi-layered transversely isotropic soils. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2014, 44: 143-151. (SCI, EI源刊)
45.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), D. L. Feng, N. R. Cang. Analytical layer element solutions for deformations of transversely isotropic multilayered elastic media under nonaxisymmetric loading. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2014, 38(15):1585-1599. (SCI, EI源刊)
46.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. D. Hu, Y. C. Cheng. Non-axisymmetric consolidation of poroelastic multilayered materials with anisotropic permeability and compressible constituents. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2014, 38(2):576-587. (SCI, EI源刊)
47.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. C. Cheng, G. J. Cao. A quasistatic analysis of a plate on consolidating layered soils by analytical layer-element/finite element method coupling. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2014, 38(13): 1362-1380. (SCI, EI源刊)
48.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. C. Cheng. Extended precise integration method for consolidation of transversely isotropic poroelastic layered media. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2014, 68(12): 1806-1818. (SCI, EI源刊)
49.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z. X. Li, Y. C. Cheng. BEM analysis of elastic foundation beams on multilayered isotropic soils. Soils and Foundations, 2014, 54(4):667–674. (SCI, EI源刊)
50.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z. X. Li, N. R. Cang. Analytical layer-element solution to axisymmetric dynamic response of transversely isotropic multilayered half-space. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2014, 60: 22-30. (SCI, EI源刊)
51.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z. X. Li. Time-harmonic response of transversely isotropic multilayered half-space in a cylindrical coordinate system. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2014, 66: 69-77. (SCI, EI源刊)
52.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), X. B. Jiang, Y. D. Hu. Analytical layer-element solution for 3D transversely isotropic multilayered foundation. Soils and Foundations, 2014, 54(5): 967-973. (SCI, EI源刊)
53.艾智勇, 王路君,曾凯. 稳定温度场下层状路面体系的解析层元解. 同济大学学报, 2014, 42(11): 1665-1669. (EI源刊)
54.艾智勇, 张逸帆. 层状横观各向同性地基与刚性条形基础共同作用分析. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(4):752-756. (EI源刊)
55.艾智勇, 史本凯. 横观各向同性层状地基上轴对称受荷刚性圆板问题. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(12):2341-2344. (EI源刊)
56.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), C. L. Liu. Axisymmetric vibration of an elastic circular plate bonded on a transversely isotropic multilayered half-space. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2014, 67: 257-263. (SCI, EI源刊)
57.艾智勇, 胡亚东, 曾文泽. 井点降水时可压缩渗透各向异性地基固结分析. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(S2):501-505. (EI源刊)
58.艾智勇, 胡亚东. 3D横观各向同性地基非耦合解析层元. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(S2):717-720. (EI源刊)
59.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), N. R. Cang. Non-axisymmetric Boit consolidation analysis of multi-layered saturated poroelastic materials with anisotropic permeability. Soils and Foundations, 2013, 53(3): 408–416. (SCI, EI源刊)
60.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), D. L. Feng, Y. C. Cheng. BEM analysis of laterally loaded piles in multi-layered transversely isotropic soils. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2013, 37(7-8):1095–1106. (SCI, EI源刊)
61.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), W. Z. Zeng. Consolidation analysis of saturated multi-layered soils with anisotropic permeability caused by a point sink. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2013, 37(7):758–770. (SCI, EI源刊)
62.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. C. Cheng. Analysis of vertically loaded piles in multilayered transversely isotropic soils by BEM. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2013, 37(2):327-335. (SCI, EI源刊)
