目前,他已获得由ERC(欧洲研究委员会)启动赠款的“地平线2020欧洲研究与创新基金”框架下的GECEM项目(中国与欧洲之间的全球遇险计划 www.gecem.eu)。马龙在这个项目中主要研究中国与欧洲市场一体化和经济增长。他是全中国第一个(迄今为止唯一)接受ERC资助的****。
PEREZGARCIA, M., Global History with ‘ChineseCharacteristics’ andPolycentric Spaces along the Silk Road in the Decline of the Spanish and QingEmpire 1680-1796, Palgrave Studies in Comparative Global History, NewYork: Palgrave-Macmillan (manuscript accepted, and contract signed with thepress, book forthcoming).
PEREZGARCIA, M., ‘Vicarious Consumers’:Trans-National Meetingsbetween the West and East in the Mediterranean World (1730-1808),London: Routledge, 2013.
PEREZ GARCIA, M. and SOUSA,L. (eds.), Global History and NewPolycentric Approaches Europe, Asia and the Americas in a World Network System(XVI-XIXth centuries), PalgraveStudies in Comparative Global History, Singapore: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2018.
PEREZ GARCIA, M. and CUISHOUJUN (eds.), China and Latin Americain Transition: Economic Commitments & Policy Dynamics, New York:Palgrave-Macmillan, 2016.
PEREZ GARCIA, M., Armas, limpieza de sangre y linaje.Reproducción social de familias poderosas de Murcia (siglos XVI-XIX) [Heraldry, Pure Blood and Lineage. Social Reproduction ofPowerful Families from the Kingdom of Murcia (XVIth-XIXth centuries)], Murcia (Spain):Academia Alfonso X el Sabio - Ayuntamiento de Murcia, 2007.
PEREZGARCIA, M. and BESTARD, J. (eds.), Familia,valores y reprentaciones [Family,Values and Social Representations], Murcia (Spain): University of Murcia, 2010.
Articles in SSCI Journals and the Web of Science:
“Creating Global Demand: Polycentric Approaches,Crossroads of Silk and Silver in China and the Iberian Empires during the EarlyModern Era”, (Manuel Perez Garcia is the editor of this special issue), Journal of Iberian and Latin AmericanEconomic History (paper accepted 2019, forthcoming). SSCI & AHCI
“Global Goods, Silver and Market Integration:Consumption of Wine, Silk and Porcelain through the Grill Company via theMacao-Canton and Marseille-Seville trade nodes during the eighteenth century”, Journal of Iberian andLatin American Economic History (paper accepted 2019, forthcoming). SSCI & AHCI
“Consumption of Chinese goods in southwestern Europe:a multi-relational database and the vicarious consumption theory as alternativemodel to the industrious revolution (eighteenth century)”, Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and InterdisciplinaryHistory, (2019) 52:1, 15-36. SSCI & AHCI
“Global History vs.Eurocentrism: historiographical review, analysis on consumption and acomparative case study between China and Europe (1730-1808)”, ECONOMIC HISTORY RESEARCH, vol. 13, n.01, 2017. SSCI
“Internationalization andreforms in the higher education system of China”, PROBLEMAS DEL DESARROLLO, LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OFECONOMICS, n. 185, March 2016. SSCI
“Spanish America Global Markets: the Trade of ‘vicu?a’Wool and ‘grana’ Cochineal in the XVIIIth Century”, AMERICA LATINA EN LA HISTORIA ECONOMICA, vol. 22, n. 2, 2015. SSCI
“FromEurocentrism to Sinocentrism: New Challenges in Global History”, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH,Vol. 119, n. 3 (March), 2014. SSCI
“NewTechnologies Applied to Family History. A Particular Case of Southern Europe(Eighteenth-Century)”, JOURNAL OF FAMILY HISTORY,volume 36, issue 3, July 2011. SSCI & AHCI
“Les échanges transnationauxet la circulation des nouveaux produits en Méditerranée occidentale au XVIIIesiècle”, HISTOIRE, SOCIETE, ECONOMIE, n. 1, 2011. SSCI
“Redes sociales yparentesco en la Castilla meridional: el sistema clientelar en el Reino deMurcia (ss. XVII-XVIII)”, HISTORIA UNISINOS (Journal of theBrazilian University of Vale dos Rios), vol.14, n. 1, 2010. SSCI & AHCI
“Local Networks and Global Spaces: Macau and Marseillein Comparative Perspective for the Analysis of the Economic Divergence betweenChina and Europe (XVIIIth-XIXth centuries)”, STUDIES REVIEW (UNIVERSITY OF COSTA RICA), N. 32, 2016.
“Divergence in the economicgrowth models of the East and West: Rethinking the ‘Needham question’ from aChinese Perspective”, SOCIAL SCIENCESREVIEW (UNIVERSITY REY JUAN CARLOS, SPAIN), n. 6, 2016.
迈向“大分流”:中欧贸易网络和全球消费者在澳门和马赛(18-19世纪)- “Toward a ‘Greater Divergence’?: Sino-European trade networks and‘global consumers’ in Macau and Marseille (18th-19th Centuries)”, 海洋史研究 [JOURNALOF MARITIME HISTORY of Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences], January, 2015.
“‘Re-orientando’historias nacionales: los nuevos retos de la historia global en el mundoacadémico chino”, JOURNAL OFLATIN AMERICAN STUDIES (Orientando), Issue August 2014, pp. 1-19.
“El pensamiento europeo sobre la revisión ymoderación en los estatutos de limpieza de sangre a través de la razón deestado cristiana en tiempos de Felipe IV”, BULLETINFOR SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE HISTORICAL STUDIES, vol. 38 (2013): 1.
“Consumidores ‘Vicarios’:Transferencias e intercambios socio-económicos y culturales entre China yOccidente (s. XVIII)”, CUADERNOS DETRABAJO DEL CECHIMEX (UNAM), no 3, 2013.
“MaterialCulture, Luxury and Fashion in Eighteenth-Century Europe: Criticisms of the NewStyle of Dress in Enlightenment Spain”, DATATEXTIL,No 18, pp. 42-57, 2008.
“La conciencia de linajea través de los símbolos heráldicos: el caso de familias del sur de Castilla(ss. XIII-XV)”, MISECéLANEA MEDIEVALMURCIANA, no. 113, 2005.
“Estrategias,matrimonios y redes sociales: el caso de la familia Riquelme (s. XVIII)”, MURGETANA, v. 113, 2005.
“Mayorazgo y poder en laciudad de Baza: litigios de tenuta entre las familias Mu?oz y Galiano (s.XVIII)”, PéNDULO. REVISTA MISCELANEA DEDIFUSION CULTURAL, No 6, 2005.
“Servicio a los Fajardo:Familia y vasallaje (ss-XIII-XV)”, VELEZANA,no 24, 2005.
“Promulgación dedecretos en la huerta de Abanilla in 1530”, NUSAYR,2005.
“TendenciasHistoriográficas: Origen y Consolidación de la Historia de la Familia”, CARTAGENA HISTóRICA, no 9, 2004.
“Introduction: Currents Directions of Global Historyin China”, in PEREZ GARCIA, M. and SOUSA, L. (eds.), Global History and NewPolycentric Approaches Europe, Asia and the Americas in a World Network System(XVI-XIXth centuries), Singapore: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2018.
