

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27


photo 基本信息
姓名: 傅育熙
性别: 男
职务: 上海交大计算机系系主任、
职称: 教授、博导

E-mail: fu-yx@cs.sjtu.edu.cn


教育背景 1981年9月--1986年6月,同济大学计算机本科生


1988年4月,由国家教委公派到英国曼彻斯特大学(Manchester University)计算机系攻读博士学位,导师是David Rydeheard,研究领域是理论计算机科学,专攻类型理论和范畴语义

1992年10月,获博士学位,论文题目为“类型理论中的语义问题”。考官是著名数理逻辑学家Peter Aczel和著名数学家Martin Hyland
工作经历 1993年,英国曼彻斯特大学(Manchester University)计算机系研究员,参与研究欧共体项目“计算机科学中的范畴逻辑”









学术兼职 上海高校软件理论研究中心主任







获奖情况 1994年度上海交通大学计算机系优秀教师













1、 八六三项目:新型逻辑框架和新型计算模型,批准号为863-306-05-09-1D,一九九四年一月至一九九五年十二月,结题。经费额:5万
2、 国家教委留学回国人员基金:逻辑类型理论,一九九五年一月至一九九七年十二月,结题。经费额:5万
3、 自然科学基金(青年):逻辑类型理论的语义及其应用,批准号为69503006,一九九六年一月至一九九七年十二月,结题。经费额:10万
4、 八六三项目:并发计算的元模型,批准号为863-306-ZT06-02-2,一九九八年一月至二零零零年十二月,结题。经费额:20万
5、 自然科学基金:并发计算模型?-演算的理论研究,批准号为69873032,一九九九年一月至二零零一年十二月,结题。经费额:11万
6、 自然科学基金:内类型理论,批准号为69973030,二零零零年一月至二零零二年十二月。经费额:10万
7、 教育部资助优秀青年教师:基本并发计算模型的理论研究,二零零零年一月至二零零一年十二月。经费额:8万
8、 高等学校骨干教师资助计划:元并发模型的理论研究,二零零零年一月至二零零一年十二月。经费额:6万
9、 教育部博士点基金:并发计算模型CHI-演算的互模拟格理论,二零零二年一月至二零零三年十二月。经费额:5万
10、 国家杰出青年基金,二零零三年一月至二零零六年十二月。经费额:100万
1、 上海市科委重点项目:网格计算中的算法、验证及模型研究,项目编号:025115032,二零零二年七月至二零零三年十二月。经费额:20万


1、 Yuxi Fu, 1992. Some Semantic Issues In Type Theory, PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester.

2、 Yuxi Fu, 1992. Topics in Type Theory, Technical Report, UMCS-92-11-1, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester.
3、 Yuxi Fu, 1992. Understanding Inductive Types in Constructions. Announced at the 8th International Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics. Also appearred as Technical Report UMCS-93-6-5, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester.
4、 Yuxi Fu, 1993. Categorical Properties of Logical Framework. Technical Report, UMCS-93-6-3, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester.
5、 Yuxi Fu, 1993. Encodings in Polymorphism, Revisited. Technical Report, UMCS-93-6-4, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester.
6、 Yuxi, 1993. Recursive Models of General Inductive Types. Technical Report, UMCS-93-6-6, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester.
7、 Yuxi Fu, 1994. Internal Typed Calculi and Frame Languages. Proceedings of International Workshop on Advanced Software Technology, 153--166.
8、 Yuxi Fu, 1995. Reductional Semantics for Finite Communicating Systems. Inaugural Workshop of the International Institute for General Systems Studies, July 13-15, USA.
9、 Yuxi Fu, 1995. Reductional Semantics of Communicating Systems. Journal of Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 25-30.
10、 Yuxi Fu, 1996. Recursive Models of General Inductive Types. Fundamenta Informaticae, 26:2, 115-131.
11、 Yuxi Fu, 1996. Equalities Defined in Logical Frameworks. The Sixth Asian Logic Conference, May 20-24, Proceedings of Sixth Asian Logic Conference, 9-19.
12、 Yuxi Fu, 1996. A Decidable Interpretation of Constructive Sets. The Sixth Asian Logic Conference, May 20-24, Proceedings of Sixth Asian Logic Conference, 20-34.
13、 傅育熙,1996. 逻辑框架的语法,语用及语义---逻辑框架中的内范畴,第六届全国青年计算机工作者会议论文集,717-720.
14、 傅育熙,1996. 逻辑框架的语法,语用及语义---编码的语义,全国理论计算机科学年会.
15、 傅育熙,1996. A Proof Theoretical Approach to Reynolds" Result,全国理论计算机科学年会.
16、 傅育熙、宋哲弦,、孙永强,1996. 逻辑框架的语法,语用及语义---新型逻辑框架的语法和语用,软件学报,第七卷,224-231.
17、 Yuxi Fu, 1997. Categorical Properties of Logical Frameworks. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 7, 1-47, CUP.
18、 Yuxi Fu, 1997. The c-Calculus. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing, 74-81, IEEE Computer Society Press.
19、 Yuxi Fu, 1997. A Proof Theoretical Approach to Communications. ICALP"97, July 7th-11th, Bologna, Italy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1256, 325-335, Springer.
20、 Yuxi Fu, 1997. A Graph Model of Computation. International Workshop on Formal Model of Programming.

