(一) 申请资格
(二) 申请材料
1、2012密西根暑期夏令营申请表(summer camp application form.doc);
2、在校成绩单以及总评成绩排名(教务部门盖章的原件)装入信封密封,并在封口骑缝处加盖教务处公章; 3、各类英语能力资格证书,如英语六级、GRE、TOEFL等; 4、其他证明材料(如已发表论文的复印件、奖状复印件、各类证书复印件等); 5、两封本系副教授以上教师的推荐信,由推荐教授密封并在封口签名; 6、简历(英文)及个人陈述(英文Personal Statement) (三) 申请流程
1、登录交大研招网(网上报名)填写申请材料和信息。(届时以邮件通知 )
申请材料电子版请发送至邮箱:umji-grad@sjtu.edu.cn 邮件主题格式为:
(四) 负责人员联系方式
联系人:齐航、 刘菡
联系电话:021-34206045转3101、3102 |
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Graduate Programs
University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute
The UM-SJTU Joint Institute (JI) is an equal-partner institution cooperatively developed by the University of Michigan (UM) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) as equal partner institutions. The goal is to create a world-class academic institution. Both universities and the Chinese government are strongly committed to developing the JI as an internationally recognized, English-language research university. The JI has modeled itself after major US research universities.
The JI offers Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees in Mechanical Engineering (ME) and Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE).
The JI recognizes that faculty and student excellence, leading research, a global focus, and advanced graduate coursework are the most important aspects of graduate education. The JI has implemented the following measures to provide such quality education:
1. Excellent Faculty: All the tenured and tenure-track faculty of the JI are hired and promoted using standards and procedures similar to the University of Michigan.
2. Caliber of Students: Outstanding graduate candidates will be assessed using an evaluation based on scholastic achievement and individual evaluation by JI faculty rather than strict exam score. The JI accepts applications from students with BS or MS degrees.
3. Education Model: The JI graduate program is based on models from major US research universities.
a. Every graduate student will have a faculty research advisor. A dissertation committee will also guide every Ph.D. candidate.
b. Each student completes an individualized coursework plan with requirements similar to major US research universities.
c. Graduate students conduct their research with a faculty adviser, usually while receiving a monthly stipend.
d. Ph.D. students will successfully complete a dissertation defense, research review meeting, and candidacy exam during their Ph.D. program. The candidacy exam assesses fundamental knowledge of graduate coursework.
e. M.S. students will complete a formal research thesis and pass an oral thesis defense.
4. International Opportunities: The JI will seek opportunities for students to gain international research experience. We will facilitate:
a. short-term study abroad,
b. joint supervision with UM and other overseas faculty
c. participation in international conferences
For more information about M.S. Program and Ph.D. Program at JI, please go to Graduate.
Application Procedures and Criteria
Interested applicants should complete the JI application package and submit it to the JI Graduate Program Office at:
Graduate Program Office
Room 310
UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
800 DongChuan Road
Shanghai, 200240
Ms. Anita Li,Ms. Sophie Song
021-3420 6045-3101 or 3102
1. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact faculty members directly regarding research opportunities and expectations. The evaluation of individual faculty is an important part of the admission process.
2. Applications will be reviewed once all the relevant materials are received. Admission is determined by:
Academic record for all universities an applicant has attended.
Recommendations from three faculty members who have supervised your coursework or research.
Statement of Purpose for your graduate study objectives.
Personal statement of any special circumstances you would like us to be aware of (optional).
Your performance in an interview process, including evaluation of English proficiency.
Additionally, Chinese applicants without an MS degree must meet the following requirements:
Satisfactory scores in the National Entry Examinations including:
Satisfactory score in a specific Subject Examination given by the SJTU. Refer to the SJTU Graduate Student Recruitment Bulletin for detailed information.
NOTE: An applicant who has been nominated by his/her home university as a direct graduate student is exempted from the National Entry Examinations and the Subject Examination, and may be admitted directly to the graduate program in the Joint Institute.
For the M.S. program, refer to the normal admission procedure specified by the Graduate School of SJTU. For the Ph.D. program, the Joint Institute reviews applications on a continuing basis as applications are received. Applicants should allow at least six weeks for application processing before contacting the JI about their submitted application.