

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27

韩茂安,数学系副系主任,教授,博士生导师,生于1961年12月, 中共党员(92年10月入党), 1982年3月毕业于山东科技大学数学系, 1987年6月在南京大学获得博士学位。已主讲过数学分析线性代数常微分方程泛函分析等本科生课程及拓扑学常微定性理论非线性系统稳定性分析动力系统分支理论等研究生课程, 已独立指导6名研究生。作为负责人主持完成了两项国家自然科学基金项目, 一项国家教委优秀年轻教师基金项目及三项省部级基金项目。韩茂安于1990年至1991年赴英国Warwick大学访问半年(公派), 1994年7月受国际数学联合会资助赴瑞士参加国际数学家大会, 1995年6月至1998年8月分别赴美国和北京大学参加国际动力系统会议, 1998年9月至1999年8月赴美国Georgia Institute of Technology 访问进修; 已发表学术论文90多篇, 经常为中国科学数学年刊数学学报科学通报等重要刊物评审论文, 合作出版著作三部, 其中一部为第一作者;1992年获得国务院特殊津贴, 1994年获得国家人事部授予中青年有突出贡献专家;1991年被聘请为美国数学评价评价员, 美国数学会会员, 1994年1992年两次被世界数学联合会列入世界数学家名录, 1997年获国家教委科技进步三等奖, 1997年至1998年获上海交大教学优秀奖, 1999年春被聘请为微分方程年刊编辑委员会委员及上海交大博士生导师。

  电话:021- 62932781, 62933737 传真:021-62932781, 62933737 Email: mahan@mail.sjtu.edu.cn

  4、奇摄动系统的渐近性态                     <<<返回

  近五年来, 一直从事微分方程定性理论与动力系统分支理论的研究, 在极限环的Hofp分支、Poincare分支、同宿异宿分支、亚调和解与不变环面的分支及高维系统周期解的局部与非局部分支等方面获得一系列较完整、系统的理论成果。 给出了寻求Hamilton 系统的扰动系统的环性数的一般方法, 获得了一般情况下二阶Melnikov函数的表达式, 找出了一阶Melnikov函数的导数与系统发散量积分的关系, 解决了几类常见的余维2分支中有关异宿环产生唯一极限环的遗留问题, 证明了二次Hamilton 系统的同宿环在任意多参数二次扰动下的环性数为2。
  研究了高阶尖点的多参数开折系统, 证明了关于极限环最大个数的猜想, 获得了非退化强共振分支中局部周期解的最大个数, 纠正了国外专家的结果。获得了可积系统的双同宿环与两异宿环至多产生两个环的条件。所有这些结果丰富了动力系统分支理论的基本内容和方法, 用独特的方法创造性地发展了这门学科的新理论。 这些理论具有重要的价值和广阔的应用前景。


  1. 美国MR评论员,美国数学会会员。
  2. 德国数学文摘评论员。
  3. 上海市非线性科学研究会副理事长。
  4. 上海市数学会理事。
  5. Commu. on Applied and Pure Analysis 主编。
  6. Disc. and Contin. Dyn. Sys. (B) 编委。
  7. Intern. J. of nonl. Modelling in Sci. and Engin. 编委。
  8. Ann. of Diff. Equs. 编委。
  9. 宁夏大学兼职教授。                             <<<返回


  1. 1989.10━1990.5 访问英国Warwick大学(访问学者)。
  2. 1994. 8 被邀参加在瑞士苏黎士举行的国际数学家大会。
  3. 1995. 5 被邀参加在 Atlomta 举行的动力系统与应用国际会议。
  4. 1995. 8被邀参加在武汉华中师大举行微分方程和控制论国际会议。
  5. 1998.9━1999.7 访问Georgia Institute of Technology的动力系统中心(高访学者)。
  6. 1999. 5 被邀参加在Atlomta举行的动力系统与微分方程国际会议。
  7. 1999. 7 被邀参加在香港浸会大学举行的亚洲动力系统国际会议。
  8. 2000. 5 被邀参加在Atlomta举行的动力系统与微分方程国际会议。
  9. 2001. 7 被邀参加在北京大学举行的微分方程与动力系统国际会议。
  10. 2001. 7 被邀参加在加拿大Ontario 省的London市举行的动力系统与微分方程国际会议。
  11. 2001. 8 被邀参加在加拿大Scotia举行的动力系统及其生物学中的应用国际研讨会。
  12. 2001.12 被邀参加在台湾举行的华人数学家大会。                <<<返回