21、 Yuxi Fu, 1997. Constructive Sets in Computable Sets. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol.12, 425-440.
22、 Yuxi Fu, 1997. A Note on Weak Fibrations. COMLAN"97.
23、 傅育熙,1997. 类型理论原理,软件学报,六月.
24、 傅育熙,1997. 逻辑框架的语义模型,软件学报,六月.
25、 傅育熙,1997. 移动进程的对称形式,1997年全国理论计算机年会论文集.
26、 傅育熙,1997. 一新型移动进程模型--c-演算,交大学报,第31卷第8期,7-11.
27、 傅育熙,1997. 高阶c-进程, 交大学报,第31卷第8期,40-43.
28、 傅育熙,1998. 归纳类型的构造集语义,软件学报,第九卷,第三期, 236-240.

29、 Yuxi Fu, 1998. Examples of Categorical Recursion. Chinese Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 3, 89-102.

30、 Yuxi Fu, 1998. Symmetric c-Calculus. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 13, 202-208.
31、 Yuxi Fu, 1998. Reaction Graph. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 13, 510-530.
32、 Yuxi Fu, 1998. Structures Defined in Polymorphism. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 13, 579-587.
33、 Yuxi Fu, 1998. Bisimulation Lattice of Chi Processes. Advances in Computing Science-ASIAN’98, 8-10 December, Manila, The Philippines, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1538, 245-262, Springer.
34、 傅育熙、吴永辉,1999. 对中国计算机事业发展的若干思考,计算机工程
35、 Yuxi Fu, 1999. Relative Properties of Frame Language. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 14, 320-327.
36、 Yuxi Fu, 1999. Open Bisimulations on Chi Processes. CONCUR’99, 24-27 August, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1664, 304-319, Springer.
37、 Yuxi Fu, 1999. Variations on Mobile Processes. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 221, 327-368, Elsevier Science Publisher.
38、 傅育熙,2000. 并发计算的元模型(I) ?图模型,交大学报,第34卷,第6期,723-725. (EIP01015501655)
39、 傅育熙,2000. 并发计算的元模型(II) 对称通讯,交大学报,第34卷,第6期,727-731. (EIP01015501656)
40、 傅育熙,2000. 并发计算的元模型(III) 互模拟格,交大学报,第34卷,第6期,732-736. (EIP01015501657)

41、 傅育熙,2000. 并发计算的元模型(IV) 公理化,交大学报,第34卷,第7期,859-863. (EIP01015502352)
42、 傅育熙,2000. 并发计算的元模型(V) 并发模型间的关系,交大学报,第34卷,第7期,864-867. (EIP01015501653)
43、 Yuxi Fu, Zhengrong Yang, 2000. Chi Calculus with Mismatch. CONCUR 2000, 22-25 August, Pennsylvenia, USA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1877, 596-610, Springer.
44、 Yuxi Fu, Zhengrong Yang, 2000. The Ground Congruence for Chi Calculus. FST&TCS 2000, December 13-15, India, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1974, 385-396, Springer.
45、 Yuxi Fu, 2000. On the Internal Structures of Inductive Types. Science in China (Series E), 43, 542-560.
46、 Yuxi Fu, 2001. A Functional Presentation of Pi Calculus. Science in China (Series F, Information Sciences), 44 (1), 20-32.
47、 Yuxi Fu, 2001. Semantics of Constructions (I)---The Traditional Approach. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 16 (1), 13-25.
48、 Yuxi Fu, 2001. Semantics of Constructions (II)---The Initial Algebraic Approach. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 16(2), 137-145.
49、 Yuxi Fu, 2001. Axiomatization without Prefix Combinator. Domains and Processes, K. Keimel et al eds., 245-273, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
50、 傅育熙,2001. 移动进程演算中的开互模拟,计算机学报,第24卷,第7期,673-679

51、 Yuxi Fu, 2002. Testing Congruence for Mobile Process. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 17(1), 73-82.
52、 Yuxi Fu, Zhengrong Yang. Understanding the Mismatch Combinator in Chi Calculus. To appear in Theoretical Computer Science.
53、 Yuxi Fu, Zhengrong Yang. Tau Laws for Pi Calculus. To appear in Theoretical Computer Science.
54、 Yuxi Fu. Bisimulation Congruences of Chi Calculus. To appear in Information and Computation.
1、 宋哲弦、傅育熙,1996. 进程的归约,交大学报,第30卷,第6期, 47-51.

2、 杜理渊、陈伟杰、傅育熙,1998. CORBA/IIOP的语义初探,交大学报,卷32,62-65.

3、 陈伟杰、杜理渊、傅育熙,1998. 用进程代数描述CORBA请求调用,交大学报,卷32,58-61.

4、 杜理渊、陈伟杰、傅育熙,1998. CORBA/IIOP的p-演算模型,第七届全国青年计算机学术会议论文集,3-20,上海科技文献出版社.

5、 陈伟杰、杜理渊、傅育熙,1998. CORBA请求调用的语义初探,第七届全国青年计算机学术会议论文集,67-73,上海科技文献出版社.

6、 吴习民、傅育熙,1998. 继承的c-语义,第七届全国青年计算机学术会议论文集,743-748,上海科技文献出版社.

7、 杨震荣、傅育熙,2000. c-演算的L-互模拟格,计算机科学,第27卷,增刊,1-5,2000.

8、 Yuxin Deng, Yuxi Fu, 2001. Algorithm for Verifying Strong Open Bisimulation in Full ?-Calculus, Journal Shanghai Jiaotong University, Vol.6, No.2, 147-152.

9、 林 敏、傅育熙,2001. 元CHI进程互模拟等价的一致性,软件学报,第12卷,第12期,1793-1798.

1、 傅育熙,1998. 第七届全国青年计算机学术会议论文集,上海科技文献出版社,主编.

2、 傅育熙,1998. 程序设计语言的设计与实现,电子工业出版社,编译,第一作者.

3、 傅育熙,2001. 程序设计语言的设计与实现,电子工业出版社,编译,第一作者.

1、 Yuxi Fu. A Schematic Axiom for Open Congruence, submitted to Science in China.

1、 Yuxi Fu. Some Semantic Issues In Type Theory, PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester, 1992.

2、 Yuxi Fu. Recursive Models of General Inductive Types. Fundamenta Informaticae, 26, 115-131, 1996. (EI96063208338)

3、 Yuxi Fu. Categorical Properties of Logical Frameworks. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 7, 1-47, 1997.

4、 Yuxi Fu. The c-Calculus. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing, 74-81, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997.

5、 Yuxi Fu. A Proof Theoretical Approach to Communications. ICALP"97, July 7th-11th, Bologna, Italy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1256, 325-335, Springer, 1997. (SCI-BL41H)

6、 Yuxi Fu. Constructive Sets in Computable Sets. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 12, 425-440, 1997. (EI97103880940)

7、 Yuxi Fu. Symmetric p-Calculus. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 13, 202-208, 1998. (EI98064246242)

8、 Yuxi Fu. Reaction Graph. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 13, 510-530, 1998. (EI98124496716)

9、 Yuxi Fu. Structures Defined in Polymorphism. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 13, 579-587, 1998. (EI98124496722)

10、 Yuxi Fu. Bisimulation Lattice of Chi Processes. Advances in Computing Science-ASIAN?8, 8-10 December, Manila, The Philippines, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1538, 245-262, Springer, 1998. (SCI-BP55K)

11、 Yuxi Fu. Relative Properties of Frame Language. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 14, 320-327, 1999. (EI99084757254)

12、 Yuxi Fu. Open Bisimulations on Chi Processes. CONCUR?9, 24-27 August, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1664, 304-319, Springer, 1999. (SCI-BQ22X)

13、 Yuxi Fu. Variations on Mobile Processes. Theoretical Computer Science, 221, 327-368, Elsevier Science Publisher, 1999. (SCI-214LA)

14、 Yuxi Fu, Zhengrong Yang. Chi Calculus with Mismatch. CONCUR 2000, 22-25 August, Pennsylvenia, USA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1877, 596-610, Springer, 2000.

15、 Yuxi Fu, Zhengrong Yang. The Ground Congruence for Chi Calculus. FST&TCS 2000, December 13-15, India, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1974, 385-396, Springer, 2000. (SCI-BS71L)

16、 Yuxi Fu. On the Internal Structures of Inductive Types. Science in China (Series E), 43, 542-560, 2000. (SCI-370WR)

17、 Yuxi Fu. A Functional Presentation of Pi Calculus. Science in China (Series F, Information Sciences), 44 (1), 20-32, 2001.

18、 Yuxi Fu. Semantics of Constructions (I)---The Traditional Approach. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 16 (1), 13-25, 2001. (SCI-399FX) (EI01035580197)

19、 Yuxi Fu. Semantics of Constructions (II)---The Initial Algebraic Approach. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 16(2), 137-145, 2001. (SCI-415MY) (EI01286575387)

20、 Yuxi Fu. Axiomatization without Prefix Combinator. Domains and Processes, K. Keimel et al eds., 245-273, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.

21、 Yuxi Fu. Testing Congruence for Mobile Process. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 17(1), 73-82, 2002. (SCI-517VP)

22、 Yuxi Fu, Zhengrong Yang. Understanding the Mismatch Combinator in Chi Calculus. To appear in Theoretical Computer Science.

23、 Yuxi Fu, Zhengrong Yang. Tau Laws for Pi Calculus. To appear in Theoretical Computer Science.

24、 Yuxi Fu. Bisimulation Congruences of Chi Calculus. To appear in Information and Computation.


1、 并行理论
2、 程序语义与l-演算
3、 科技英语
4、 离散数学