“Challenging National Narratives: On the Origins ofSweet Potato in China as Global Commodity during the Early Modern Period”, inPEREZ GARCIA, M. and SOUSA, L. (eds.), Global History and New PolycentricApproaches Europe, Asia and the Americas in a World Network System (XVI-XIXthcenturies), Singapore: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2017.
“Unitary Players versus Global System: Towards aSustainable Model of Consumption and Economic Growth in China and LatinAmerica”, in Perez Garcia, M. and Cui Shoujun (eds.), China and Latin America in Transition: Economic Commitments & Policy Dynamics, Asia- Pacific:Palgrave-Macmillan, 2015.
“GlobalStudies with Chinese Characteristics”, in Jan van der Harst and FrankGaenssmantel (eds.), On Misunderstandingsin China-EU Relations, Tsinghua University-University of Groningen, 2014.
“DesStatuts de pureté de sang à travers de ‘Raison d′état’ en temps de Philip IV”,MOLINIè, A. et CARRASCO, R. (eds.), ‘Dela pureté du sang’ en Espagne. Du lignage à la ‘race‘: les préjugés desang et leurs controverses à l'époque Moderne, Presses de l'Université deParis-Sorbonne (PUPS), 2010.
“Circulación de bienesen el Mediterráneo occidental a través de una perspectiva trans-nacional: elconsumo de textiles a través de las relaciones comerciales entre Francia yEspa?a (1740-1756)”, CHACON JIMENEZ, F. y CARRASCO, C., Familia, recursos humanos y vida material, Universidad de Murcia,Spain, 2010.
“Costruzione di una identitanazionale attraverso il consumo: ‘spagnolizzazione’ del consumo durantel′Iluminismo”, PROFETTI, M. (ed,) Giudizi e pregiudizi. Percezionedell'altro e stereotipi tra Europa e Mediterraneo, Universitàdegli Studi di Firenze, 2009.
“Comercio e influencias culturalesen la Europa mediterránea a través de un enfoque trans-nacional. Siglo XVIII”,IMIZCOZ BEUNZA, J.M. y CHACON JIMENEZ (eds.), Procesos de Movilidad Social en la Espa?a Moderna. Elite, Redes yMonarquía, Universidad del País Vasco, Vitoria, Spain, 2009.
“Entre la corona deCastilla y la de Aragón: el mayorazgo entre los reinos de Valencia y de Murcia(ss. XVII-XVIII”, Territorios distantes,comportamientos similares. Familia, redes y reproducción social en la monarquíahispana (ss. XIV-XIX), IRIGOYEN LOPEZ, A. y MOLINA PUCHE, S. (eds.),Seminario de Familia y Elite de Poder, Universidad de Murcia, Spain, 2009.
“Databasesand Genealogical Programs Applied to the Late Modern History. A Particular Caseof Southern Europe (XVIIIth century)”, TheInternational Committee for the History of Technology, Copenhagen:University of Copenhagen, 2007.
“Familia, mayorazgo yreproducción social en la oligarquía murciana: aproximación a través de lasredes sociales (ss. XVI-XVIII)”, FundaciónEspa?ola de Historia Moderna, Universidad de Málaga, Espa?a, 2006.
“Familia, poder ylinaje. Conformación de bandos y surgimiento de luchas en torno a la oligarquíamurciana (ss. XV-XVI)”, Las Fronteras.Población y doblamiento, Universidad de Jaén, Espa?a, 2005.
“ ‘Injuria, calumnia y sangre impura’.Banderías y parcialidades desde el Reino de Murcia a Frejenal de la Sierra: elcaso de los Paz (ss. XVI-XVIII)”, HistoriaSocial: Las figuras del desorden. Heterodoxos proscritos y marginados,Madrid, Espa?a, 2005.
“Trayectoria social deun linaje murciano del siglo XVIII: los Riquelme”, Asociación de Demografía Histórica, Universidad de Zaragoza,Espa?a, 2004.
“Familia y Mayorazgo.Vinculación de un linaje murciano al Reino de Granada: los Riquelme”, Historia Campesinos, Nobles y Mercaderes:Huéscar y el Reino de Granada en los siglos XVI y XVII, Universidad deGranada, Espa?a, 2004.
“Servicios en laFrontera: el apogeo del linaje Riquelme (siglos XIII-XVI), Iglesias y Fronteras, Universidad de Jaén, Espa?a, 2004.
ERC(European Research Council)-Starting Grant, GECEM Project, ref. 679371, underthe European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program, Brussels(Europe), 2016-2021.
Matteo RicciVisiting Scholarship Award, School of International Relations, Università diMacerata (Italy), 2015.
ForeignMinistry’s Scholarship for Visiting Professors, Secretary of Foreign Affairsof Mexico, 2014.
UKNA-Marie Curie Actions, International Institutefor Asian Studies, Leiden University, 2013-2014.
Foreign Ministry’sScholarship for Visiting Professors, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, 2013.
52 ChinesePostdoctoral Science Foundation Grant, Ministry of Education of China,2012-2013.
Post-DoctoralFellowship, School of Humanities, Tsinghua University, 2011-2013.
Fellowshipon European Mobility in Asia (‘Argo Program’ by the Spanish Government),2011-2012.
Full grant by the Spanish Government, Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia,2006-2010.
Research grant “Salvador Madariaga Awards” by the Spanish Government,M.A.E. (Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores), 2009-2010.
Full grant by the European University Institute to participate in theexchange program as Visiting Scholar in the University of California atBerkeley, 2008-2009.
Research grant “Salvador Madariaga Awards” by the Spanish Government,M.A.E. (Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores), 2008-2009.
Research grant “Salvador Madariaga Awards” by the Spanish Government,M.A.E. (Ministerio de Asuntos Exterriores), 2007-2008.
Research grant “Salvador Madariaga Awards” by the Spanish Government,M.A.E. (Ministerio de Asuntos Exterriores), 2006-2007.
Full grant to participate at the European University Institute (Department ofHistory and Civilization), Summer School on “Comparativeand Trans-national History: New Approaches to the History of Europe”,Florence, Italy. Institute directed by Professor Heinz-Gerhard Haupt andProfessor Bartolome Yun-Casalilla, 2005.
Full grantby the University of Murcia to attend a Master Course in Management ofHistorical and Cultural Resources. New Professional Perspectives”, 2004-2006.
Full grantby the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo to attend its mastercourse: “Spanish identity in the era of nations”, 2003.
Ph.D.Global and Trans-National History, European University Institute (Florence,Italy), June, 2011.
M.A.Trans-National and Comparative History, European University Institute,(Florence, Italy), 2007.
M.A.Early Modern European and American History, Universidad de Murcia (Spain),2005.
M.A.Management of Historical and Cultural Resources, Universidad de Murcia (Spain),2005.
B.A.in History, Universidad de Murcia (Spain), 2002.
2017-until the present: Tenured Associate Professor, School ofHumanities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
2016-until the present: Distinguished Researcher, Department ofPhilosophy, Geography and History, Pablo Olavide University, Seville (Spain).
2014-2017: Associate Professor, School of International Studies, RenminUniversity, Beijing, China.
2013-2017: Co-Director, Center of Latin American Studies, RenminUniversity of China, Beijing, China.
2013-2014: Lecturer, School of International Studies, Renmin University,Beijing, China.
2013-2014: Research Fellow (UKNA-Marie Curie Actions), InternationalInstitute for Asian Studies, Leiden University.
2013: Shortlisted for Lectureship at Oxford Centre forGlobal History, University of Oxford.
