摘要: 目的·检测新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎(necrotizing enterocolitis,NEC)肠道miR-146a-5p表达水平,并分析其与NEC患儿肠道损伤严重程度的相关性。方法·收集2014年1月—2018年12月于上海交通大学附属儿童医院普外科就诊的NEC和肠闭锁(intestinal atresia,IA)患儿的临床资料。根据肠道组织标本的取材部位,将NEC患儿分为NEC炎症组与NEC未受影响组,以IA患儿的肠道组织标本为对照组(即IA组)。选取5~7日龄C57BL/6J新生小鼠,根据随机数字表将其分为NEC造模组与对照组;前者行造模处理,后者不做处理。处死后,取小鼠的末端回肠组织标本。分别对各组新生小鼠和患儿的组织标本行苏木精-伊红染色,并对小鼠标本行组织病理评级。采用原位杂交检测各组新生小鼠与患儿肠道中miR-146a-5p的表达水平,并分别比较2组新生小鼠、2组患儿的表达差异。对NEC患儿肠道中miR-146a-5p表达水平与组织病理评级行相关性分析,并比较miR-146a-5p高表达(阳性细胞个数≥100个)与低表达(阳性细胞个数<100个)患儿在不同临床资料中的分布情况。结果·①与对照组相比,NEC造模组小鼠的末端回肠组织的病理评级较高,且miR-146a-5p表达水平亦较高(
r=0.578)。③与miR-146a-5p低表达相比,miR-146a-5p高表达患儿中肠道切除长度≥5 cm者较多(
关键词: miR-146a-5p, 坏死性小肠结肠炎, 肠道损伤 Abstract: Objective·To detect the expression level of miR-146a-5p in the intestinal tract of neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), and analyze its correlation with the severity of intestinal injury in children with NEC.
Methods·The clinical data of children with NEC and intestinal atresia (IA) admitted to the Department of General Surgery of Shanghai Children's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University from January 2014 to December 2018 were collected, respectively. According to the location of intestinal tissue samples, children with NEC were divided into NEC-inflamed group and NEC-unaffected group. The intestinal tissue samples of children with IA were used as control group (i.e. IA group). Newborn C57BL/6J mice aged 5-7 days were randomly divided into NEC model group and control group. The former group was treated by modeling, while the latter was not. After the mice were killed, the terminal ileum tissue samples were taken. Hematoxylin-eosin staining was performed on the tissue samples of newborn mice and children in each group, and histopathological grade of mice was performed. The expression level of miR-146a-5p in the intestine of the newborn mice and the children in each group were detected by in situ hybridization, and the differences of expression between the two groups were compared, respectively. The correlation between the expression level of miR-146a-5p and histopathological grade in intestinal tract of children with NEC was analyzed. The distribution of children with miR-146a-5p high expression (positive cells≥100) and low expression (positive cells <100) in different clinical data was compared.
Results·① Compared with the control group, the pathological grade and the expression level of miR-146a-5p (P=0.000) in the terminal ileum of NEC model mice were higher. ② Compared with IA group and NEC-unaffected group, the expression level of miR-146a-5p was higher in NEC-inflamed group (both P=0.000). And the expression level of miR-146a-5p was positively correlated with the pathological grade of intestinal tissues in children with NEC (P=0.015, r=0.578). ③ Compared with miR-146a-5p low expression, the number of children with intestinal resection length ≥5 cm in miR-146a-5p high expression was more (P=0.005).
Conclusion·The high expression of miR-146a-5p is related to the severity of intestinal injury in NEC, suggesting that miR-146a-5p is involved in the occurrence and development of NEC.
Key words: miR-146a-5p, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), intestinal injury PDF全文下载地址: