姓名:王莎 职称:副教授,硕士生导师
专业:能源与动力工程 学历层次:博士研究生
[1] 冷等离子体催化CH4/CO2重整与油页岩干馏耦合制油规律及机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,批准号:**,主持,2018.01-2020.12.
[2] 油页岩固定床低温干馏特性及催化转化研究,上海高校青年教师培养资助计划项目,批准号:ZZGCD15062,主持,2016.01-2017.12.
[3] 油页岩大分子耦合生物质自由基共热解机理研究与反应过程调控,上海市扬帆科技人才计划,批准号:19YF**,第3组成成员,2019.05-2022.04.
[4] 煤粉机械力化学改性及O2/CO2燃烧的基础研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:**,第6组成成员,2014.01-2017.12.
[5] 油页岩内油母质热化学转化过程的量子化学原理,上海市自然科学基金项目,批准号:13ZR**,参与时间:2013.09-2014.06.
[6] 氮、硫元素在油页岩干馏/焚烧一体化综合利用系统中迁移过程的量子化学原理,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,批准号:**,参与时间:2010.03-2012.06.
[7] 油页岩高效清洁综合利用系统关键技术的研究,国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)资助项目,批准号:2007AA05Z333,参与时间:2009.09-2010.09.
[8] 含碳能源化学链式反应器制氢脱碳基础研究,国家自然科学基金项目,批准号:**,参与时间:2008.01-2009.04.
[9] 燃气轮机的高性能热-功转换科学技术问题研究子课题:富氢合成气制备,国家重点基础研究973项目,批准号:2007CB210101,参与时间:2008.01-2009.04.
[10] “国家油页岩综合利用示范基地”的建设工作,国土资源部“资源节约与综合利用”项目,参与时间:2011.01-2013.12.
[11] 水煤浆流化悬浮高效洁净燃烧锅炉的研发,负责空预器和热风管道部分,参与时间:2010.07-2013.09.
[12] 高效洁净燃烧工业煤粉锅炉的研发,负责空预器和热风管道部分,参与时间:2011.07-2013.09.
[13] 洗煤泥复合循环高效洁净燃烧锅炉的研发,负责空预器和热风管道部分,参与时间:2013.07-2013.09.
[1] S Wang, LZ Song, XM Jiang. Catalytic effects of Fe-and Ca-based additives on gas evolution during pyrolysis of dachengzi oil shale of China. Oil Shale, 2018, 35(1):39-55. (SCI&EI)
[2] S Wang, LZ Song, XM Jiang. Prediction of gaseous products from Dachengzi oil shale pyrolysis through combined kinetic and thermodynamic simulations. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018, 134(2):1129-1144(SCI&EI)
[3] G Xiang, S Wang, XM Jiang.Catalytic effects of shale ash with different particle sizes on characteristics of gas evolution from retorting oil shale. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2019, 138(2):1527-1540.(SCI&EI)
[4] Y Ma, JG Liu, C Fan, S Wang, et al. The experimental study on the incineration of the acrylonitrile effluent in the CFB boiler burning oil shale. Oil Shale, 2016, 33(1):58-68. (SCI&EI)
[5] J Shen, H Zhang, JX Liu, L Luo,S Wang, et al. Density functional and experimental study of NO/O2on zigzag char. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020, 88:283-291.(SCI&EI)
[6] B Chen, XX Han, JH Tong, M Mu, X Jiang, S Wang, et al. Studies of fast co-pyrolysis of oil shale and wood in a bubbling fluidized bed. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 205:112356.(SCI&EI)
[7] S Wang, XM Jiang, XX Han, et al. Effect of retorting temperature on product yield and characteristics of non-condensable gases and shale oil obtained by retorting Huadian oil shales. Fuel Processing Technology, 2014, 121:9-15.(SCI&EI)
[8] S Wang, JX Liu, XM Jiang, et al. Effect of heating rate on products yield and characteristics of non-condensable gases and shale oil obtained by retorting Dachengzi oil shale. Oil Shale, 2013, 30(1):27-47. (SCI&EI)
[9] S Wang, XM Jiang, XX Han, et al. Effect of residence time on products yield and characteristics of shale oil and gases produced by low-temperature retorting of Dachengzi oil shale. Oil Shale, 2013, 30(4):501-516. (SCI&EI)
[10] S Wang, XM Jiang, XX Han, et al. Investigation of Chinese oil shale resources comprehensive utilization performance. Energy, 2012, 42(1):224-232. (SCI&EI)
[11] MT Niu, S Wang, XX Han, et al. Yield and characteristic of shale oil from the retorting of oil shale and fine oil-shale ash mixture. Applied Energy, 2013, 111:234-239. (SCI&EI)
[12] JH Tong, JG Liu, XX Han, S Wang, et al. Characterization of nitrogen-containing species in Huadian shale oil by electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Fuel, 2013, 104:365-371. (SCI&EI)
[13] JH Tong, XX Han, S Wang, et al. Evaluation of structural characteristics of Huadian oil shale kerogen using direct techniques (Soild-State
[14] XY Sun, WG Xiang, S Wang, et al. Investigation of coal fueled chemical looping combustion using Fe3O4as oxygen carrier: influence of variables. Journal of Thermal Science, 2010, 19(3):266-275. (SCI)
[15] WG Xiang, S Wang, et al. Investigation of Gasification Chemical Looping Combustion Combined Cycle Performance. Energy & Fuels, 2008, 22(2):961–966. (SCI&EI)
[16] 姜秀民,刘建国,韩向新,王莎等. 油页岩回转窑干馏与循环流化床燃烧工艺. 中国发明专利,专利号ZL 4.3.
[17] 韩向新,姜秀民,刘建国,王莎. 油页岩干馏、半焦焚烧一体化系统. 中国发明专利,专利号ZL 7.8.
[18] 宋立志,葛翔,王莎,汪鸣杰. 基于富甲烷混合气的油页岩循环流化床干馏方法及系统. 中国发明专利,申请号2.5.