上海交通大学 制冷与低温研究所, 上海 200240
翟晓强,男,教授,博士生导师,电话(Tel.):021-34206296; E-mail: xqzhai@sjtu.edu.cn.作者简介:
上海交通大学 制冷与低温研究所, 上海 200240Modelling and Simulation of Temperature and Humidity Distribution in Curing Rooms of Concrete
TANG Jiedong,ZHAI XiaoqiangInstitute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
摘要: 针对目前混凝土构件厂生产线主要使用的立体养护仓温湿度分布进行模拟研究.考虑立体养护仓的高温高湿特点,采用壁面冷凝和雾状冷凝模拟养护仓内的凝结放热现象.模拟结果表明:仓室内大部分区域相对湿度都能较快地达到100%,但温度分布极不均匀,上下温差达到26℃.通过改变喷口朝向、位置和数量发现:喷口向下喷时仓室内温度更均匀;喷口高度在仓室总高度的46%~65%区间时,仓室内温度分布的均匀性最好;喷口数量的增加能够改善喷口之间温度的不均匀性.
关键词: 立体式预制构件养护仓, 温湿度分布, 数值模拟, 冷凝模拟, 优化分析
Abstract: Temperature and humidity distribution of curing rooms which are mainly used in the production line of concrete component factory are studied by simulation. Considering high temperature and high humidity in the curing room, wall condensation and mist condensation are used to simulate the condensation in the room. The simulation results show that the relative humidity of most areas reaches 100% very fast, but the temperature distribution is extremely uneven and temperature difference is up to 26℃. In addition, by changing the nozzle orientation, position and quantity, it is found that the temperature is more uniform when the nozzle is downward; when the nozzle is located in 46% to 65% of the total height of the room, the temperature distribution achieves the best uniformity; the increase in the number of nozzles can improve the temperature distribution between the nozzles.
Key words: curing rooms of concrete, temperature and humidity distribution, numerical simulation, condensation simulation, optimization analysis