2012-2013: Part-timelecturer, Department of History, Peking University.
2012-2013: Part-timelecturer, Department of International Relations-Carnegie Center of GlobalPolicy, Tsinghua University.
2011-2013: Post-doctoralFellow, Department of History, School of Humanities, Tsinghua University,Beijing, China.
2006-2010: PhDResearcher, Department of History and Civilization, European UniversityInstitute.
2002-2006: ResearchAssistant, Department of History, Universidad de Murcia, Spain.
October 2018: Visiting Professor, Center of Asian Studies, University ofBritish Columbia, Vancouver (Canada).
November 2017: Visiting Professor, Institute ofMaritime History at Academy of Social Sciences of Canton (Canton, China).
February 2017: Visiting Professor at St.Antony’s College and Center of Global History at Oxford University (England).
March-April 2016: Visiting Professor, School of International Politics,University of Macerata (Italy).
July-August 2014: Visiting Professor, Instituto Mora-NationalAutonomous University of Mexico City-UNAM (Mexico).
2013-2014:Visiting Scholar, CAUPD-Chinese Academy of Urban Planning and Designing(China).
January 2013: VisitingScholar, Historiographical Institute, University of Tokyo (Japan).
January-March 2013:Visiting Scholar, National Autonomous University of Mexico City-UNAM,CECHIMEX-Center of China-Mexico Studies (Mexico).
2008-2009: VisitingScholar, Faculty of Economics and Department of History, University of Californiaat Berkeley (USA).
Chinese (Mandarin), Tsinghua University
reading(fluent), speaking (fluent), writing (fluent), reading of historical sources(fluent)
English (Proficiency, University of Cambridge, ESOL Examinations, British Council andIELTS Australia)
reading(fluent), speaking (fluent), writing (fluent), reading of historical sources(fluent)
French (DELFT, European University Institute)
reading(fluent), speaking (fluent), writing (fluent), reading of historical sources(fluent)
Italian (CELI, University of Peruggia, Italy)
reading(fluent), speaking (fluent), writing (fluent), reading of historical sources(fluent)
Portuguese (European University Institute)
reading(fluent), speaking (fluent), writing (fluent), reading of historical sources(fluent)
Spanish (native speaker)
Post-doctoral mentorship
2018-until the present: Dr. Pedro Miguel Omar Svriz Wucherer (GECEM Project/ Pablo
Olavide University, Seville, Spain) to develop the work package of
GECEM project on “The merchant networks and circulation of goods in
the port cities of Macau-Canton, Manila and Latin America (1680-
2016-2017: Dr. Wen-Ting Wu (GECEM Project / Pablo Olavide University,Seville, Spain) to
develop the workpackage of GECEM project on “Cultural transfers from China to
Europe:consumption and trade of Chinese porcelains in Europe and China (1680-
External Labs supervision and partnership
2019-until the present: supervision of the design, development andimplementation of a new
software solution (GECEM Project Database) with the lab and research
team lead by Dr. Alfonso Ortega de la Puente (professor at the Escuela
Politécnica Superior at Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain).
Fellowship supervision
2019-until the present: Research Fellow Manuel Diaz-Ordo?ez (GECEM Project/ Pablo
Olavide University, Seville, Spain) to develop the GECEM Project
Database and “Big Data Mining applied to Global (Economic) History”.
2019-until the present: Research Fellow Nadia Fernandez de Pinedo (GECEMProject / Pablo
Olavide University, Seville, Spain) to develop the work package of
GECEM project “trade networks and socio-cultural transfers in China
and Europe, 1700-1800”.
2017-2018: Research Fellow Sergio Serrano (GECEMProject / Pablo Olavide University,
Seville, Spain) to developthe work package of GECEM project on“Circulation of
American Silver inMacao-Canton and Seville-Cadiz”.
PhD supervision
2017-until the present: Jin Lei (GECEM Project / Pablo Olavide University,
Seville, Spain), thesis on the “Introduction of European wines and
liquors in south China, 1680-1796”
2017-until the present: Guimel Hernandez Garay (GECEMProject / Pablo Olavide University,
Seville,Spain), thesis on the “Global Goods. Markets of Chinese Silk in
Early Modern Europe: Seville and Marseille, 1715-1790”
2018-until the present: Wang Li (GECEM Project / Pablo Olavide University,Seville, Spain),
thesis on the “Imperial Silk Factories of Kangxi in China, 1661-1722. A
mirror for LouisXIV’s Royal Factories?”
2016-2017: Ma Jingxing (GECEM Project / Pablo Olavide University, Seville,Spain), thesis on
“Exports ofChinese silks to European markets in Qing China”
Master Supervision
2018-2019: Paola Andrea Berrio (Pablo Olavide University, Seville, Spain),master thesis on
“The massacre of sangleyes in Manilla (XVIIth century)”
2017-2018: Co-supervisor of Adrian Franco Cabrera, master thesis on“Diplomacy in
Tokugawa Japan”(main supervisor Professor Bartolome Yun-Casalilla). Master
thesis completed with honours.
2017-2018: Guimel Hernandez Garay (GECEM Project / PabloOlavide University, Seville,
Spain), thesis on“Consumption of Chinese silk fabrics in Marseille and Seville,
1680-1840”.Master thesis completed with honours.
2014-2015: Co-supervisor of Ricardo Martinez Esquivel (College of Mexico),thesis on “China,
the Pacific worldand encounters with missionaries. Analysis through global history
(XVIth-XVIIIthcentury)” (main supervisor Professor Jose Antonio Cervera).
Master thesiscompleted with honours.
Directorof GECEM Project-679371, a project funded by the ERC-Starting Grant, Horizon2020.
Founder and Director of the ‘Global HistoryNetwork’ (Beijing, China).
Delegate in China of the European UniversityInstitute (Florence, Italy).
Editor-in-chief of the Palgrave Studies inComparative Global History.
Member of the PAIDI research group “History ofGlobalization”, ref. HUM-1000(Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain)
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal ofSocial Science Research.
Member of the ATINER (Athens Institute forEducation and Research).
Member of the Editorial Board of the ‘Cuadernosde Trabajo del Cechimex (Center of China-Mexico Studies)’/UNAM/ Mexico
Member of the International Committee Board ofthe Journal Estudios (University of Costa Rica).
External Reviewer of the European ResearchCouncil (ERC).
External Reviewer of the Journal of WorldHistory.
External Reviewer of the Journal Latin America inEconomic History, Mexico City (Mexico)
External Reviewer of the Cambridge Journal LatinAmerican and Iberian Studies, Cambridge (England).
External Reviewer of Studies in Global SocialHistory at Brill Publishers edited by Marcel van der Linden, InternationalInstitute of Social History (Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
External Reviewer of the journal Analise Social(University of Lisbon, Portugal).
External Reviewer of the journal Historia Mexicana(College of Mexico, Mexico).
External Reviewer of Cuadernos de Trabajo del Cechimex (Center ofChina-Mexico Studies)/UNAM/ Mexico
External Reviewer of the Journal Monsoon AsianStudies (Academia Sinica, Taiwan).
Honorary Counsellor of the Section of Educationand Research at the Mexcham (Mexican Chamber of Commerce in China)
Founderand Director of the ‘Global History Network’/ Beijing/ China
Directorof the “GECEM Seminar Series in Global History and East Asian Studies” at Pablode Olavide University (Spain) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China)
Directorof the “Lecture Series in Global History” at Shanghai Jiao Tong University(China)
AmericanHistorical Association, New York (USA).
