上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院, 上海 200240
国家自然科学基金项目(51675330)A Comparative Study on Tissue Injury Caused by Implantation Based on Electrode with the Capability of Micro-Motion Attenuation
TANG Jiaqi,ZHANG Wenguang,CAI Fenglong,YIN XueleSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
摘要: 为了验证具有柔顺机构的减振神经微电极在相应条件下的植入过程中减少生物组织损伤的有效性,基于电极植入损伤评估系统,分别使用减振电极与参照电极在不同的植入深度(轴向位移1.5,3.0和4.5mm)与植入速度(50,100,500,1000,1500和2000μm/s)条件下进行植入损伤对比实验.该实验方法规避了生物活体实验的不确定性,且具有模拟实验的可控性.对比分析结果表明:当植入深度为1.5mm时,减振电极在减小电极植入损伤方面并没有明显优势;植入深度分别为3.0和4.5mm时减振电极最大组织应变均随着植入速度的增加而减小,其在减小组织应变及力学性能方面优势均较为明显.
关键词: 神经电极, 植入参数, 植入损伤, 数字图像相关法, 植入力
Abstract: In order to attest the validity of neural electrode with the capability of micro-motion attenuation, comparative studies based on evaluation system for testing tissue injury were conducted. Different implantation parameters (depth: 1.5, 3, 4.5mm; insertion speed: 50, 100, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000μm/s) were set respectively for the experiment with the micro-motion attenuation electrode and the common electrode to study the affects of the two electrodes. This method is controlable, and can effectly avoid the uncertainty of vivo experiments. The conclusion was found that the modified electrode is not better than the reference electrode at the depth of 1.5mm. But it has obvious advantage on decreasing the tissue injury when the insertion depths are 3mm and 4.5mm.
Key words: neural probe, insertion parameters, tissue injury, digital image correlation, residual force