

上海交通大学 免费考研网/2013-01-07


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This course is designed to increase your effectiveness as a potential manager by introducing you to a framework for understanding organization, the behavior of people and groups within them and the fundamentals of human resource management.The course is concerned with improving your skills as a potential manager to deal with the increasing challenges facing organizations. The diversity of workforces and markets, domestically and globally, tests the skills and creativity of modern managers. New technologies and ever-greater interdependence, between individuals, work groups, and organizations, drastically change the demands on managers and organizations.The course is to help you acquire the knowledge and skills that will result in high performance for your and the organizations you manage. It aims to provide the participants with learning opportunities to enhance their knowledge and understanding of people issues in organizations, based particularly on an examination of the influences of theories and concepts of organizational behavior.


Time & SessionTopicsCases and Discussions1Introduction of the courseProblem Solving ModelCongruence model of organizational Management Manager's role in companiesOrganizational Structure discussion- What are the pros and cons of different organizational structure design? 2Individuals in organizationIndividual characteristics that will influence the individual and organizational performance-Ability and personality-El and Cl-Psychological contract, OCB and job satisfactionExercise: Self-testing on El, Cl3Decision MakingConflict and negotiation in organizationCase study: Carter Racing Club-Will you race or not race? -Why? Decision Making exerciseNegotiation Exercise- Recruiting exercise4Conflict solving styleGroup and Team Self testing on conflict style Case study: Merit Company-What makes a team effective?-How to measure the effectiveness of a team? 5Motivation-Theories and application-Motivation across the cultureDiscussion: what motivates you to work? What factors should a manager consider in developing a motivation system for China (France, etc)?6LeadershipManagement and LeadershipDifferences and SimilaritiesEffective Leadership: theories and practice Entering into the fundamental state of LeadershipCase Study: ZHANG Ruimin's Leadership-What did ZHANG Ruimin do to lead the Haier Company? -How will you evaluate his leadership characteristics or style? -Any differences between Chinese Leadership and Western Leadership? -Exercise: What's your Leadership Credo? 7Culture and Organizational CultureNegotiation CultureOrganizational CultureNational culture and organizational culture8Organizational change9Team project presentation




Attendance10%Participation (preparation, homework, exercise, etc.) 20%Team project presentation30%Individual final assignment40%Total100%

参 考 文 献
  • Textbook Organizational Behavior, 11th (2004) Robbins, S. Prentice Hall, 2004Other readingsCongruence Model of Organizational EffectivenessEearley, C. Cultural Intelligence, HBR, October 2004This hidden Traps of Decision Making, HBR, January 2006What you don't know about decision-makingA note for analyzing work groups, HBS case, #9-496-026Goleman, D. What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review, 1998Quinn, R. E. Moments of Greatness: Entering the Fundamental State of Leadership, Harvard Business Review, July-August 2005Case: the Haier Group. HBS Case, #9-398-101Hofstede G, Cultural Constraints in Management theories, Academy of Management Executive, 7, 1, 81-94Kim. J. Y, S. H., the concept and dynamics of face: Implication for organizational behavior in Asia, Organizational Science/Vol.. 9, No. 4, July-August 1998 Koopman, P. L. Den Hartog, D. N. National culture and leadership profiles in Europe: Some results from the GLOBE Study, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1999, 8 (4)Li, ji, Karakowsky, Leonard: Do wew see eye-to-eye? Implications of culture Differences for Cross-Cultural Management Research and Practice, The Journal of Psychology, 2001, 135(5), 501-517