SocialScience History Association, Boston (USA).
Red ALC-CHINA (RedAcademica de America Latina y China/UNAM/Mexico
EuropeanUniversity Institute Alumni/Italy
Associationfor Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies
Asociación de HistoriaModerna (Universidad de Malaga, Spain)
Asociación de HistoriaDemográfica/Universidad de Zaragoza/ Spain
Scientific CommitteeSeminario de Familia /Universidad de Murcia/Spain
2012-until now: ‘excellent grade’ in teaching bystudent assessment.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2017-until today.Courses: “Global History and Modern Economic Growth in Qing China and EarlyModern Europe”; “History of Western Civilization”; “Iberian Empires and QingChina, 1600-1800”.
Pablo de Olavide University (Seville, Spain),2017-until today. Master in History and Digital Humanities. Courses:“New Technologies and Databases for Early Modern History”; “GIS andGeoreferencing Methods Applied to History”.
Renmin University of China (School of InternationalStudies), 2014-2017. Courses: “Modern History of European InternationalRelations (XIXth-XXth centuries)” 欧洲国际关系近现代史(第十九次,第二十 次世纪);“Sino-LatinAmerican International Relations: New Challenges and Perspectives” “中拉国际关系:新的挑战与展望”;“Research of Contemporary History of Sino-European International Relations(1989-today)” 中欧国际关系的当代史研究(1989 -今天);“The Great Divergence and the School of California”.
University of Macerata (Italy), Spring 2015, Schoolof Humanities and Social Sciences, course: “Global History and the School ofCalifornia”.
Instituto Mora-UNAM,Summer 2014. Courses: “Global History and Iberian Empires”.
UNAM Mexico DF, CECHIMEX (Centro de Estudios China-Mexico), Spring Term2013. Courses:“The Challenges of the Global History in the New Millennium: HistoriographicalTrends and Approaches”.
Peking University,Department of History, Fall term 2012. Courses: “The Qing Dynasty and WesternEncounters in South-Asia: Mediators and Agents”.
Tsinghua University,Department of International Relations-Carnegie Center of Global Policy, Fallterm 2012. Course: “European International Relations and China-EuropeanRelations”.
Tsinghua University, Department of History,Spring term 2012. Courses: “Trans-National History and Comparative Methods: Sino-European Studiesunder Revision”.
University of California at Berkeley,Department of History and Faculty of Economics, Fall term 2008. Lectures:Trans-National and Global History, Economic History, Early Modern and ModernEurope, Spanish and Portuguese History.
Universidad de Murcia (Spain), Department ofHistory, 2002/2006. Courses: European Empires in Early Modern Age, EconomicHistory, History of Family in Europe, Imperial Spain and the New World,Applications of New Technologies to Social Sciences.
Mariano Garcia Baquero College (Spain), Murcia,Department of History, 2002-2004. Courses: History of Spain, Contemporary WorldHistory, European History, Art History, Geography.
2017-untiltoday: Organiser of the GECEM Global History Lecture series at Pablo deOlavide University (Seville, Spain).
2017-untiltoday: Organiser of the GECEM Global History Lecture series at ShanghaiJiao Tong University (Shanghai, China).
2017-untiltoday: Co-organiser of the Lecture series Globalization, History and DigitalHumanities at Pablo de Olavide University (Seville, Spain).
2018:Co-organiser with EURAXESS China, GECEM Project, ShanghaiJiao Tong University, Marie Curie Alumni Association and Spanish Embassy inChina Grants of the Practice 2018 European Grants for Researchers in SocialSciences and Humanities, November 2018, Shanghai Jiao Tong University(Shanghai, China).
2018:Co-organiser of the EurasiaTrajeco-GECEM International Congress “Empires,States and Law Across Eurasia 13th-20th Century”, 5 and 6 October 2018, ArchivoGeneral de Indias and Pablo de Olavide University (Seville, Spain).
2018:Organiser of the Panel titled “Social Network Analysis and Databases for NewComparative Global History Studies in China, Europe, and the Americas”, XVIIIWorld Economic History Conference / Waves of Globalization, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, Boston (US), 31 July 2018.
2018: Organizer of thePanel titled “Beyond the Silk Road: The Silver Route and the Manila – AcapulcoGalleons for the Global Circulation of Goods and People in China, Europe andthe Americas”, LASA2018/ Latin American Studies in a Globalized World, Barcelona (Spain), 25 May 2018.
2016:1st GECEM Workshop: “Quantitative Economic History and Open Science in Chinaand Europe”, Beijing (China), November 21, 2016, organized by prof. ManuelPérez García and funded by the GECEM Project-679371,ERC-Starting Grant, Horizon 2020.
2016:2nd GECEM Workshop: “New Technologies and Databases to Analyse Modern EconomicGrowth in China and Europe”, Pablo de Olavide University, February 8, 2016;organized by prof. Manuel Perez Garcia and funded by the GECEM Project-679371,ERC-Starting Grant, Horizon 2020.
2013-2016:Organizer of the Lecture Series: “Sino-Latin American International Relations”,School of International Studies, Renmin University of China, China.
2015:Organizer of the International Conference “Global History”, Beihang University,China, April 2015.
2012-2013:Organizer of the Lecture Series in Global History at Tsinghua University: ‘Global History: New Approaches andChallenges in Asian and European Studies’, with the participation of ProfessorsPatrick O’Brien (LSE) and Peer Vries (University of Vienna), Center of GlobalStudies, Department of History, School of Humanities, Tsinghua University.
2012: Organizer of the workshop with the leader ofthe project (prof. Nakajima Gakusho): “East Asian Maritime Tradeduring the 16th and 17th Centuries- by use of historical sources in European,Chinese and Japanese languages”, Kyushu University -Tsinghua University,November 2012.
2012: Organizer of the International Conference: “The Birth of a Global Society: Circulation ofHuman and Material Capital in Europe and Asia”, Conferenceorganized by the Department of History, Tsinghua University, Beijing, April 21,2012.
2008: Organizer of the InternationalConference: “Beyond boundaries andnations: global and trans-national approaches applied to socio-economic andcultural history in Western and Non-Western territories (from sixteenth totwentieth-century”, University of California at Berkeley, November 2008.
2003-2009: Organizer and coordinator of the permanent research groupentitled “Family and Ruling Elite inthe Kingdom of Murcia, Spain (15th-19th centuries)” held every year forundergraduate and graduate students, Universidad de Murcia (Spain), 2003/2009.
2007: Scientific-committee member and one ofthe main organizers of “The International Conference for the History of Familyand social organization in Europe and America (XVth-XXth centuries”), Murcia-Albacete (Spain), Universidad de Murcia (Spain), December,2007.
AsPrincipal Investigator
Project Title: GECEM, “GlobalEncounters between China and Europe: Trade Networks, Consumption and CulturalExchanges in Macau and Marseille (1680-1840)”, (ref. number: 679371 – GECEM), ERC (European Research Council)-Starting Grant, under theEuropean Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program 2016-2021 www.gecem.eu . Funding from 2016 to 2021: 1.500.000,00 Euros
Project Title: “The Silk Road and Economic Growthbetween China and Europe during the early modern period”, Start-up researchproject funded by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Funding from 2018-2022: 250.000,00Euros
Project Title: “The Silk Road and itsSocio-Economic and Cultural Impacts in China and Mediterranean Europe” - 丝绸之路地带及其对中国和欧洲地中海地区的社会、经济以及文化影响, Ministry of Education of China-Renmin Universityof China, Beijing (China). Funding from 2015-2016: 50.000,00 RMB.
Project Title: “Global Ports: The transformation ofthe big city ports of Macau and Marseille”, Marie Curie Actions (InternationalInstitute for Asian Studies, Leiden University, Netherlands). Funding from2013-2014: 12.000,00 Euros.
AsResearch Member
PAIDI Research Group (HUM-1000): “History ofglobalization: violence, negotiation and interculturality”, Pablo de OlavideUniversity (Seville, Spain), 2017.
Project Title: “Iberian Globalization:networks between Asia and Europe and changes on patterns of consumption inLatin America”, MINECO (Ministry of Economy, Spain), led by prof. BartolomeYun-Casalilla (Pablo Olavide University, Spain). Funding from 2015-2018: 50.000,00 euros.
Project Title: “Comprehensive Examination onEast Asian Maritime History during the 16th and 17th Centuries- by use ofhistorical sources in European, Chinese and Japanese languages”, JapanFoundation for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), lead by Prof. Nakajima Gakusho(Kyushu University). Funding from 2010-2013: 1.000.000,00 Yen.
Project Title: Toward a ‘GreaterDivergence’?: ‘Global Consumers’ and Sino-European Trade Networks in Macau andMarseille (18th-19th Centuries), Department of History,Tsinghua University. Funding from 2012-2013: 50.000,00 RMB.
Project title: “Trans-National History: TradeNetworks of Europe, Asia and America in a Comparative Perspective”, EuropeanUniversity Institute (Florence, Italy). Funding from 2006-2010: 56.000,00 Euros.
Project title: “European Family and Social Networks in a Global andComparative Perspective”, Universidad de Murcia (Spain). Funding from2010-2014: 50.000,00 euros.
Project title: “NewAtlantic Commodities, Science, War, Economy and Consumption in the SpanishAncien Regime.1492-1824”, Universidad Pablo Olavide, Seville (Spain). Fundingfrom 2009-2012: 50.000,00 euros.
Project title: “Society,Family and Social Groups. Networks and Strategies of Socio-CulturalReproduction in Castile during the AncienRegime”, Universidad de Murcia (Spain). Funding from 2005-2009: 50.000,00 euros.
Project title: “Society and Family. Relation Networks and SocialReproduction Strategies in the Spanish Ancien Regime”, Universidad deMurcia (Spain). Funding from 2002 to 2005: 50.000,00 euros.
“GECEM Project Database: A Multi-RelationalDatabase to Analyse Consumption and Trade Networks in Marseille and Macao,1680-1840”, International Conference: Capture, Bondage, and ForcedRelocation in Asia (1400-1900) hosted by Institut d’Asie Orientale-ENS deLyon (France), 13-14 March 2019.
“The GECEM Project Database: Theory, Methods andSources for the New Global History in China and Europe (XVIth-XIXth century)”, DistinguishedLectures Series, School of International Studies at University ofNottingham-Ningbo, Ningbo (China), 30 November 2018.
“How to apply and run an ERC Project from China asa Social Scientist”, Grants in Practice 2018 European Grants for Researchers inSocial Sciences and Humanities, EURAXESS China / GECEM Project / Shanghai JiaoTong University / Marie Curie Alumni Association / Spanish Embassy in China,School of Foreign Languages at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Minhang Campus,Shanghai (China), 9 November, 2018.
“Scattered Sources, Intertwined Histories: TradeNetworks and Consumption between Qing China and Imperial Spain across thePacific (1580-1760)”, Center of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia,Vancouver, Canada, 18 October, 2018.
“The GECEM Project Database: Quantifying Consumptionof Chinese Silks and Maritime Trade from Macao-Canton to Marseille-Seville(1730-1789)”, Canton 13 Hongs International Conference, Canton 13 HongsResearch Center, University of Guangzhou, Canton (China), 9 October, 2018.
“GECEM Project: Experience Sharing of Applying forEuropean Research Council (ERC)-Starting Grant”, Universitas 21 Early CareerResearch Workshop. Sustainable Futures, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai(China), 10 October, 2018.
“Big Data Mining in Global History: The GECEMProject Database, the Footprints of the Silk Road and Trade Networks in Chinaand Europe (XVIIth – XIXth Centuries)”, Silk Road Center Lecture Series,Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, Lanzhou (China), 25 September,2018.
“GECEM(Global Encounters between China and Europe) Project: World Connectivity of theSilk Road through Integrated Innovation Systems and Economic Development”, 2018Forum on Ecological Civilization in the Belt & Road University League, YifuScience Center, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou (China), 25 September, 2018.
“Book Session: Global History and New PolycentricApproaches: Europe, Asia and the Americas in a World Network System”, XVIIIWorld Economic History Conference, Boston, Waves of Globalization,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston (US), 1 August, 2018.
“New Empirical Evidence for Global History in China:The Local Gazetteers (中国地方志) to Analyze Consumption and Trade Networks(XVIth-XIXth centuries)”, 18th World Economic History Congress (WEHC), Boston,US, 26 July- 3 August, 2018.
“The GECEM Project Database. An Integrated HistoricalInformation System for Consumption and Trade Networks in China and Europe(XVIIth – XIXth Centuries)”, 18th World Economic History Congress (WEHC),Boston, US, 26 July- 3 August, 2018.
“Presentation of GECEM Project-ERC-Starting Grant”,Jornada Informativa Convocatorias European Research Council (ERC) 2018,Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo (Spain), 5 June, 2018.
“Quantifying Consumption: The “Trickle-Down” Theory and a NewMulti-Relational Database for the Case of Chinese Silks in WesternMediterranean (1730-1789)”, at the Panel TheSilver Route and the Manila Galleons: Global Connectivities in China and theAmericas through Consumption and Capital Accumulation (XVIth-XIXth centuries), LASA XXXVI International Congress / LatinAmerican Studies in a Globalised World, Barcelona, May 23-26, 2018.
“Book presentation - Global History and NewPolycentric Approaches: Europe, Asia and the Americas in a World NetworkSystem”, Macau Ricci Institute Forum, Macau Ricci Institute, The SaintJoseph Seminary, University of Saint Joseph (Macau), 27 April 2018.
“Book presentation - Global History and NewPolycentric Approaches: Europe, Asia and the Americas in a World NetworkSystem”, Global History Lecture Series, Center of Global History atBeijing Foreign Studies University (Beijing, China), 19 April 2018.
“The Origins of the Global History Network andGECEM project: Connecting Global Historians from the West and East”,International Workshop Global Humanities: Language, Literature and History,Global History and Culture Centre (University of Warwick)-Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity, Radcliffe Conference Centre, University of Warwick, 16-18 January2018.
“Consumption of Chinese Goods in Western Europe: AMulti-Relational Database and the Vicarious Consumption Theory as AlternativeModel to the Industrious Revolution (18th century)”, Eurasia TrajecoInternational conference Commercial Partnerships and Financial ArrangementsAcross the Eurasian Continent (1300-2000), CNRS, EHESS, FMSH, CentroCientifico e Cultural de Macau, Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre, Lisbon,13-14 October 2017.
“Understanding the Modern Economic Growth in China andthe West: The ‘Needham Puzzle’, the School of California and the ‘GreatDivergence’ Debate”, International Master of Public Administration (IMPA)program at Tsinghua University, IMPA, School of Public Policy and Management,Tsinghua University (Beijing China), September 4, 2017.