63.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. C. Cheng, W. Z. Zeng, C. Wu. 3-D consolidation of multilayered porous medium with anisotropic permeability and compressible pore fluid. Meccanica, 2013, 48(2):491-499. (SCI, EI源刊)
64.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. C. Cheng. 3-D consolidation analysis of layered soil with anisotropic permeability using analytical layer-element method. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2013, 26(1):62-70. (SCI, EI源刊)
65.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. C. Cheng., P. liu. State Space Solution to 3-D Multilayered Elastic Soils Based on Order Reduction Method. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2012, 33(11):1371-1380. (SCI, EI源刊)
66.艾智勇, 李博. 横观各向同性层状地基平面应变问题的解析层元解. 岩土工程学报, 2012, 34(10):1787-1791. (EI源刊)
67.刘靖, 艾智勇, 苏辉. 山岭隧道新奥法施工过程动态风险评估. 同济大学学报, 2012, 40(8):1142-1146. (EI检索)
68.艾智勇, 曾凯, 曾文泽. 层状地基三维问题的解析层元解. 岩土工程学报, 2012, 34(6):1154-1158. (EI源刊)
69.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), G. J. Cao, Y. C. Cheng. Analytical layer-element solutions of Biot’s consolidation with anisotropic permeability and incompressible fluid and solid constituents. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2012, 36(10):4817-4829. (SCI, EI源刊)
70.艾智勇, 仓乃瑞, 成怡冲. 解析层元法求解层状横观各向同性地基轴对称问题. 岩土工程学报, 2012, 34(5):863-867. (EI源刊)
71.艾智勇, 成怡冲. 轴对称受荷弹性圆板下横观各向同性多层地基分析. 建筑结构学报, 2012, 33(4):154-157. (EI源刊)
72.艾智勇, 董 洲, 成怡冲. 多层地基轴对称弹性空间问题的解析层元解. 建筑结构学报, 2012, 33(4):150-153. (EI源刊)
73.艾智勇, 曹国军, 成怡冲. 平面应变Biot固结的解析层元. 力学学报, 2012, 44(2):401-407. (EI源刊)
74.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), W. Z. Zeng. Analytical layer-element method for non-axisymmetric consolidation of multilayered soils. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2012, 36(5):533-545. (SCI, EI源刊)
75.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), N. R. Cang, J. Han. Analytical layer-element solutions for a multi-layered transversely isotropic elastic medium subjected to axisymmetric loading. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2012, 13(1):9-17. (SCI检索)
76.艾智勇, 董 洲, 成怡冲, 吴超. 三维渗透各向异性层状地基Biot固结分析. 土木工程学报, 2011, 44(12):79-84. (EI检索)
77.艾智勇, 苏 辉, 成怡冲. 求解层状地基平面应变问题的解析层元法. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(11):1797-1800. (EI检索)
78.艾智勇, 董 洲. 横观各向同性饱和地基单桩有限元分析。中国科技论文在线, 2011, 6(5):351-354, 362.
79.艾智勇, 曹国军. 弹性矩形板下横观各向同性多层地基分析. 岩土力学, 2011, 32(Supp 2):59-63. (EI检索)
80.艾智勇, 曾文泽. 解析层元法求解层状地基非轴对称荷载问题. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 32(7):1078-1081. (EI检索)
81.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), W. Z. Zeng, Y. C. Cheng, C. Wu. Uncoupled state space solution to layered poroelastic medium with anisotropic permeability and compressible pore fluid. Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 2011, 5(2):171-179.
82.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. C. Cheng, W. Z. Zeng. Analytical layer-element solution to axisymmetric consolidation of multilayered soils. Computers and Geotechnics, 2011, 38 (2) :227-232. (SCI, EI检索)
83.胡云世, 苏 辉, 成怡冲, 艾智勇. 层状可压缩岩基三维固结问题的状态空间解. 岩土力学, 2011, 32(Supp.1):176-180. (EI检索)
84.艾智勇, 曾文泽. 渗透各向异性多层地基的轴对称Biot固结. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(2): 242-246. (EI检索)
85.艾智勇, 苏 辉. 深基坑多层水平支撑温度应力的一个简化计算方法. 同济大学学报, 2011, 39(2):199-203. (EI检索)
86.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Q. S. Wang, J. Han. Transfer matrix solutions to axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric consolidation of multilayered soils. Acta Mechanica, 2010, 211(1-2):155-172. (SCI, EI检索)
87.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Q. S. Wang, J. Han. Analytical solutions describing the consolidation of a multi-layered soil under circular loading. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2010, 66(4):381-393. (SCI检索)
88.艾智勇, 成怡冲. 三维横观各向同性成层地基的传递矩阵解. 岩土力学, 2010, 31(Supp.2):25-30. (EI检索)
89.曾文泽, 艾智勇. 轴对称多层可压缩渗透各向异性岩基固结分析. 岩土力学, 2010, 31(Supp.2):212-217. (EI检索)
90.王全胜, 艾智勇. 二维渗透各向异性多层地基Biot固结分析. 地下空间与工程学报, 2010, 6(1):48-52.