  1. 国家自然科学基金项目:动力系统的周期解(1989━1991,负责)。
  2. 国家自然科学基金项目:对称分支,对称破缺与周期扰动系统 (1993━1995,负责)。
  3. 国家教委优秀年轻教师基金:动力系统的同宿分支(1995━1998,负责)。
  4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:常微分方程分支理论与多项式系统的定性理论。(1996━2001,参加)。
  5. 全国高校骨干教师基金:平面多项式系统的环性数 (1997━2000,负责)。
  6. 上海市曙光计划项目:动力系统的全面分支理论及应用(1999━2000,负责)。    <<<返回


  1. 1992年获山东省科技进步三等奖一项(第一位)。
  2. 1994年获山东省科技进步三等奖一项(第二位)。
  3. 1996年获山东省科技进步三等奖一项(第一位)。
  4. 1997年获教育部科技进步三等奖一项(第二位)。
  5. 1992年享受国务院政府特殊津贴。
  6. 1994年获被国家人事部授予中青年有突出贡献的专家称号。
  7. 1995年被评为山东省专业技术拔尖人才。
  8. 1996年被评为山东省优秀青年标兵。                       <<<返回

  1. 朱德明,韩茂安, 光滑动力系统,华东师范大学出版社,1993.
  2. 韩茂安,朱德明,微分方程分支理论,煤炭工业出版社,1994。
  3. 罗定军,王现,朱德明,韩茂安,Bifurcation Theory and Methods of Dynamical System, World Scientific, 新加坡,1997
  4. 韩茂安,顾圣士,非线性系统的理论和方法,科学出版社,2001。
  5. 韩茂安, 动力系统的周期解与分支理论,科学出版社,2002。            <<<返回