“Global History Network (GHN) in China and GECEMProject”, International Symposium on “Global History in East Asia: Coordinationand Innovation”, Institute for Global History of Beijing Foreign StudiesUniversity, Asian Association of World Historians, Information Centre forWorldwide Asia Research, Beijing Foreign Studies University, June 17, 2017.
“Global Encounters between China and Europe: Trade networks,Consumption and Cultural Exchanges in Macau and Marseille(1640-1840)”, Seminar “Auxorigines de la mondialisation et de la ‘grande divergence’”,at theCentre for Research on China Korea, Japan of the Ecole des hautes Etudes enSciences sociales, Paris, on March 21st, 2017.
“A New Database to Analyse Consumption and MarketIntegration in China (1680-1840)”, 2nd GECEM Workshop “New Technologies andDatabases to Analyse Modern Economic Growth in China and Europe”, Pablo deOlavide University, February 8, 2017.
“Presentation of the ERC project Global Encountersbetween China and Europe: Trade Networks, Consumption and Cultural Exchanges inMacau and Marseille, 1680-1840”, International Conference Food and Empires,Archivo General de Indias/Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos-CSIC, January19, 2017.
“New Cases of Comparisons between China and Europe:Macau and Marseille”, 1st GECEM Workshop “Quantitative Economic History andOpen Science in China and Europe”, The University of Chicago-Center in Beijing(China), November 21, 2016.
“‘Global Beverages’ and Tea Commodity Chains:Consumption and Market Integration between China and Mediterranean Europe(XVIIIth century)”, International Conference: Monsoon Asia, Spain and East Asiain Early Modern Era, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, Taipei(Taiwan), 20-21 June 2016.
“Modern Economic Growth and Consumer Behaviour inChina and Europe: the Humanities and the Great Divergence Debate”, ECHICAnnual Conference: “Humanities Now: Global Encounters”, Aula Magna, Universityof Macerata, Macerata (Italy), 21-22 April 2016.
“Evolution of Sino-European International Relationsfrom a political and economic perspective”, International Conference on HumanRights, organizer: Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, University ReyJuan Carlos, Madrid (Spain), 16-17 March, 2016.
“Global encounters between China and Europe:consumption and cultural exchanges in Macau and Marseille (1680-1840)”,Interuniversity Doctorate of Economics – Department of Applied Economics,Faculty of Economics, University of Murcia, Murcia (Spain), 18 February, 2016.
“New Methodologies on Global History”, Faculty ofHumanities, University Pablo Olavide of Seville, Seville (Spain), 27 January,2016.
“Historia global vs. Eurocentrismo: análisis deconsumo a través de caso de estudio comparativo entre China y Europa(1730-1808)”, Lecture at the Faculty of Economics, Universidad Autonoma deMadrid, Madrid (Spain), January, 2016.
“European Research Council: Opening New Frontiers inAcademic Research Between Europe and China”, European Delegation in Beijing(China), 16 January, 2016.
Invited Discussant to the Round Table, “Major-PowerDiplomacy With Chinese Characteristics”, Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for GlobalPolicy, Tsinghua University, Beijing (China), 27 November, 2015.
“Encompassing Comparisons and Global Conjunctures:Macau and the Manila-Acapulco Galleon (XVIIIth century)”, The Global Impact ofthe Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade: An International ConferenceCelebrating 450 Years of Urdaneta’s Voyage, Manila (Philippines), 14-15November 2015.
“The End of Empires: Uncovering the ‘unknown China’”,Foreign Correspondants’ Club of China, Beijing (China), 16 October, 2015.
“Local Networks and Global Spaces between China and Europe(XVIIIth century)”, 第二届中国-墨西哥国际学术研讨会2nd International Colloquium of China-Mexico Studies,Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing (China), 14-16 September 2015.
“Global History in China: the Impact of the School ofCalifornia, New Methods and Case Studies”, 地点:西院综合楼347教室, 时间:2015年6月11日, 主办单位:中国海外汉学研究中心 - 世界亚洲研究信息中心, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing (China),11 June, 2015.
“Redes Locales y Espacios Globales: Macao y el sudeste asiático como áreasde conexión con el galeón Manila-Acapulco durante el s. XVIII”, Mestizajes andGlobalization. Japan:Crossed Identitites. Past, Present and Future, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo (Japan),May 2015.
“The Impact of Global History in Chinese Academy”,1st Global History Network (GHN) Conference International Trade, TechnologicalChanges and Economic Growth from the 16th to 20th Centuries, organizers: GlobalHistory Network in China - School of Humanities and Social Sciences, BeihangUniversity, Beijing (China), April 10-14, 2015.
“Intertwined History(ies) of the Silk Route in theEarly Globalization”, 3rd International Culture Industries Conference on SilkRoad Culture and Economy Exchange and Cooperation, Duanjiatan Campus, LanzhouUniversity of Finance & Economics, Lanzhou (China), October 9-14, 2014.
迈向“大分流”:中欧贸易网络和全球消费者在澳门和马赛(18-19世纪)Toward a ‘Greater Divergence’?: Sino-European TradeNetworks and ‘Global Consumers’ in Macau and Marseille (18th-19th Centuries), “海上丝绸之路与明清时期广东海洋经济”学术研讨会,定于2014年9月24-26日在广东省中山市举行.
“Global History and Sinology: The Chinese Economy andits Connections with the West during the XVIIIth century”, 4th WorldConference on Sinology ‘The Exchange of Learning between ‘East’ and ‘West’:400 Years in Retrospect’, Renmin University of China, September 5-7.
“Relaciones Internacionales entre China yEuropa”, Cechiver (Center of China Studies, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico),August, 2014.
“Vicarious Consumers:Trans-national Meetings between the West and the East in the MediterraneanWorld (1730-1808)” and presentation of the “Global History Network in China”,Inter-institutional Seminar of Economic History (Colegio deMexico-UNAM-Instituto Mora), August 25, 2014.
“The Manila-Acapulco Galeon in the Global Trade”,Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Cuernavaca, Mexico, August 19, 2014.
“Trans-national andEconomic Relations between Europe and China”, Instituto Tecnologico deMonterrey Campus Cuernavaca, Mexico, August 18, 2014.
“Local Networks andGlobal Spaces: Macau and South-East Asia connecting to the Manila-AcapulcoGalleon during the XVIIIth century”, IV Congreso Latinoamericano de HistoriaEconómica Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Bogotá (Colombia), July23-25, 2014.
“Global Studies and Sino-European InternationalRelations”, The Future of World and Global History International Workshop,Global History and Culture Centre University of Warwick (England), 22-23 May2014.
“From Eurocentrism to Sinocentrism:the New Challenges in Global History”, Tsinghua-Groningen Symposium “On Misunderstandingsin China-EU Relations”, Organizer: Tsinghua-Groningen Research Cooperation on China-EURelations, October 26, 2013.
“La Historia Global para el estudio de las redescomerciales y presencia europea en el sudeste asiático (s. XVIII)”,UNAM-Colegio de Mexico-Instituto Mora, 5 de febrero de 2013, Facultad deEconomía de la UNAM.
“The ModernLab of the Historian: The Design of Databases in Historical Studies”, Internationalsymposium “International trade and disputes in maritime East Asia from the 16th to the 19th centuries,” Tokyo University in January 12, 2013.
“CommercialNetworks and Slavery in 16th-Century Macau”, The Macau Ricci Institute(MRI), Macau, September 19, 2012.
