上海交通大学 核科学与工程学院, 上海 200240
国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)项目(2015CB057306),国家自然科学基金资助项目(51576125)Crack Life Evaluation of Flywheel for Canned Main Pump
LIU Bingyi,ZHANG Jige,WANG Dezhong,LI BinSchool of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
摘要: 针对结构、受力复杂的双金属屏蔽式核主泵飞轮,提出了新的裂纹寿命评估方法.建立了存在裂纹的三维飞轮模型,应用有限元法计算飞轮裂纹的应力强度因子,揭示了应力强度因子随转速、裂纹深度和长度的变化规律,利用所得规律修正应力强度因子的计算公式,并结合Paris公式对飞轮裂纹进行寿命评估,解决了以往研究方法中存在的适用性问题.
关键词: 屏蔽式主泵, 双金属飞轮, Paris公式, 裂纹寿命评估, 应力强度因子
Abstract: A new crack life assessment method is proposed for the bimetal shielded nuclear main pump flywheel with complex structure and force. This paper establishes a three-dimensional model of canned main pump flywheel with crack and uses the finite element software ANSYS Workbench to analyze the fracture mechanics. Then we find the relationship between the stress intensity factor of flywheel crack with the rotational speed, crack depth and crack length, which is used to fix the formula of stress intensity factor. Moreover, we use the Paris formula to evaluate the life of flywheel crack. The stress distribution of the flywheel and the stress intensity factor of the crack are obtained, and the relationship between crack size and the stress intensity factor is found to calculate the crack life, which is within safety limits. The revised calculation method is adopted to bimetallic flywheel for canned main pump under complex situations and with complex structures.
Key words: canned main pump, bimetallic flywheel, Paris formula, crack life evaluation, stress intensity factor