

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-12

韦益夫1,2,KAWAMURA Yasumi3,王德禹1,2,3
1. 上海交通大学 海洋工程国家重点实验室, 上海 200240; 2. 上海交通大学 高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心,上海 200240; 3. 横滨国立大学 高等科学研究院, 横滨 240-8501

An Improved Moving Least Square Method and Application in Structural Reliability Analysis

WEI Yifu1,2,KAWAMURA Yasumi3,WANG Deyu1,2,3
1. State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China; 2. Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;3. Institute of Advanced Sciences, Yokohama National University, Yokohama 240-8501, Japan


摘要: 基于移动最小二乘法的响应面法对结构可靠性问题进行分析.在确定样本点权重时,将样本点与中心点、响应面的距离同时作为判断其权重大小的依据,并考虑每次迭代得到的响应面函数对下一迭代的影响域的影响,由此提出改进移动最小二乘法.结果表明,改进方法可有效提高计算精度.
关键词: 可靠性, 响应面法, 移动最小二乘法, 权重, 向量投影法
Abstract: A response surface method using moving least square method is applied for structural reliability analysis in this paper. In each iteration, sampling point’s weight is redefined by not only the distance between the point and center point but also the distance between the point and response surface. Meanwhile, current iteration’s influence domain is transformed according to the last response surface obtained from former iterations. Thus, an improved moving least method is proposed and numerical results indicate the improved method has higher accuracy.
Key words: reliability analysis, response surface method (RSM), moving least square method (MLSM), weight, vector project method (VPM)


相关话题/可靠性 上海交通大学 上海 实验室 计算