南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院, 南京 210016
国家自然科学基金项目(11672127),总装备部探索研究重大项目(NHA13002),中央高校基本科研业务费重大项目培育基金(NP2016412),江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(KYLX15_0254)Investigation on the Camber and Cornering Characteristics of a Catenary Non-Pneumatic Wheel with Brush Model
DU Xianbin,ZHAO Youqun,XIAO Zhen,LIN FenCollege of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
摘要: 为研究外倾角对悬链式非充气车轮侧偏特性的影响,分析了悬链式非充气车轮的结构及承载机制,假定车轮所有弹性均集中在具有刷子变形特征的輮轮胎面,建立了悬链式非充气车轮外倾和侧偏特性刷子理论模型.利用轮胎动态特性试验台对悬链式非充气车轮外倾和侧偏特性进行了试验研究,并将试验数据和理论模型的理论值进行对比分析.结果表明:所建立的理论模型对车轮外倾和侧偏特性的表达具有良好的可靠性;当外倾角与侧偏角同号时,外倾角会使侧向力增大,回正力矩减小,而异号时则会减小侧向力,同时增大回正力矩.研究为悬链式非充气车轮结构的优化设计及复合工况下的理论建模提供了指导.
关键词: 安全轮胎, 外倾, 侧偏, 刷子模型
Abstract: To investigate the influence of camber angle on the cornering characteristics of the catenary non-pneumatic wheel, the wheel structure and bearing mechanism were analyzed. The brush theory model under the combined conditions of camber and cornering was established based on the assumption that the elastic characteristics of catenary non-pneumatic wheel are all concentrated in the tread, which has brush deformation characteristics. The camber and cornering characteristics test was carried out with tire dynamic test rig, and the experimental results and the analytical results of the theory model were compared and discussed in detail. The results show that the established theoretical model can accurately express the camber and cornering characteristics of the catenary non-pneumatic wheel. Moreover, the existence of the camber angle will increase the lateral force and decrease the self-align moment when the camber and sideslip angle are both positive or negative; otherwise, the lateral force will be reduced and the self-align moment will be increased. This research provides a theoretical guidance for the structure optimization and the modeling of the catenary non-pneumatic wheel under the combined conditions.
Key words: run-flat tire, camber, cornering, brush model