上海交通大学 航空航天学院, 上海 200240
国家科技重大专项(2017-II-0004-0017);航空科学基金(2015ZB57006)Impacts of Blades Considering Manufacturing Tolerances on Aerodynamic Performance of Compressor
ZHUANG Haowan, TENG Jinfang(
School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
TENG Jinfang E-mail:tjf@sjtu.edu.cn摘要/Abstract
摘要: 为了量化轴流压气机叶片几何多种类加工公差对气动性能的综合影响,采用多种类几何加工公差的叶片三维模型构造方法,在设计点工况下,对压气机级样本进行三维计算流体力学数值模拟,并对样本叶片计算结果进行不确定性量化和敏感性分析.选择效率最高和最低的两个典型叶片几何误差案例,研究几何误差对出口流场的影响.结果表明:当压气机级处于设计工作状态时,全部位置度、扭转度和轮廓度公差范围内的叶片几何加工误差对样本叶片的质量流量、总压比、等熵效率、轴向推力和转矩等气动性能参数的平均影响可以忽略;转子叶片转矩的相对变化最大范围为-2.90%~2.30%.压气机级的质量流量和总压比对转子叶片各截面的扭转度公差敏感性最强,等熵效率则由转子叶片叶中截面扭转度、轴向位置度以及叶根截面的轴、周向位置度决定.几何误差的综合作用导致两案例转子叶片的等熵效率较原型的最大相对误差分别为+0.31%和-0.46%.转子叶片出口截面的径向相对总压损失和出口熵云图分布显示,典型几何误差对叶片通道内气流的流通和增压能力均有影响.
关键词: 轴流压气机, 叶片, 加工公差, 气动性能, 不确定性量化
Abstract: In order to quantify the comprehensive impact of multi-type geometric manufacturing tolerances of axial compressor blades on performances, a method of constructing three-dimensional blades with multi-type manufacturing tolerances was designed, and the three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics(CFD) numerical simulations of compressor stage samples at the design point were conducted. Then, the uncertainty quantification analysis and sensitivity analysis were conducted. Finally, the typical results of two blade samples with geometric errors, which have the highest efficiency and the lowest efficiency, respectively, were selected to explore the impacts of their geometric variations on the outlet flow field. The results show that when the compressor stage is working at the design point, the average impact of all real blade manufacturing position, twist, and profile errors within the tolerance on blade performances is negligible. The performances include mass flow rate, total pressure ratio, isentropic efficiency, axial thrust, and torque. However, the torque of rotor relatively changes with a range up to -2.90%-2.30%. The mass flow rate and the total pressure ratio of the compressor stage are most sensitive to the sectional twist of the rotor, while the isentropic efficiency is jointly determined by the twist and axial position of the middle section and the position of the bottom section. With the comprehensive influence of geometric errors, the relative errors of the maximum isentropic efficiency in the two cases are up to +0.31% and -0.46% compared with the original case. The geometric variations change the radial distribution of the relative total pressure loss and the entropy distribution at the rotor outlet obviously, and the flow capacity and the pressurizing ability of blade passage are consequently influenced.
Key words: axial compressor, blade, manufacturing tolerance, aerodynamic performance, uncertainty quantification