  1. M. Han, Erratum to: ``On periodic, unbounded and oscillating solutions of the system $/dot x=/varphi(y)-F(x), /;/dot y=-g(x)$"" [Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Shuxue Bannian Kan 1 (1984), no./ 1, 89--101; MR 86c:34074],Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Shuxue Bannian Kan 1 (1984), no.2, 144; MR 87f:34044
  2. M. Han, On periodic, unbounded and oscillating solutions of the system /dot x=/varphi (y)-F(x),/dot y=-g(x), Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Shuxue Bannian Kan 1 (1984), no.1, 89--101; MR 86c:34074
  3. M. Han, Bounded, periodic, or oscillating solutions of nonlinear second-order equations with negative damping,Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Ziran Kexue Ban (1984), no.1, 9--20; MR 86c:34065
  4. M. Han, Conditions for the differential equations $/dot x=-/phi(y)-F(x),/;/dot y=-g(x)$ to have a center, Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Shuxue Bannian Kan 2 (1985), no.2, 235--237; CNO CMP 834 308
  5. M. Han, Criteria for the existence of closed orbits of autonomous systems in the plane,Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Ziran Kexue Ban 21 (1985), no.2, 233--244; CNO CMP 824 925
  6. M. Han, Uniqueness of limit cycles of a quadratic system of type (III) n=0 around a focus of order 2, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A 6 (1985), no.6, 661--668; MR 87h:34035
  7. M. Han, On limit cycle of a biochemical reaction system,Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Shuxue Bannian Kan 3 (1986), no.1, 50--53; MR 88a:92005
  8. M. Han, The property of limit sets of continuous flows on surfaces,Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Shuxue Bannian Kan 4 (1987), no.1, 83--86; MR 89b:58219
  9. M. Han, Periodic solutions of nonlinear differential systems,Ann. Differential Equations 3 (1987), no.2, 145--150; MR 88m:34037
  10. M. Han, The problem of limit cycles of nonlinear equations,Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Ziran Kexue Ban 23 (1987), no.4, 625--636; MR 89m:70040
  11. M. Han, Unique ergodicity of flows on the torus and the rotation number,Acta Math. Sinica (N.S.) 4 (1988), no.4, 338--342; MR 90d:58077
  12. M. Han, The rotation number and direction of a continuous flow on the torus,Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B 9 (1988), no.2, 207--215; MR 90c:58158
  13. M. Han, Existence of closed or singular closed orbits of continuous flows on surfaces,Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Shuxue Bannian Kan 5 (1988), no.2, 198--202; MR 90b:58230
  14. M. Han, Periodic orbits and P stable orbit closures of continuous flows on surfaces,Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B 9 (1988), no.3, 274--282; MR 89m:58172
  15. M. Han, Conditions for a diffeomorphism to be embedded in a C flow,Acta Math. Sinica (N.S.) 4 (1988), no.2, 111--123; MR 89k:58264
  16. M. Han, Embeddings of homeomorphisms in flows and their application, J. Math. Res. Exposition 8 (1988), no.3, 380--382; MR 89i:58127
  17. M. Han, Properties in the large of quadratic systems in the plane,Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B 10 (1989), no.3, 312--322; MR 91g:58242
  18. M. Han, A geometric property of vector fields on R^n, Chinese Quart. J. Math. 4 (1989), no.1, 24--31; MR 90k:58202
  19. M. Han, Existence of limit cycles for quadratic systems with one infinite.. singular point,Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B 10 (1989), no.2, 261--271; MR 90i:34049
  20. M. Han, Global properties of differential equations with multiple singular points,Acta Math. Sinica 33 (1990), no.5, 684--693; MR 91i:34025
  21. M. Han, A class of limit cycles of differential equations with three singular points,Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A 12 (1991), no.3, 349--355; MR 92k:34032
  22. M. Han, Existence and uniqueness of limit cycles surrounding multiple singular points for a class of equations,Acta Math. Appl. Sinica 14 (1991), no.2, 192--196; MR 96a:34054
