浙江大学 建筑工程学院,杭州 310058
国家自然科学基金(51178419),广东省中科化灌工程与材料院士工作站科研基金(2016GZZ07)资助项目Nonlinear Volumetric Constitutive Relations of Saturated Media in Terms of Double-Stress Variables
HU Yayuan,WANG ChaoCollege of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
摘要: 为获得考虑组分基质变形的饱和多孔介质体积本构关系,根据混合物理论,把饱和多孔介质的固相体应变分为固相体积分数应变与固相基质体应变之和.通过推导和分析体积变形功守恒方程,在小应变条件下揭示了Terzaghi有效应力唯一决定固相体积分数应变和固相基质压力唯一决定固相基质体应变的变形规律,并据此提出双应力原理:Terzaghi有效应力与固相基质压力共同决定饱和多孔介质的固相体应变.当忽略固相基质压缩性时,双应力原理退化为有效应力原理.根据上述理论研究成果,结合Lade和De Boer模型试验数据建立了饱和多孔介质非线性体积本构关系式,以验证上述理论的可行性及正确性.最后,基于双应力变量模型讨论了Biot系数、孔压系数和孔隙比随Terzaghi有效应力的变化规律.
关键词: 饱和多孔介质; 本构关系; 体积分数应变; 基质体应变; 有效应力; 双应力原理
Abstract: In order to obtain the volumetric constitutive relations of saturated porous media considering the deformation of component matrices, the volume strain of solid phase in saturated porous media was divided into solid volume fraction strain and solid matrix volume strain on the basis of mixture theory. By means of derivation and analysis of the conservation equation of volume deformation work, the deformation rules were revealed under small strain condition that Terzaghi effective stress determines uniquely the solid volume fraction strain and the solid matrix pressure determines uniquely the solid matrix volume strain, respectively. The double-stress principle was accordingly proposed, that was, Terzaghi effective stress and solid matrix pressure determined the volume deformation of solid phase in saturated porous media together. The double-stress principle degenerated into the effective stress principle when the compressibility of the solid matrix was neglected. On the basis of the above theoretical study results and the data of Lade and de Boer model test, the expression of nonlinear volumetric constitutive relations of saturated porous media was achieved in order to verify the feasibility and correctness of the above theory. Finally, based on the double stress variables model, the variation laws of Biot coefficient, pore pressure coefficient and void ratio with Terzaghi effective stress were discussed.
Key words: saturated porous media; constitutive relation; volume fraction strain; matrix volume strain; effective stress; double-stress principle