

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-12

上海交通大学 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室, 上海 200240
通讯作者:饶柱石,男,教授,博士生导师,电话(Tel.):021-34206813;E-mail: zsrao@sjtu.edu.cn.

Design and Characteristic Analysis of a Bio-Inspired Delay Magnification System

ZHANG Yaqiong,YU Fengning,TA Na,RAO Zhushi
State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China


摘要: 为了有效放大小孔径阵列接收信号间的时间差,提高其定位能力,设计了一个多输入多输出的时延放大系统.首先,对生物耦合结构的二自由度力学模型进行了高维扩展,并对耦合参数与时延放大的关系进行了深入研究;然后,基于高维耦合的力学模型,通过算法的形式实现了一个多输入多输出的时延放大系统,系统参数可根据声源频率进行灵活地调节,从而精确地控制时延放大倍数.实验结果表明:该系统可用于实现小孔径阵列接收信号间的时延放大,改善其定位精度.
关键词: 仿生耦合, 时延放大系统, 小孔径阵列, 声源定位
Abstract: In order to magnify time delays between received signals of small aperture arrays and improve the localization performance of such arrays, a multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) delay magnification system is presented. The mechanical model of the coupled ears is extended to be n-dimensional. Besides, the relationship between coupling parameters and magnification is investigated. Based on the mechanical model, a MIMO delay magnification system is proposed and realized by algorithm. System parameters can be adjusted flexibly according to sound frequency, and the magnification factor can be precisely controlled. Experimental results show that the delay magnification system can be applied to small aperture arrays to magnify the time delay of received signals and improve the sound source localization accuracy.
Key words: biomimetic coupling, delay magnification system, small aperture array, sound source localization


相关话题/系统 信号 力学 博士生导师 设计