

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-03

刘兴华 讲师 部门:英语系

主要经历 英国雷丁大学(University of Reading)应用语言学博士(2008-2012),英国诺丁汉特伦特大学(Nottingham Trent University)特邀研究员(2014),曾于美国亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)开展写作方向博士后研究(2015-2016)。
1. “教书育人奖”提名奖,上海交通大学,2019
2. “英华”学术奖提名奖,中国英汉语比较研究会,2018
3. “SMC-晨星青年****奖励计划”优秀青年教师奖,上海交通大学,2012
4. “国家优秀自费留学生奖”,国家留学基金委,2011
5. 海外研究生奖学金,英国雷丁大学,2008-2011
6. 校长奖,上海交通大学,2004

教学科研 研究兴趣:
林玉珍、刘兴华. (2019). 新英语阅读教程(2). 北京:高等教育出版社.
Roundy, D. & Liu, X. (2015). A Neurolinguistic Course for English Learners. Brighton: Cranmore Publications.
Roundy, D. & Liu, X. (2015). Creative Writing for English as Foreign Language Learners: Teachers’ Manual. Brighton: Cranmore Publications.
Roundy, D. & Liu, X. (2014). Creative Writing for English as Foreign Language Learners: A Course Book. Brighton: Cranmore Publications.

Liu, X., & McCabe, A. (2018). Attitudinal Evaluation in Chinese University Students’ English Writing: A Contrastive Perspective. Singapore: Springer
Liu, X. (2015). An Intercultural Rhetoric Study on English-Chinese University Students’ Argumentative Writing. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

Journal Papers/Book Chapters
刘兴华.(2020).中学英语写作教学循证实践现状研究.《外语教学理论与实践》, 4: 58-64.
刘兴华.(2020).英语写作教学的循证实践.《当代外语研究》, 1: 68-76.
刘兴华、童剑平. (2019).应用型本科院校通用大学英语教材适切性调查.《当代外语研究》,4:97-105.
李恬山、刘兴华. (2019). 基于语料库的高中生英语书面语口语化特征研究.《基础外语教育》,1:3-11.
刘兴华、麻怡隽. (2019).基于自我调节策略发展模式的英语写作教学:理论与实践.《英语教师》,21:6-10.
Liu, X. (2019).Writing research, writing instruction and educational research frontiers and methodology: An interview with Steve Graham. International Journal of TESOL Studies, 1: 102-116.
Ray, A.B., Graham, S. & Liu, X. (2018). Effects of SRSD college entrance essay exam instruction for high school students with disabilities or at-risk for writing difficulties. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-018-9900-31.
刘兴华、纪小凌. (2018). 大学英语写作同伴评分的可行性和有效性研究.《外语界》, 5: 63-70.
Graham, S., Liu, X., Bartlett, B., Ng, C., Harris, K. R., Aitken, A., Barkel, A., Kavanaugh, C., Talukdar, J. (2018). Reading for Writing: A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Reading Interventions on Writing. Review of Educational Research. 88(2): 243-284. DOI: 10.3102/6927
Graham, S.,Liu, X.,Aitken, A.,Ng, C.,Bartlett, B.,Harris, K.R., &Holzapfel, J.(2017).Effectiveness of Literacy Programs Balancing Reading and Writing Instruction: A Meta-Analysis.Reading Research Quarterly. 53(3): 279–304. https://doi.org/10.1002/rrq.194.
刘兴华、纪小凌、余继英(2017).以评促学---大学英语写作有效同伴反馈模式构建及促学效果研究.《当代外语研究》,5: 9-15.
Liu, X. (2017). Towards Evidence-based Foreign Language Teaching and Research. TESOL International Journal. 2
Liu, X. (2017). Writing instruction, writing research, and educational psychology: An interview with Steve Graham. Educational Psychology Review. 29(1):175-187. DOI 10.1007/s10648-016-9375-1.
Shi, Y., & Liu, X. (2016). Recontextualizing writing proficiency: An investigation of model argumentation texts for IELTS preparation. TESOL International Journal. 11(2):57-69.
刘兴华、唐青叶(2016). 大学英语教学面面观—国际语言教育专家访谈.《第二语言学习研究》,2(1):85-89.
McCabe, A., Gledhill, C., & Liu, X. (2015). Systemic functional linguistics and English language teaching. TESOL International Journal. 10(1):1-10.
Liu, X., & Furneaux, C. (2015). Argument structures in Chinese university students’ argumentative writing: A contrastive perspective. English Text Construction. 8(1):65-87.
Liu, X., & Wolf, H. (2015).A cross-cultural investigation of attitudinal evaluationin Chinese and British university students’ argumentative writing.Journal of EFL Writing Teaching & Research, 2:93-112.
Liu, X., & Furneaux, C. (2014). A multidimensional comparison of discourse organization in English and Chinese university students’ argumentative writing. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 24(1):74-96.
Liu, X. (2014). Contrastive Rhetoric Research of English and Chinese: Old Issues and New Perspectives (pp.99-115). In J. Wang & D. Lin (eds): Teaching and Researching EFL Writing from the Psycho-cognitive and Socio-cultural Perspectives. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
Liu, X. (2014). Motivation-based bonding activities in an EFL writing classroom: A case report from mainland China. ELTWO (special issue on bonding).
Liu, X. & Le, T. (2013). Voice and audience in writing: A multidimensional account (pp.187-200). In T. Le and Q. Le (eds), Conducting Research in a Changing and Challenging World. New York: Nova Science Publishers
Liu, X. (2013). Evaluation in Chinese university EFL students’ English argumentative writing: An APPRAISAL study. E-FLT, 10(1):40-53.
Liu, X. (2012). Towards an ecological view of contrastive rhetoric research between English and Chinese. The Internet Journal of Language, Culture and Society, 34:33-42.
Liu, X. (2011). More than Ba Gu Wen (Eight-legged essay) and Confucianism: A new research agenda for English-Chinese writing studies. Second Language Writing News,vol6, No.2.
Liu, X. (2011).Directions in contrastive rhetoric research. Language Studies Working Papers, University of Reading, 3:58-65.
Liu, X. (2010). An investigation of Chinese university EFL learners’ knowledge about writing. Language Studies Working Papers, University of Reading, 2: 51-63.
Liu, X., & Thompson, P. (2009). Attitude in students’ argumentative writing: A contrastive perspective. Language Studies Working Papers, University of Reading, 1: 3-15.

社会兼职 Chief Editor: International Journal of TESOL Studies (ISSN: 2632-6779) (www.tesolunion.org)
Co-Editor: International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching(ISSN: 2708-9517) (www.clt-international.org)
Editorial Board Member: Sage Open (http://journals.sagepub.com/page/sgo/editorial-board)

Invited Reviewer for the following journals:
Journal of English for Specific Purposes;
Journal of English for Academic Purposes;
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research;
Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology;
Linguistics and Education;
Language and Education;
Journal of Research in Reading;
Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Education Science: Theory and Practice;
Assessing Writing;
Educational Psychology Review;
Journal of Writing and Pedagogy;
Language Studies Working Papers.
Invited Reviewer for the following publishers and conferences:
Palgrave Publishing;
Bloomsbury Publishing;
American Educational Research Association Annual Conference;
SIG Writing Conference.

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