摘要: 近年来不孕症的发病率不断上升,其病因的多样性和复杂性给临床诊治带来一定难度。阴道菌群与宿主之间的相互作用对维持女性生理功能至关重要,阴道菌群紊乱与输卵管性不孕、子宫内膜异位症性不孕、无排卵性不孕、特发性不孕等均存在相关性。阴道菌群紊乱在女性不孕症的发生、发展过程中可能发挥一定作用,但目前具体作用机制尚不明确,其可能与乳酸杆菌缺失、慢性炎症反应、体内激素水平紊乱等有关,仍需进一步深入研究。
关键词: 阴道菌群, 不孕症, 细菌性阴道病, 炎症
Recently the incidence of female infertility is on the rise. The variable and complicated caof infertility makes it difficult to diagnose in clinical practise. The relationship between vaginal flora and host immune system plays a vital role in female physiological function. Vaginal microbiota dysbiosis may be related to all kinds of infertility, such as tube infertility, endometriosis, anovulatory infertility and idiopathic infertility. In other words, vaginal microbiota dysbiosis may take part in the infertile process. For now the mechanism is far clear. Some scientists suppose that Lactobacillus deficiency, chronic inflamationandlow estrogen levelmight get involved inthispathophysiological progression,which needs to be studied in the furture.
Key words: vaginal microbiota, femaleinfertility, bacterialvaginosis, inflammation