“When the ‘Dragon’ Started to Roar: Consumption ofChinese Goods in Europe and the Expansion of Asian Trade (XVIIIth-XIXthCenturies)”, The Birth of a Global Society:Circulation of Human and Material Capital in Europe and Asia, Conferenceorganized by the Department of History, Tsinghua University, Beijing, April 21,2012.
“ConsumerBehaviour and Trans-National Exchanges in the Mediterranean Market: Towards a
Shift on European TastesPrompted by the Presence of Asiatic Goods (1730/1808)”, Co-organizers: Institute ofEconomics, Tsinghua University; Frontier Research in Economic and SocialHistory (FRESH) Meeting, Beijing, December 18, 2011.
“Purchasing Power andConsumer Choices: Testing the ‘Industrious Revolution’ in Southern Spain(1730-1808)”, 41st Annual Meeting, Association forSpanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, April 15-18, 2010, Ottawa, Canada.
“Le révisionnisme des statuts de pureté de sang a travers de la ‘ Ragionedi Stato’ chrétien à l′époque de Philip IV”, La “pureté de sang” en Espagne. Du lignage à la race. Lespréjugés de sang et ses controverses à l'époque Moderne, Conference organizedby CLEA (University Paris-Sorbonne) and ETOILL (University Paul ValéryMontpellier 3), from 13 to 16 January, 2010.
“Trans-Atlantic andEuropean Social Networks in a Comparative Perspective, 16th-19th Centuries”,invited lecture, European University Institute, 2010.
“The Material Culturethrough the Demand and Supply Side: the Analysis of Spanish Dowries and ProbateInventories and Trade Records of 'La Chambre de Commerce de Marseille(18th-Century)”, invited lecture, European University Institute, 2009.
“Comercio y transferenciasculturales en Europea a través del movimiento procedentes del mercado deLevante”, Procesos de movilidad social en la Espa?a Moderna. Elites, redes ymonarquía, Conferencia organizada por la Universidad del País Vasco, Seminariode Familia y Elite de la Universidad de Murcia y el Master sobre Europa y MundoAtlántico, 17-19 Septiembre 2009, Vitoria, Spain.
“Fashion andTrans-cultural Trends in the Enlightenment Spain”, invited lecture,Department of History, University of California at Berkeley, 2008.
“Material Culture, Consumption and Diffusion of Foreign Goods. Western andNon-Western Areas in a Trans-National Perspective (1730-1808)”, invitedlecture, Faculty of Economics, University of California at Berkeley, 2008.
“The ‘majismo’ versus ‘petimetre’ as Trans-National Phenomenon: Creating aNational Identity during the Spanish Enlightenment”, invited lecture, Institute of European Studiesof the University of California at Berkeley, 2008.
“Trans-National Exchanges andCirculation of New Goods in Mediterranean Market (XVIIIth Century)”, SocialScience History Association 2008 Conference, 23 Oct 2008-26 Oct 2008,Miami, Florida.
“Beyond Boundaries and Nations: Global and Trans-National ApproachesApplied to Socio-Economic and Cultural History in Western and Non-WesternTerritories (from Sixteenth to Twentieth-Century”, Conference on GlobalHistory, Department of History, University of California at Berkeley, 20November, 2008.
“Consumption and Trade Market of Coffee from Yemen in the Area of Levant(XVIII)”, Global Cultures, Symposium organized by the Global History andCulture Centre of the University of Warwick (England), Venice, Italy, 10 and 13January, 2008.
“The History of Consumption: Transferences, Adoptions and Rejections”, invitedlecture, EuropeanUniversity Institute, 2008.
“Trans-National Historyof Material Culture: Western and Non-Western Areas in a ComparativePerspective”, invited lecture, European University Institute, 2008.
“Family, MaterialCulture and Social Groups: Consumption in Southern Castile in a ComparativePerspective (1740-1760)”, seminar organized by Professor B. Yun-Casalilla and José MaríaAguilera (Max Weber Fellow), in participation with Giovanni Levi (Università diCa` Foscari, Venezia), European University Institute, 2007.
“Databases andGenealogical Programs Applied to Late Modern History. A Particular Case ofSouthern Europe (XVIIIth century)”, The International Committee for the Historyof Technology’s 34th Symposium in Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-19 August 2007.
“Análisis de la circulación de bienes en elMediterráneo a través de una perspectiva trans-nacional: consumo de bienestextiles asiáticos en el sur de Espa?a y Francia (s. XVIII)”, CongresoInternacional para el Estudio de la Familia y Organización Social en Europa yAmérica (ss. XV-XX), Murcia-Albacete (Spain), 12-14 Diciembre 2007.
“Modelosmatrimoniales en la Europa Occidental (ss. XVIII-XIX)”, VIII Congreso:Asociación de Historia Demográfica, Mahon (Menorca), Spain, 31 Mayo-1,2 June2007.
“Interdisciplinary Approaches to Early ModernEuropean and Atlantic History”, organised by Professor Heinz-Gerhard Haupt andBartolome Yun-Casalilla, with the participation of Professors Maxime Berg(University of Warwick), Beverly Lemire (University of Victoria, Canada), European University Institute, 2006.
“Redes socials y estrategias familiars en laEspa?a Imperial (s. XVIII)”, IXCongreso: Asociación Espa?ola de Historia Moderna, Universidad de Málaga,Spain, 7-9 Junio 2006.
“Social Networks in the SpanishMonarchy (XVIIth –XVIIIth centuries)”, XXV Encontroda Asso?ia?ao Portuguesa de História Económica e Social, Universidade de évora,Portugal, 18 and 19 November 2005.
“Bienes familiares. Mayorazgo en la EuropaMeridional”, “Métodos, técnicas y ‘grandes familias’”, Congreso Internacional,Universidad de Murcia, Spain, 2005.
“Usos metodológicos y analisis de redessocials en el discurso historico” en Seminario de Familia y élite de Poder (ss.XV-XIX, 11-12 Mayo, 2005, Universidad de Murcia, Spain.
“Familia, poder y linaje. Luchas entre grupossociales en la monarquía hispánica (ss. XV-XVI)”, VI Congreso Internacional. Fronteras, población y asentamiento,Jaén, Spain, 11-12 Noviembre, 2005.
“ ‘Injuria, calumnia y sangre impura’. Historiascruzadas en la Espa?a Imperial a través de la Inquisión y grupos de poder:casos de familias espa?olas y portuguesas (ss. XVI-XVIII)”, V Congreso:Historia Social: Las figuras del desorden. Ciudad Real, Spain, 10-11 Noviembre2005.
“Trayectoria social y comportamientodemográfico a través del estudio de familias del sur de Castilla (s. XVIII)”, VII Congreso: Asociación de HistoriaDemográfica, Granada, Spain, 1-3 Abril 2004.
“Movimiento trans-regional de la población comoelemento de poder socio-económico: ascenso social de grupos familiares (ss.XIII-XVI)”, Congreso Internacional: Iglesias y Fronteras, Jaén, Spain, 19-20Noviembre, 2004.
“Familia y Mayorazgo. Estrategiaseconómicas a través de la posesión de tierra en el sur de Castilla (s. XVIII)”,Congreso Internacional: Campesinos, Nobles y Mercaderes. Granada, Spain, 8-9 Octubre 2004.