91.吴超, 艾智勇. 渗透各向异性饱和层状地基中的抽水问题. 地下空间与工程学报, 2010, 6(1):174-178.
92.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z.Q. Yue. Elastic analysis of axially loaded single pile in multilayered soils. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2009, 47(11-12):1079-1088. (SCI, EI检索)
93.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), C. Wu. Plane strain consolidation of soil layer with anisotropic permeability. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2009, 30(11): 1437-1444. (SCI, EI检索)
94.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z.Y. Cheng. Transfer matrix solutions to plane-strain and three-dimensional Biot’s consolidation of multi-layered soils. Mechanics of Materials, 2009, 41(3):244-25. (SCI, EI检索)
95.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), J. Han. Boundary element analysis of axially loaded piles embedded in a multi-layered soil. Computers and Geotechnics, 2009, 36:427-434. (SCI, EI检索)
96.艾智勇, 成志勇. 层状地基中轴向受荷单桩的边界单元法分析. 岩土力学, 2009, 30(5):1522-1526. (EI检索)
97.艾智勇, 王全胜. 多层横观各向同性地基轴对称固结的传递矩阵解. 岩土力学, 2009, 30(4):921-925. (EI检索)
98.艾智勇, 吴 超. 位移函数法求解饱和层状地基中的抽水问题. 岩土工程学报, 2009, 31(5):681-685.(EI检索)
99.艾智勇, 吴 超. 渗透各向异性可压缩多层地基固结的平面应变分析. 力学学报, 2009, 41(5):801-807.(EI检索)
100.艾智勇, 梅阿敏等. 多层地基上轴对称受荷弹性圆板问题. 土木建筑与环境工程(原重庆建筑大学学报), 2009, 31(1):33-37.(EI检索)
101.艾智勇, 成志勇等. 多层饱和地基三维Biot固结问题的一个理论解. 地下空间与工程学报, 2008, 4(2): 295-301. (A类)
102.艾智勇, 成志勇等. 层状地基三维Biot固结问题的一个解耦解法. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 38(5): 816-820. (EI检索)
103.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z.Y. Cheng. Plane Strain Biot’s Consolidation of Multi-Layered Soils with Compressible Constituents. GeoCongress 2008, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, 2008, 179: 702~709. (EI检索)
104.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z.Y. Cheng, J. Han. State space solution to three-dimensional consolidation of multi-layered soils. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2008, 46(5): 486-498. (SCI, EI检索)
105.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Q. S. Wang, C. Wu. A new method for solving Biot’s consolidation of a finite soil layer in the cylindrical coordinate system. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2008, 24(6): 691-697. (SCI, EI检索)
106.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Q. S. Wang. A new analytical solution for axis-symmetric Biot’s consolidation of a finite soil layer. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2008, 29(12): 1617-1624. (SCI, EI检索)
107.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Q. S. Wang. Axisymmetric Biot’s Consolidation of Multi-Layered Soils with Compressible Constituents. GeoCongress 2008, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, 2008, 179: 678~685. (EI检索)
108.艾智勇, 王全胜等. 间断伽辽金法(DGM)求解弹性地基梁问题. 岩土力学, 2008, 29 Supp: 603-606.(EI源刊)
109.王全胜, 艾智勇. 多层地基非轴对称Biot固结的理论解. 岩土力学, 2008, 29 Supp: 645-649. (EI源刊)
110.艾智勇, 吴超. 分层地基上矩形刚性基础的基底反力、沉降和倾斜计算. 力学季刊, 2008, 29(1): 113-119. (A类)
111.艾智勇, 吴 超. 井点抽水时饱和分层地基的传递矩阵解. 工业建筑, 2008, 38(7): 58-61.
112.艾智勇, 吴 超. 三维直角坐标系下分层地基的传递矩阵解. 重庆建筑大学学报, 2008, 30(2):43-46.(EI检索)
113.艾智勇, 吴 超. 渗透各向异性饱和半空间内作用井点降水的求解. 岩土工程学报, 2008, 16 Supp: 328-331. (EI源刊)
114.艾智勇, 吴 超. 考虑流体可压缩性的多层地基三维Biot固结求解. 工程地质学报, 2008, 30 Supp: 403-406.
