哈尔滨工程大学 船舶工程学院, 哈尔滨 150001
龚杰(1991-),男,湖北省孝感市人,博士生,主要研究方向为船舶推进与节能和数值水池等技术.通信作者:郭春雨,男,教授,博士生导师,电话(Tel.):0451-82568048; E-mail:guochunyu_heu@outlook.com.基金资助:
国家自然科学基金资助项目(51379043, 51409063)Detached Eddy Simulation of Near Wake Field and Vortex Characteristics for a Ducted Propeller
GONG Jie,GUO Chunyu,WU Tiecheng,SONG Kewei,LIN JianfengCollege of Shipbulding Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China
摘要: 基于分离涡模拟(DES)方法对设计工况下导管桨的近尾流场及尾涡特性进行数值模拟.数值计算中选用Spalart & Allmaras湍流模型封闭N-S方程,采用滑移网格技术及混合网格划分方法完成导管桨敞水性能数值计算.通过分析导管桨瞬态尾流场及尾涡空间结构发现:近尾流场中螺旋桨半径区域瞬态诱导速度大,尾流中分布着连续漩涡结构,尾流加速作用明显.导管桨尾涡主要由导管剪切层涡、叶片涡系及毂涡组成,叶片涡系中包含叶梢涡、叶根涡、毂涡及相邻梢涡带之间诱导产生的S形二次涡;导管桨尾涡结构中多重涡系之间产生复杂干扰,尾涡形态出现融合、扭曲、分解并逐渐扩散.
关键词: 导管桨, 分离涡模拟, 二次涡, 尾涡形态
Abstract: Detached eddy simulation (DES) is employed to simulate the near wake field and vortical characteristics for a ducted propeller under design condition. Spalart & Allmaras model is selected to satisfy the Navier-Stokes equations. Unsteady sliding mesh technique and hybird-grid have been used in the hydrodynamic performance simulation. Based on the analysis of the transient wake field and wake vortex structure, it is found that in the near wake flow field, continuous vortex structures are distributed near the propeller radius region, and the axial velocity is larger in the wake field than that in freestream. The vortex system is composed of shear-layer vortex of the duct, blade vortex system and hub vortex. The blade vortex system contains the tip vortex, root vortex, hub vortex and the S shape secondary vortex, which are induced between two adjacent tip vorteces. There exists complex interference between multiple vortices, which lead to the merging, distortions and breakdown of wake vortex morphology, and gradually diffuse in the downstream.
Key words: vortex morphology, ducted propeller, detached eddy simulation (DES), secondary vortex