

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27

黄建国:教授,博士生导师。1966年生,江西省宜黄县人,1982年9月-1992年7月在复旦大学数学系、数学所学习,1992年获理学博士后就职于上海交大数学系,其间赴香港中文大学访问多次。长年从事科学计算与数学建模的教学科研工作,取得一定成绩。2002年赴宁夏大学支教讲授数学建模课程并进行建模竞赛辅导,受到师生及校领导称赞。最喜欢的运动是网球与爬山。喜欢的名言是歌德说的:“Everything is more simple than one thinks but at the same time more complex than one can understand”, 前一句是自己的教学宗旨后一句则为研究宗旨。






  (1) 国家自然科学基金项目(主持):2004-2006;
  (2) 上海市E-研究院计算科学特聘研究员经费:2003-2005
  (3) 澳大利亚墨尔本大学工学院横向课题:2000-2002
  (4) 国家自然科学基金项目(主持):2000-2002


[1] J. Huang, Numerical solution of the elastic body-plate problem by nonoverlapping domain decomposition type techniques, Math. Comp., 73(2004), 19-34. (SCI)
[2] J. Huang, W. Xu, P. Thomson and S. Di, A general rigid-plastic/rigid-viscoplastic FEM for metal-forming processes based on the potential reduction interior point method, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 43(2003), 379-389. (EI)
[3] S. Chou and J. Huang,A domain decomposition algorithm for general covolume methods for elliptic problems, Journal of Numer. Math., 11(2003), 179-194. (SCIE, EI)
[4] P. Ciarlet, Jr., J. Huang and J. Zou, Some observations on generalized saddle-point problems, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 25(2003), 224-236. (SCI)
[5] Q. Liu, L. Li and J. Huang, On mortar-type TRUNC element method for plate bending problems, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 13(2003), 545-571. (SCI)
[6] J. Huang and J. Zou, Some new a priori estimates for second order elliptic and parabolic problems, Journal of Differential Equations, 184(2002), 570-586. (SCI)
[7] J. Huang and J. Zou, A non-matching finite element method and its theoretical analysis for elliptic interface problems, IMA J. Numer. Anal., 22(2002), 549-576. (SCI)
[8] J. Huang and J. Zou, Construction of explicit extension operators on general finite element grids, Appl. Numer. Math., 43(2002), 211-237. (SCI)
[9] J. Huang, L. Li and J. Chen, On mortar-type Morley element method for plate bending problem, Appl. Numer. Math., 37(2001), 519-533. (SCI)
[10] J. Huang and L. Li, Some superconvergence results for the covolume method for elliptic problems, Comm. Numer. Meths. Engrg., 17(2001), 291-302. (SCIE, EI)
[11] J. Huang, On the construction of a vertex space preconditioner for Morley element, East-West J. Numer. Math., 9(2001), 295-306. (SCIE, EI)
[12] J. Huang and J. Mu, On the spectral equivalence of unconventional finite elements and their conventional conforming relatives, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 21(2000), 915-920. (EI)
[13] J. Chen, J. Huang and L. Li, Uniform convergence and preconditioning method for mortar mixed element for nonselfadjoint problems, Comput. Meths. Appl. Mech. Engrig., 189(2000), 934-960. (SCI)
[14] J. Huang, On the domain decomposition method for Morley element-From weak overlap to nonoverlap, J. C. M., 19(1999), 615-628. (SCIE)
[15] J. Huang, The Schwarz chaotic relaxation method with inexact solvers on the subdomains, J. C. M., 17(1999), 135-132. (SCIE)
[16] J. Huang and S. Xi, On the finite volume element method for general self-adjoint elliptic problems, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 35(1998), 1762-1774. (SCI)