1. 南京工业大学 机械与动力工程学院, 南京 211816; 2. 南京工业大学 江苏省极端承压装备设计与制造重点实验室, 南京 211816;3. 中国矿业大学 化工学院, 江苏 徐州 221116
巩建鸣,男,教授,博士生导师,电话(Tel.): 025-58139361; E-mail: gongjm@njut.edu.cn.作者简介:
国家自然科学基金项目(51505477)资助Simulation of Hydrogen Diffusion in Duplex Stainless Steel
TAO Ping,WANG Yanfei,GONG Jianming,WU Weijie,LIANG Tao1. School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211816, China; 2. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Design and Manufacture of Extreme Pressure Equipment, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211816, China; 3. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, China
摘要: 利用Abaqus有限元软件建立了氢在含不同奥氏体相体积分数(φγ)双相不锈钢中的二维扩散有限元模型,分析了φγ对氢在双相不锈钢中扩散分布的影响,计算了氢在含不同φγ的模型中的表观扩散系数(Dapp),建立了Dapp与φγ的关系式.结果表明:氢在双相不锈钢中的Dapp随着φγ的增加而降低,并且ln Dapp与φγ之间呈现出线性变化关系;将φγ=44.3%, 50.0%, 57.3% 的3种模型中的奥氏体相沿扩散深度方向延长,以分析氢沿着双相不锈钢横向和纵向组织中的扩散差异.结果表明,氢在纵向组织中的扩散速度更小,氢脆敏感性更弱.
关键词: 氢扩散, 双相不锈钢, 体积分数, 扩散系数
Abstract: Duplex stainless steels (DSS) are subjected to a deleterious effect known as hydrogen embrittlement. Due to the difference of the ratio of various alloying elements and the influence of processing technology, the volume fraction of austenite phase (φγ) will be changed. Hydrogen diffusion models with different φγ were established based on transient finite element mass diffusion in program—Abaqus. In addition, the discrepancies of hydrogen diffusion in both transverse and longitudinal microstructure were implemented. After the simulation analysis, the apparent diffusion coefficients (Dapp) of the models were calculated. The results show that Dapp decreased with the increase of φγ, and there is a linear relationship between ln Dapp and φγ; the values of hydrogen diffusion coefficient are greater when the elongated austenite is orientated parallel with the direction of hydrogen flux, i.e. the transverse samples are more susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement than longitudinal samples.
Key words: hydrogen diffusion, duplex stainless steel (DSS), volume fraction, diffusion coefficient