Appearances on Chinese and international media(tv, radio, press)
CCTV NEWS – INTERNATIONAL CHANNEL (invited as guest in the following programs):
1.Program The Point:
October2017, topic international politics and the current affairs in Europe (TheCatalonia issue in Spain), see the link of the program http://streambj.cgtn.com/olive/index.html?url=http://vod.cgtn.com/data/d1/programHistory/cctv-news/0.m3u8&from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0
2. Program Dialogue Ideas Matters:
a. Dialogue, September 2016, EU REFERENDUM http://english.cntv.cn/2016/12/07/VIDEt4QO945RnsJbUSOs91qy161207.shtml
b. Dialogue 02/12/2015 EU summit focuses on Greece: http://english.cntv.cn/2015/02/13/VIDE**03909.shtml
c. 02/05/2015Program Dialogue Ideas Matters:
Futureof European politics http://english.cntv.cn/2015/02/06/VIDE**99632.shtml
d. 09/07/2015 Program Dialogue Ideas Matters: EUrefugee crisis
e. 07/05/2015Program ‘Puntos de Vista’: Asian Investment and Infrastructure Bank
3. China Radio:
a.2013-12-04, China Radio International: Interview on the launch ofmy new book http://espanol.cri.cn/1986/2013/12/04/1s297155.htm
b. 12-03-2014,China-Files: http://china-files.com/es/link/36973/voz-latina-%E2%80%9Cel-consumo-tiene-un-impacto-vital-en-cualquier-sociedad%E2%80%9D-entrevista-a-manuel-perez-garcia
Media in Mexico
Press and Magazines from Mexico:
a. 1September 2014, ‘Universe. Journal of University Veracruzana’ (Mexico): http://www.uv.mx/universo/571/campus/campus_03.html
b. 2014-08-27, Central News ‘Images of the Gulf ofMexico’: http://www.imagendelgolfo.com.mx/resumen.php?id=**
c. 2014-08-27,E-Veracruz (Mexico): http://e-veracruz.mx/nota/2014-08-27/estado/china-interesada-en-energeticos-y-productos-agricolas-mexicanos
d. 2014-08-27: ‘El Mercurio de Veracruz’ (Mexico): http://www.elmercuriodeveracruz.mx/nota.php?id=5797
Media in Spain
Radio Nacional de Espa?a, Punto deEnlace (Científicos en el Extranjero), April 2019: http://www.rtve.es/m/alacarta/audios/punto-de-enlace/punto-enlace-manuel-perez-investiga-china-relaciones-entre-gigante-asiatico-europa-02-04-19/**/?media=rne&from=timeline&isappinstalled=0
Diario ABC: https://sevilla.abc.es/sevilla/sevi-numero-investigadores-espanoles-china-marginal-4_noticia.html
Agencia SINC: https://www.agenciasinc.es/Noticias/Europa-financia-proyectos-de-doce-jovenes-investigadores-de-centros-espanoles
Diario de la Universidad PabloOlavide de Sevilla: https://www.upo.es/diario/institucional/2016/07/arranca-en-la-upo-el-proyecto-sobre-los-intercambios-socioeconomicos-y-culturales-entre-china-y-europa/
Diario de la Universidad de Murcia: https://www.um.es/web/sala-prensa/-/presentado-en-la-umu-un-proyecto-financiado-por-la-ue-sobre-integracion-de-informacion-economica-global-desde-una-perspectiva-historica
Universidad de Murcia: https://www.scoop.it/topic/universidad-de-murcia/p//2015/12/16/el-proyecto-lidereado-por-manuel-perez-garcia-global-encounters-between-china-and-europe-recibe-1-5-millones-de-euros-de-la-union-europea
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姓名:潘星辉职称:副教授联系方式:panxinghui@sjtu.edu.cn研究专长:明、清政治制度史及文化史开设课程:《中国史绎》、《中国古代史》、《中国文化(思想)史》、《中国政治制度史》等个人简况学术专著学术论文荣誉与奖励其他《明代文官铨选制度研究》,北京大学出版社,2005《通识中国历史变 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-03上海交通大学人文学院导师教师师资介绍简介-任轶
姓名:任轶职称:副教授联系方式:yiren@sjtu.edu.cn研究专长:医疗社会史、教育史、中法关系、社会经济学开设课程:欧洲导论、中国近代史专题研究、东西方文化概论、中级/高级法汉互译个人简况学术专著学术论文荣誉与奖励其他任轶,1981年11月生,2000年至2011年先后在法国巴黎十二大获企 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-03上海交通大学人文学院导师教师师资介绍简介-任玉雪
姓名:任玉雪职称:副教授联系方式:renyuxue@sjtu.edu.cn研究专长:清代地方行政制度、清代东北的财政与税收开设课程:个人简况学术专著学术论文荣誉与奖励其他1.《清史稿·地理志正误》,《历史地理》第十八期2002年2.《盛京内务府的建立时间问题再探》,《历史档案》2002年第4期3.《 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-03上海交通大学人文学院导师教师师资介绍简介-许珩
姓名:许珩职称:长聘教轨助理教授联系方式:kyokou@sjtu.edu.cn研究专长:东亚政治和国际关系,日本政治外交史,台湾问题的国际关系史,国际开发援助史开设课程:东亚史(2019年秋季)近现代日本史(2020年春季)个人简况学术专著学术论文荣誉与奖励其他2018年2月获得东京大学国际关系博士 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-03上海交通大学人文学院导师教师师资介绍简介-石田隆至
姓名:石田隆至职称:副研究员联系方式:shitian.lz@sjtu.edu.cn研究专长:(1)新中国对日本战犯的教育改造及审判;(2)战后日本的和平运动及归国战犯的反战和平运动;(3)脱殖民地亚洲的和平外交;开设课程:个人简况学术专著学术论文荣誉与奖励其他 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-03上海交通大学人文学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨婵
姓名:杨婵职称:长聘教轨副教授联系方式:yang.chan@sjtu.edu.cn研究专长:中?战后关系史、集体记忆理论、二战遗留问题、二战时期的敌国侨民问题开设课程:“中国简史”,“ChineseHistory”(中国历史、英文),"Memory:AnewapproachtoChina’s20th ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-03上海交通大学人文学院导师教师师资介绍简介-虞万里
姓名:虞万里职称:****联系方式:yuwanli@sjtu.edu.cn研究专长:经学与历史文献、传统语言学开设课程:历史文献学个人简况学术专著学术论文荣誉与奖励其他虞万里,男,浙江绍兴人,1956年5月生于上海。1980年底应聘汉语大词典编纂处编纂工作,被录取进《汉大》任编纂工作。1982年7月 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-03上海交通大学人文学院导师教师师资介绍简介-赵思渊
姓名:赵思渊职称:副教授联系方式:titaner@sjtu.edu.cn研究专长:社会经济史、明清赋役制度史、江南区域史、数字人文开设课程:CL107中国历史HI420毕业论文(历史学第二专业)中国经济史(赋役制度部分)LI910批判性思维与学术写作(通识核心课程)CH943学术写作与规范(致远必修 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-03上海交通大学人文学院导师教师师资介绍简介-赵玉蕙
姓名:赵玉蕙职称:专职科研联系方式:xiaocongz@gmail.com研究专长:战后审判开设课程:中国历史地理、世界文化地理个人简况学术专著学术论文荣誉与奖励其他2012年毕业于北京大学,取得历史地理学理学博士学位。2012年至今为东京审判研究中心专职科研人员,2014~2015年赴日本大阪教育 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-03