  23. M. Han, Research methods for two-dimensional Lienard systems and their results,Shandong Kuangye Xueyuan Xuebao 10 (1991), no.4, 418--437; MR 92m:34070
  24. M. Han, D. Luo and D. Zhu, Uniqueness of limit cycles bifurcating from a singular closed orbit. III,Acta Math. Sinica 35 (1992), no.5, 673--684; MR 94g:34055
  25. M. Han, The structure of the orbits near a hyperbolic fixed point,Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Shuxue Bannian Kan 9 (1992), no.2, 181--190; MR 94c:58143
  26. D. Luo, D. Zhu and M. Han, Periodic solutions of forced Lienard equations, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B 13 (1992), no.3, 341--349; MR 94b:34057
  27. M. Han and D. Luo, Bifurcation of singular closed orbit with a saddle-node,Ann. Differential Equations 8 (1992), no.4, 455--462; MR 94b:34053
  28. M. Han, D. J. Luo and D. M. Zhu, Uniqueness of limit cycles bifurcating from a singular closed orbit. II,Acta Math. Sinica 35 (1992), no.4, 541--548; MR 93k:34085
  29. D. Luo, M. Han and D. Zhu, Uniqueness of limit cycles bifurcating from a singular closed orbit. I,Acta Math. Sinica 35 (1992), no.3, 407--417; MR 93k:34084
  30. M. Han and C. Wang, Global analysis of two classes of cubic systems,Gaoxiao Yingyong Shuxue Xuebao 8 (1993), no.1, Ser. A, 36--44; MR 94c:34041
  31. M. Han and Y. Sha, Bifurcation of periodic orbits with codimension two singularities,Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Shuxue Bannian Kan (1993), suppl., 162--169; MR 94m:34095
  32. M. Han, Bifurcation of limit cycles for higher-dimensional systems,Acta Math. Sinica 36 (1993), no.6, 805--807; MR 95a:34057
  33. M. Han, Stability of the equator and bifurcation of limit cycles,in Dynamical systems (Tianjin, 1990/1991), 79--85, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, (1993); MR 96d:34031
  34. Y. Zhou and M. Han, Existence of at most two limit cycles surrounding multiple singular points,Acta Math. Sinica 36 (1993), no.~4, 505--515; MR 94j:34034
  35. M. Han, Bifurcations of invariant tori and subharmonic solutions for periodic perturbed systems,Sci. China Ser. A 37 (1994), no.11, 1325--1336; MR 96b:34054
  36. M. Han, On sufficient conditions for certain two-dimensional systems to have at most two limit cycles,J. Differential Equations 107 (1994), no.2, 231--237; MR 94m:34066
  37. M. Han, Bifurcation of periodic orbits for three-dimensional systems,Acta Math. Appl. Sinica 18 (1995), no.4, 528--537; MR 97e:34067
  38. M. Han and K. Jiang, On the global bifurcation of limit cycles on the plane,Comm. Appl. Nonlinear Anal. 2 (1995), no.3, 97--114; MR 96m:34049
  39. M. Han and K. Jiang, Bifurcation from a periodic orbit to a torus,Dynam. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Systems 1 (1995), no.2, 267--281; MR 96j:34068
  40. M. Han and L. Li, The uniqueness of limit cycles bifurcating from a homoclinic or heteroclinic loop, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A 16 (1995), no.5, 645--651; MR 96j:34052
  41. M. Han and Z. Wang, On limit cycles of a generalized Li/"enard system,Dynam. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Systems 1 (1995), no.1, 79--89; MR 96i:34054
  42. M. Han and B. Feng, Global properties of Lienard equations with a higher-order singular point,J. Math. Res. Exposition 15 (1995), no.2, 257--260; MR 96g:34047
  43. M. Han, Boundedness of a class of generalized Lienard equations,Kexue Tongbao (Chinese) 40 (1995), no.21, 1925--1928; CNO CMP 1 396 208
  44. L. Yao and M. Han, Uniqueness of limit cycles for a class of cubic systems,Shandong Kuangye Xueyuan Xuebao 14 (1995), no.2, 194--195; CNO CMP 1 381 637    45. M. Han, Uniqueness of limit cycles in codimension two bifurcations, Chinese Sci. Bull. 40 (1995), no.21, 1766--1771; CNO CMP 1 371 002
  46. M. Han, On the existence of symmetric periodic solutions of a differential difference equation,in Differential equations and control theory (Wuhan, 1994), 73--77, Dekker, New York, (1996); CNO CMP 1 371 833
