

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-12


摘要: 釉基质蛋白经研究证实能促进牙周组织再生,随后其被开发成釉基质蛋白衍生物(enamel matrix derivative,EMD)。目前在临床上,EMD已应用20余年,多项临床研究表示其亦具有较突出的牙周组织再生功能。血管生成是组织再生的关键步骤,即新生血管可将多种细胞因子运送到组织缺损区,以促进组织再生。同时,另有文献指出,EMD有成血管作用。该文就EMD对牙周组织再生相关细胞的作用及其成血管作用进行综述。
关键词: 釉基质蛋白衍生物, 血管生成, 血管内皮细胞, 牙周组织再生
Enamel matrix protein has been proved to promote periodontal regeneration, and later developed into enamel matrix derivative (EMD). At present, EMD has been used in clinic for more than 20 years, and a number of clinical studies have shown that it also has a prominent role in periodontal regeneration. Angiogenesis also plays an essential role in tissue regeneration. This process allows the transportation of numerous cytokines to tissue defect areas via newly formed blood vessel, which can then stimulate periodontal regeneration. Several researches have indicated that EMD can stimulate angiogenesis. In this paper, the effects of EMD on periodontal regeneration-related cells and angiogenesis are reviewed.
Key words: enamel matrix derivative (EMD), angiogenesis, vascular endothelial cell, periodontal regeneration


相关话题/组织 细胞 临床 文献 新生