上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院, 上海 200240
竺晓程,男,副教授, 电话(Tel.):021-34205635;E-mail:zhxc@sjtu.edu.cn.作者简介:
王广(1993-), 男, 湖北省武汉市人, 硕士生, 主要从事叶轮机械叶片优化等研究.基金资助:
国家自然科学基金(51506123),中国博士后基金(2015M571563)资助项目Turbulence Characteristics of Turbulent Wind Field Based on Multifractal Theory
WANG Guang,SHEN Xin,ZHU Xiaocheng,DU ZhaohuiSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
摘要: 为了定量分析风速时间序列的内在波动性,采用多重分形方法研究了湍流风场的脉动特性.基于湍流风谱模型获得了不同地表面粗糙度下的湍流风速时间序列数据,利用结构函数法计算了不同风速时间序列的分形维数,分析了地表面粗糙度对风速时间序列的分形维数的影响,采用多重分形-去趋势波动分析方法对湍流风速时间序列进行多重分形分析,以探讨湍流风场的内在波动性.结果表明,随着风速时间序列的地表面粗糙度的增大,分形维数和Δα(Δα为最大与最小组成元的比值)减小,|Δg|(Δg为最大与最小组成元出现的概率的比值)增大,即风速的脉动幅度减小.
关键词: 湍流风, 地表面粗糙度, 分形维数, 多重分形
Abstract: In order to quantitatively analyze the inherent volatility of wind speed data, multifractal method is used to study the turbulence characteristics of turbulent wind field. The commonly used model of turbulent wind is introduced, based on the model wind speed data of different surface roughness are obtained. The fractal dimensions of different wind speed data are calculated with structure function dimension method, and the influence of surface roughness on the fractal dimension of wind speed data is considered. The wind speed data are analyzed with multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis method to explore the intrinsic structure of turbulent wind. And the results show that the greater the surface roughness is, the smaller the fractal dimension, the smaller the Δα (Δα is the ratio of the largest to the smallest constituent elements), and the bigger the |Δg| (Δg is the ratio of the probability of occurrence of the largest and smallest constituent elements).
Key words: turbulent wind, surface roughness, fractal dimension, multifractal