  47. M. Han and K. Jiang, Local bifurcation of periodic solutions in general autonomous systems,Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A 17 (1996), no.2, 179--188; MR 97c:34081
  48. K. Jiang and M. Han, Boundedness of solutions and existence of limit cycles for a nonlinear system,Nonlinear Anal. 26 (1996), no.12, 1995--2006; MR 97c:34057
  49. M. Han and K. Jiang, Existence and uniqueness of the periodic orbits of a class of cylinder equations,J. Math. Anal. Appl. 200 (1996), no.1, 106--120; MR 97b:34028
  50. M. Han and K. Jiang, The uniqueness of limit cycles bifurcating from a heteroclinic loop,in Proceedings of Dynamic Systems and Applications, Vol./ 2 (Atlanta, GA, 1995), 223--229, Dynamic, Atlanta, GA, (1996); MR 97m:58161
  51. M. Han and K. Jiang, Local bifurcation of periodic solutions in general autonomous systems,Chinese J. Contemp. Math. 17 (1996), no.2, 137--148; MR 97m:34074
  52. M. Han et al., Existence and uniqueness of non-zero-homotopic periodic orbits for a cylinder system,Ann. Differential Equations 12 (1996), no.3, 285--291; MR 97m:34073
  53. X. Wang, B. Feng and M. Han, Global attractiveness of the zero solution to nonlinear differential equations and the existence of limit cycles surrounding higher-order singular points,Math. Appl. 9 (1996), no.4, 514--518; MR 97k:34042
  54. M. Han and D. Zhu, Bifurcations of invariant tori in the case of strong resonance,Acta Math. Sinica 39 (1996), no.1, 96--101; MR 97i:58125
  55. M. Han, Bifurcation theory of invariant tori of planar periodic perturbed systems, Sci. China Ser. A 39 (1996), no.5, 509--519; MR 97f:58094
  56. X. Zhuo and M. Han, The number of limit cycles for a class of two-dimensional systems, Math. Appl. 10 (1997), no.1, 26--30; MR 97j:34038
  57. M. Han and Z. Wang, The differentiability problem for Mel/cprime nikov functions at a center,J. Systems Sci. Math. Sci. 17 (1997), no.3, 269--274; MR 99d:34062
  58. M. Han, Cyclicity of planar homoclinic loops and quadratic integrable systems,Sci. China Ser. A 40 (1997), no.12, 1247--1258; MR 99b:34059
  59. M. Han, Bifurcation of limit cycles and the cusp of order $n$,Acta Math. Sinica (N.S.) 13 (1997), no.1, 64--75; MR 98i:34048
  60. M. Han and C. Wang, Two problems on the stability of generalized Li/"enard equations,Gaoxiao Yingyong Shuxue Xuebao Ser. A 12 (1997), no.3, 273--278; MR 98h:34093
  61. M. Han, The uniqueness of a class of limit cycles bifurcating from a heteroclinic loop,Acta Math. Sinica 40 (1997), no.2, 246--252; MR 98h:34054
  62. L. Li, L.Tang and M. Han, Stability criteria for a class of periodic linear systems,Qufu Shifan Daxue Xuebao Ziran Kexue Ban 23 (1997), no.2, 1--4; MR 98g:34087
  63. M. Han, Periodic perturbation of planar systems with a semistable limit cycle,Chinese Sci. Bull. 42 (1997), no.4, 265--270; MR 98f:34037
  64. M. Han, Resonant bifurcations of periodic solutions of higher-dimensional systems,Acta Math. Appl. Sinica 21 (1998), no.1, 1--8; MR 99c:34082
  65. D. Zhu and M. Han, Invariant tori and subharmonic bifurcations from periodic manifolds,Acta Math. Sinica (N.S.) 14 (1998), suppl., 613--624; MR 2000f:34077
  66. X. Wang and M. Han, Limit cycles and center-focus of nonlinear systems,Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B 13 (1998), no.4, 385--390; MR 2000f:34055
  67. M. Han, Center manifolds of quasi-periodic differential equations,Progr. Natur. Sci. (English Ed.) 8 (1998), no.5, 548--553; MR 2000b:34077
  68. M. Han, Existence of periodic orbits and invariant tori in codimension two bifurcations of three-dimensional systems, J. Systems Sci. Math. Sci. 18 (1998), no.4, 403--409; MR 2000b:34064
  69. D. Zhu and M. Han, Invariant tori and subharmonic bifurcations from periodic manifolds,Acta Math. Sinica 41 (1998), no.4, 749--756; MR 99m:58141
  70. X. Zhuo and M. Han, Plane polynomial systems with an invariant set,Math. Appl. 11 (1998), no.2, 77--80; MR 99k:34064
  71. M. Han, Bifurcations of limit cycles from a heteroclinic cycle of Hamiltonian systems,Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B 19 (1998), no.2, 189--196; MR 99j:58161
