摘要: 目的 ·探究胃泌素对白介素 1β(interleukin-1β,IL-1β)诱导的大鼠关节软骨细胞的保护作用及其机制。方法 ·原代培养并鉴定新生大鼠膝关节软骨细胞,MTT法测定胃泌素对细胞活力的影响。10 ng/mL的 IL-1β诱导软骨细胞 2 d后,胃泌素( 1×10-7 mol/L)处理 3 d,实时荧光定量 PCR检测软骨细胞分解代谢基因基质金属蛋白酶 3(matrix metalloproteinase 3,MMP3)和 MMP13的表达;Western blotting检测胃泌素信号通路中关键蛋白胆囊收缩素 B受体( cholecystokinin B receptor,CCKBR)、细胞外调节蛋白激酶(extracellular regulated protein kinases,ERK)、磷酸化 ERK(phospho-ERK,p-ERK)、P65的表达;另设正常对照组和 IL-1β诱导组。结果 · 1×10-7 mol/L浓度的胃泌素无细胞毒性作用,并能明显抑制 IL-1β诱导的软骨细胞分解代谢基因 MMP3和 MMP13的高表达。与正常对照组比较, IL-1β诱导组及胃泌素处理组 CCKBR的表达均显著升高,且胃泌素处理能显著增加 p-ERK的表达,抑制 P65的表达。结论 ·胃泌素能激活 CCKBR,诱导 ERK磷酸化,抑制 P65的活性,从而拮抗 IL-1β诱导引起的 MMP3和 MMP13 mRNA表达升高,进而可能抑制大鼠软骨细胞分解代谢活动。
关键词: 胃泌素, 软骨细胞, 分解代谢, 分子机制
Objective · To investigate the protective effect of gastrin on rat chondrocytes treated with interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and underlying mechanism . Methods · Chondrocytes of knee joint of newborn rats were isolated and cultured. The effect of gastrin on cell viability was determinedMTT assay. In addition, after being induced with 10 ng/mL of IL-1β for 2 d, the chondrocytes were treated with 1×10-7 mol/L of gastrin for 3 d. The s of chondrocyte catabolic genes, i.e., matrix metalloproteinase 3 (MMP3) and MMP13, and the key proteins in gastrin-related signaling pathway, i.e., cholecystokinin B receptor (CCKBR), extracellular regulated protein kinases (ERK), phospho-ERK (p-ERK) and p65 were detectedreal-time PCR and Western blotting, respectively. Results · Gastrin with the concentration of 1×10-7 mol/L had no cytotoxic effects on the viability of chondrocytes. Based on IL-1β induction, the s of MMP3 and MMP13 genes were significantly downregulatedgastrin. Meanwhile, the of CCKBR in the IL-1β induction group and gastrin treatment groups was higher than that in the normal control group. Gastrin also facilitated the phosphorylation of ERK and resulted in the inhibition of P65. Conclusion · Gastrin increases the phosphorylation level of ERKactivating its receptor CCKBR, thereby inhibiting the activity of P65 in NF-κB pathway, antagonizing the chondrocyte catabolic activity inducedIL-1β.Accordingly, gastrin may possess the potentials of cartilage matrix protection via inhibiting mRNA s of MMP3 and MMP13 and catabolism in rat chondrocytes.
Key words: gastrin, chondrocyte, catabolism, molecular mechanism