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1994 年毕业于巴黎第七大学,获得数学博士。1995 在北京中国社会科学院做语言学研究。2003 年毕业于拉筹伯大学,获得语言学博士。2005 年于德国美因茨大学完成语言学博士后。曾任香港城市大学语言学教授。至 2019 年任职于上海交通大学语言学教授。目前主要从事语言学研究,同时也将数学和语言学结合一起进行跨学科研究。曾出版了三本学术专著和发表了 75 篇文章(其中多数是 SSCI 文章)。
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2019a). 《中国西南地区三个语系的特征》 Highlights from three Language Families inSouthwest China. Duisburg: RFLR. ISBN 978-3-947306-90-9.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2013). 《诺苏语法》Grammar ofNuosu, a language of China. MGL 64. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN: 978-3-11-030863-1.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2002). 《彝语支的谓语复合现象》Predicate Compounding in the Yi Group.Typological Studies Monographs 3. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. ISBN: 3-05-003664-8.

Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2020). “A recursiveprefix in Neasu”.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 & Zhang L. 张玲 (2020). “Zero morphemes and paradigms.” Studies in Language, 44(1), 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1075/sl.16085.ger.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2019b). “Towards diachronic word classuniversals.” In Proceedings of the22nd International Conference of Historical Linguistics, 501-517.Amsterdam: Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/cilt.348.24ger.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2017a). “Specificclassifiers versus unspecific bare nouns.” Lingua 188, 19-31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2016.08.004.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2017b). “Actions and products worldwide.” In Act-based conceptions of propositional content, Moltmann andTextor (eds.), 325-370. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2016a). “The Nuosu logophor.” TheLinguistic Review 33,277-307. https://doi.org/10.1515/tlr-2015-0002.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2016b). “Differential subject marking in Azhee.” Folia Linguistica 50(1), 137-173. SocietasLinguistica Europaea. https://doi.org/10.1515/flin-2016-0005.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2015). “Yí 彝.” Encyclopedia of Chinese language and linguistics. General Editor Sybesma, R. Leiden: Brill. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/2210-7363_ecll_COM_**.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2014b). “Verbclassifiers in East Asia.” Functions ofLanguage 21(3),267-296. https://doi.org/10.1075/fol.21.3.01ger.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2014a). “Non-compositional scopal verbmorphology in Yi.” Morphology 24, 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11525-014-9231-2.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2014c). “Review of: Li Xuping. Numeral Classifiers in Chinese: Thesyntax-semantics interface. Trends in Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gryuter,2013.” Language 90(4), 971-974. The Linguistic Societyof America. https://doi.org/10.1353/lan.2014.0083.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2014d). “The Austro-Tai Hypothesis.” Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL-14),156-161. Taipei: Academia Sinica. http://iscll-14.ling.sinica.edu.tw/files-pdf/Papers/Session4/Gerner.pdf.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2013). Yi future: Tense or evidential. Language & Linguistics 14(1),167-192. Taibei: Academia Sinica. https://doi.org/2013-0-014-001-000308-1.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2012a). “Predicate-induced permutation groups.” Journal of Semantics 29, 109-144. https://doi.org/10.1093/jos/ffr007.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2012b). “Historical change of word classes.” Diachronica 29(2), 162-200. https://doi.org/10.1075/dia.29.2.03ger.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2012c). “The typology of nominalization.” Language& Linguistics 13(4), 803-844. Taibei: Academia Sinica.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2012d). “Propositional attitudes in non-compositional logic.” Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Florida ArtificialIntelligence Research Society Conference, 295-299. PaloAlto, California: Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 & W. Bisang (2010a). “Classifier declinationsin an isolating language: On a rarity in Weining Ahmao.” Language &Linguistics 11(3), 576-623. Taibei: Academia Sinica.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2010b).“Compositional and constructional reduplication in Kam-Tai languages.” Folia Linguistica 44(2), 267-337. Societas LinguisticaEuropaea. https://doi.org/10.1515/flin.2010.012.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2010c). “The fuzzy logic of socialized attitudesin Liangshan Nuosu.” Journal ofPragmatics 42(11), 3031-3046. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2010.04.025.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 & W. Bisang (2010d). “Social deixis classifiersin Weining Ahmao.” In Rara & Rarissima: Documenting thefringes of linguistic diversity, Wohlgemuth, Jan and Michael Cysouw (eds.).pp. 75-94. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2009a). “Deictic features of demonstratives.” Canadian Journal of Linguistics 54(1),43-90. https://doi.org/10.1017/S00084**.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2009b). “Assessing the modality particles of theYi group in fuzzy possible-worlds semantics.” Linguistics & Philosophy 32(2), 143-184. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10988-009-9057-2.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2009c). “Instruments as verb classifiers in Kam(Dong).” Linguistics 47(3), 697-742. https://doi.org/10.1515/LING.2009.023.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 & W. Bisang (2009d). “Inflectionalclassifiers in Weining Ahmao: Mirror of the history of a people.” Folia Linguistica Historica 30(1/2), 183-218. Societas LinguisticaEuropaea. https://doi.org/10.1515/flih.2009.001.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2009e). “Defining permutations in the lexicon of natural languages.” Proceedings of the International ConferencePhilosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction, pp. 77-79.St. Petersburg: The Russian Academy of Sciences.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2008a). “Ambiguity-Driven Differential ObjectMarking in Yongren Lolo.” Lingua 118(3),296-331. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2007.06.002.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 & W. Bisang (2008b). “InflectionalSpeaker-Role Classifiers in Ahmao.” Journalof Pragmatics 40(4), 719-732. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2007.11.004 .
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2007a). “The exhaustion particles in the Yigroup: A unified approach to all, the completive and the superlative.” Journal of Semantics 24(1), 27-72. https://doi.org/10.1093/jos/ffl007.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2007b). “The lexicalization of causative verbsin the Yi Group.” Folia LinguisticaHistorica 28(1/2), 145-185.Societas Linguistica Europaea. https://doi.org/10.1515/flih.2007.145.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2006). “Noun classifiers in Kam and ChineseKam-Tai languages.” Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 34(2), 237-305.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2005a). “Expressives in Kam (Dong): A study insign typology – Part II.” Cahiers deLinguistique–Asie Orientale 34(1), 25-67. Paris: Ecoledes Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. https://doi.org/10.1163/19606.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2005b). “The zoom-on-possessee construction inKam (Dong): The anatomy of a new construction type.” Journal of Linguistics 41(2), 307-352. https://doi.org/10.1017/S3282.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2004a). “On a partial, strictly word-order baseddefinition of grammatical relations in Nuosu.” Linguistics 42, 109-154. https://doi.org/10.1515/ling.2004.001.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2004b).“Occurrence particles in the Yi group and their interaction with the occurrencetype of a situation.” Lingua, 114(11), 1331-1366. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2003.07.010.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2004c). “Expressives in Kam (Dong): A study in signtypology – Part I.” Cahiers deLinguistique–Asie Orientale 33(2), 159-202.Paris: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. https://doi.org/10.1163/19606.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2003a). “Demonstratives, articles and topicmarkers in the Yi group.” Journal of Pragmatics 35(7), 947-998. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0378-2166(02)00131-5.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2003b). “Passive of affect in Kam (Dong) andother Kadai languages: The missing link from synchrony.” Australian Journalof Linguistics 23(1), 35-70. https://doi.org/10.1080/54.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (2002). “Perfect in the Yi group: Stative anddynamic information management.” Studies in Language 26(2), 337-368. https://doi.org/10.1075/sl.26.2.06ger.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 & R. Guitart (1997). “The locally free relativelyfiltered diagram as an inductive completion of a system of choice.” AppliedCategorical Structures 5(1), 59-73. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:10**.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 (1995). “Pour une TypologieDiscursive via la Théorie des Esquisses.” Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines 129, 37-69. Paris: CentreNational de Recherche Scientifique. http://www.numdam.org/item/MSH_1995__129__37_0/.
Gerner, M. 马嘉思 & R. Guitart (1994). “Lediagramme localement libre comme une complétion inductive d’un système de choix.”Actes de Caen, 39-44. Caen: University of Caen. Conférence sur les Catégories, Algèbres, Esquisses etNéo-Esquisses 27-30 Septembre 1994.

2017 年台湾中央研究院语言所顾问。
2016 年 “Linguistics” (SSCI)顾问编辑
1988 年获得 “德国国家学术服务基金会(DAAD)” 的奖学金

2015 年客座教授中央民族大学在北京
2014 年客座教授中央民族大学在北京
2011 年客座副教授台湾中央研究院语言所在台北

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