115.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), C. Wu, J. Han. Transfer matrix solutions for three dimensional consolidation of a multi-layered soil with compressible constituents. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2008, 46(11):1111-1119. (SCI, EI检索)
116.艾智勇, 梅阿敏. 多层地基上轴对称受荷刚性圆板问题. 力学季刊, 2008, 29(3): 424-429. (A类)
117.艾智勇, 梅阿敏. 多层渗透各向异性地基非轴对称固结分析. 工业建筑, 2008, 38(11):58-62.
118.艾智勇, 梅阿敏. 多层可压缩性地基非轴对称固结解耦分析. 工程地质学报, 2008, 30 Supp: 386-390.
119.艾智勇, 刘 峰. 边界单元法分析多层地基中的桩基础. 重庆建筑大学学报, 2008, 30(4): 73-77. (EI检索)
120.戴标兵, 艾智勇等. Field tests on foundations with super-tall buildings, super-long piles & super-thick rafts in Shanghai. 岩土工程学报, 2008, 30(3): 406-413. (EI检索)
121.艾智勇, 刘峰. 边界单元法分析多层地基中的方形单桩. 土木工程学报, 2007年9月第40卷S1, p61-65. (EI源刊)
122.成志勇, 艾智勇. 间接边界单元法分析多层地基中的轴向受荷刚性单桩. 岩土工程界, 2007年增刊, p98-101.
123.王全胜, 艾智勇等. 带孔洞复杂基岩地基上的人工挖孔墩施工技术. 岩土工程界, 2007年增刊, p115-119.
124.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), J. Han. A Solution to Plane Strain Consolidation of Multi-Layered Soils. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication: Soil and Rock Behavior and Modeling. Geo-Shanghai - June 2-4, 2006, Shanghai, China, 150: 276-283. (EI检索)
125.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), J. Han, Y.Yan. Elastic Analysis of Single Pile-Rigid Circular Raft Systems in Layered Soils. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication: Advance in deep foundation. Geo-Frontiers - Austin Texas – Jan. 24-26, 2005, 132: 891-904. (EI检索)
126.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), M. S. Huang, Y. Yu. Solution of Plain Strain Consolidation for Layered Soil Under Symmetric Loading. pp38-42. Geotechnical engineering in urban construction. Edited by Yuzhen Yu and Hirokazu Akagi, Tsinhua University Press, 2003.
127.Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z. Q. Yue, et al. Extended Sneddon and Muki solutions for multilayered elastic materials. International Journal of Engineering Science. 2002, 40: 1453-1483. (SCI,EI检索)
128.Ai Zhiyong(艾智勇), Yang Min, Pei Jianyong. Extended Mindlin Solution and Its Application to Piles. The Proceeding of Tenth International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, pp1515~1517,Tucson, Arizona, USA, 2001.
129.Ai zhi-yong(艾智勇), Zhang jing-de, Zhao fu-ming. Condition for simplification of 3-dimensional rod to 1-d rod in theory of dynamic test of piles, Preceding of the second international conference on soft soil engineering, pp1046~1052, Hehai university press, 1996.
130.Zhang jing-de, Ai zhi-yong(艾智勇), Zhao fu-ming. Analytic solutions of two- dimensional and three- dimensional consolidation problem by using the method of weighted residuals, Preceding of the second international conference on soft soil engineering, pp376~384, Hehai university press, 1996.
131.Zhao fu-ming, Zhang jing-de, Ai zhi-yong(艾智勇). Similitude study of elastic stiffness of single pile. Preceding of the second international conference on soft soil engineering, pp666~671, Hehai university press, 1996.
132.邓文龙, 戴标兵, 艾智勇等. 超深超大基坑施工对特殊环境的保护技术. 地下空间, 2004年第5期.
133.袁聚云, 吴权, 艾智勇. 逆作法基坑围护的变形及邻近建筑沉降实测分析, 地下空间, 2004年第1期.
134.艾智勇, 陈祥达等. 分层地基Terzaghi一维固结问题的刚度矩阵解, 岩土工程界, 2004年增刊.