  72. M. Han, Existence of no or at most two limit cycles surrounding multiple singular points,Acta Math. Appl. Sinica 21 (1998), no.2, 206--214; MR 99h:34045   73. M. Han and K. Jiang, Normal forms of integrable systems at a resonant saddle,Ann. Differential Equations 14 (1998), no.2, 150--155; MR 99g:34079
  74. M. Han and Y. Ye, On the coefficients appearing in the expansion of Melnikov functions in homoclinic bifurcations,Ann. Differential Equations 14 (1998), no.2, 156--162; MR 99e:34045
  75. M. Han, Global behavior of limit cycles in rotated vector fields,J. Differential Equations 151 (1999), no.1, 20--35; MR 99j:34059
  76. M. Han, On the uniqueness of limit cycles 33. in a heteroclinic bifurcation, Gaoxiao Yingyong Shuxue Xuebao Ser. A 14 (1999), no.4, 421--426; CNO CMP 1 753 722
  77. M. Han, K. Jiang and D. Green, Jr., Bifurcations of periodic orbits, subharmonic solutions and invariant tori of high-dimensional systems, Nonlinear Anal. 36 (1999), no.3, Ser. A: Theory Methods, 319--329; MR 2000h:34074
  78. M. Han, Liapunov constants and Hopf cyclicity of Li"enard systems,Ann. Differential Equations 15 (1999), no.2, 113--126; MR 2000g:34044
  79. M. Han, X. Zhuo and L. Li, The qualitative study of space quadratic systems with a first integral,Northeast. Math. J. 15 (1999), no.1, 9--15; MR 2000f:34079
  80. M. Han, Y. Ye and D. Zhu, Cyclicity of homoclinic loops and degenerate cubic Hamiltonians,Sci. China Ser. A 42 (1999), no.6, 605--617; MR 2000f:34051
  81. Q. Jiang and M. Han, Melnikov functions and perturbation of a planar Hamiltonian system, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B 20 (1999), no.2, 233--246; MR 2000d:34055
  82. M. Han and Z. Zhang, Cyclicity 1 and 2 conditions for a 2-polycycle of integrable systems on the plane,J. Differential Equations 155 (1999), no.2, 245--261; MR 2000d:34053
  83. K. Jiang and M. Han, Uniqueness of limit cycles of a vector field tangent to axes,Dynam. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Systems 6 (1999), no.1, 139--146; MR 2000a:34061
  84. Y. Zhang and M. Han, Nonexistence of periodic solutions for an autonomous planar system,J. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. (Chin. Ed.) 33 (1999), no.6, 674--675, 679; CNO CMP 1 745 539
  85. M. Han, On the cyclicity of planar systems in Hopf and Poincare bifurcations, in Dynamical Systems, Proceedings of the Inteernational Conference in Honor of Professor Liao Shantao, Editor Yunping Jian and Lan Wen, World Scientific,66-74,(1999)
  86. M. Han, On Hopf cyclicity of planar systems, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 245 (2000), no.2, 404--422; CNO CMP 1 758 546
  87. M. Han and J. Chen, On the number of limit cycles in double homoclinic bifurcations, Sci.in China(A), 43:9(2000)914-928
  88. Z. Meng, M Han., S. Gu, Global bifurcations of limit cycles for a cubic system, Ann of Diff.Eqns,3(2000)
  89. M. Han, J.Mu, Oscillation for a class of functional differential equations. J. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. (Chin. Ed.) 8(2000),
  90. X. Liu and M. Han, Bifurcation for a class of perturbed heteroclinic loop Ann of Math. 21A:6(2000)667-674
  91. M. Han and T Qian, On the limit cycles of planar autonomous systems, China Annof Math., 22B:3(2001)297-360
  92. M. Han, The Hope cyclicity of lienard systems, Appl. Math. Letters,14(2001)183-188
  93. M. Han, Existence of at most 1, 2, or 3 zeros of a Melnikov heteroclinic loop, J. Diff.Equs170(2001)325-343
  94. M. Han, On some properties and limit cycles of Lienard systems, in Dynamical Systems, and Differential Equations, an added volume to Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems,, Editors Joshua Du and Shouchun Hu, 426-434,(2001)
  95. M. Han, On parameter size for existences of periodic solutions by the method of averaging, in Proceedings of Dynamical Systems and applications, Vol 3, Editors GS Ladde, NG Medhin and M Sambandham, Dynamic Publishers, Inc, USA, 305-312 (2001 )