135.高广运, 李伟, 艾智勇. 荷载试验确定基床系数的修正方法, 岩土工程界, 2004年增刊.
136.陈祥达, 艾智勇. 多层地基Terzaghi一维固结解, 岩土工程师, 2004年第3-4期.
137.韦庆海, 艾智勇. Terzaghi一维固结的Laplace变换解, 岩土工程师, 2004年第1期.
138.马飞, 艾智勇. 考虑接触摩擦效应时的杆系有限单元法, 岩土力学, 2002年第2期.(EI源刊)
139.艾智勇, 杨敏. 多层地基广义Mindlin解在单桩分析中的应用. 土木工程学报, 2001年第2期.(EI源刊)
140.杨敏, 艾智勇. 柔性挡土结构弹性支点法的改进, 岩石力学与工程学报, 2000年第4期.(EI源刊)
141.艾智勇, 杨敏. 多层地基内部作用一水平集中力时的扩展Mindlin课题解. 同济大学学报, 2000年第3期.(EI源刊)
142.艾智勇, 杨敏. 考虑接触摩擦效应时计算柔性挡土结构的弹性支点法, 同济大学学报, 1999年, 第4期.(EI源刊)
143.杨敏, 艾智勇. 多层地基内部作用一竖向集中力时的广义Mindlin课题解. 中国土木工程学会第八届土力学及岩土工程学术会议论文集, 万国学术出版社, 1999年.
144.杨敏, 艾智勇等. 考虑空间作用对地下连续墙弹性支点法的改进, 岩石力学与工程学报, 1998年第4期.(EI源刊)
145.杨敏, 艾智勇. 深基坑内支撑连接的基本力学要求, 岩土工程师, 1998年第2期.
146.杨敏, 艾智勇. 弹性地基杆系有限单元法单元刚度矩阵的若干讨论, 第六届全国岩土力学数值分析与解析方法讨论会论文集, 1998.7.
147.杨敏, 艾智勇. 桩土相互作用理论研究与按沉降控制设计桩基础, 第六届全国岩土力学数值分析与解析方法讨论会论文集, 1998.7.
148.张永谋, 艾智勇, 杨敏. 水泥土挡墙空间作用的实用分析, 枫林学苑第三辑(同济大学博士生论文集), 上海科技文献出版社, 1998年.
149.艾智勇, 张永谋, 杨敏. 均匀弹性地基杆系有限单元法单元刚度矩阵的若干讨论, 枫林学苑第三辑(同济大学博士生论文集), 上海科技文献出版社, 1998年.
150.杨敏, 艾智勇. 软土地区桩基础的沉降计算, 结构工程师, 1997年增刊.
151.杨敏, 艾智勇. 以沉降控制为基础的桩基础设计理论与实践, 中国土木工程学会第八届年会论文集, 1997年9月, 清华大学出版社.
152.周光平, 艾智勇. 复合棒弯曲振动的一种简单数值解法, 南昌航空工业学院学报, 1995年(A01期).
153.艾智勇, 张景德. 以基频确定桩基承载力的理论解释, 第三届华东地区岩土力学学术讨论会论文集, 华中理工大学出版社, 1995年.




Selected as An Outstanding Author of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(2014)

上海市土木工程学会岩土力学与工程专业委员会 委员、常务秘书


刘 峰,任职于华东建筑集团上海地下空间与工程设计研究院,2008年获同济大学谢氏奖学金
吴 超,任职于上海长凯岩土工程有限公司,2007年被评为同济大学优秀研究生,2008年获同济大学美国Lord奖学金,2009被评为上海市普通高等学校优秀毕业生,2010年光华同济大学土木工程学院基金研究生人才培养专项奖励获得者,并荣获“2010年上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)”奖
董 洲,任职于中国建筑设计研究院,2010年被评为同济大学优秀研究生干部、同济大学优秀学生
苏 辉,任职于上海岩土工程勘察设计研究院有限公司
刘 鹏,任职于华润置地华中大区
曾 凯,任职于上海建工七建集团有限公司工程设计研究院
李 博,任职于广东省南粤交通投资建设有限公司,2013年获同济大学上勘院奖学金
李海涛,杨柯舒,任广鹏,刘文杰,慕金晶,赵 震,李攀聪,李 洋,曹 政

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