本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-03
姓名 Thomas Coendet
研究领域 国际法
职称 上海高校**** (****)
毕业院校 瑞士伯尔尼大学
最高学历 博士
Name:Thomas Coendet
Title / Position:Shanghai Distinguished Professor (Oriental Chair)
Discipline:International Law
Office Phone:+86 21 6293 4330
Address:Shanghai Jiao Tong University, KoGuan Law School, 1954 Huashan Road, 200030 Shanghai, PRC
Educational Background:
MJur, University of Oxford (2015); Dr. iur., University of Berne (2012); Admission to the Swiss bar (2008)
Professional Experience:
Thomas Coendet is Shanghai Distinguished Professor (Oriental Chair) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), joining the law faculty in September of 2016. Prior to joining SJTU, he held a series of prestigious fellowships in Europe, including a Postdoc at Goethe University Frankfurt (2016) and visiting positions at the University of Oxford (2010/11) and the University of Paris I (Sorbonne) (2011). He was a research associate at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg (2010) and during his Swiss university education a fellow of the Swiss Study Foundation. Starting in 2012, he practised for two and a half years as an attorney for banking, finance, and regulatory in one of the leading and internationally most active Swiss law firms. His publications include a book on comparative legal reasoning and a wide range of journal articles and chapters on legal theory, judiciary, banking and contract law, both in English and German. For his paper Legal Reasoning: Arguments from Comparison, he received the ARSP Best Article Prize 2017.
Honours and Awards:
ARSP Best Article Prize (2017), Honorary Member of the Romanian Association for Law and European Affairs (2017), Holcim Fellow (2016), Freshfields Scholar (University of Oxford, 2014/15), UNIDROIT Scholar (University of Oxford, 2014/15), JPS Fellow (2011), SNF Fellow (2010), Gustave Dubois Prize (2006)
Research Interests:
Law of finance and financial regulation, contract law, comparative law, legal theory, legal linguistics
Research Projects:
Financial Innovation before Civil Courts – A Historical, Comparative, and Theoretical Analysis, Oriental Scholar Research Project
Selected Publications:
“Critical Legal Orientalism. Rethinking the Comparative Discourse on Chinese Law,” 67 (2019)American Journal of Comparative Law(forthcoming, Issue 4)(Reviewed article)
“Legal Reasoning: Arguments from Comparison,” 102 (2016)Archives for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy(ARSP), 476–507 (Reviewed article) (awarded theARSP Best Article Prize 2017,open access)
“Judicial Decision-Making Today. The Swiss Perspective,” in Jürgen Basedow, Holger Fleischer, Reinhard Zimmermann (eds.):Legislators, Judges, and Professors, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2016, 65–95
“Gesetzgebungsstrategie des neuen AGB-Rechts,”133 (2014)Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht(ZSR), 45–72 (Reviewed article) [The Legislative Strategy for the New Law on Standard Contract Terms]
Rechtsvergleichende Argumentation. Phänomenologie der Veranderung im rechtlichen Diskurs, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2012 [Comparative Legal Reasoning]
Reviewed by:
Ulfrid Neumann, 2018 Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (ARSP), 449–52
H.C.F. Schoordijk,Realistische en pragmatische rechtsvinding, Nijmegen: Wolf 2014, 29–30
Stelio Mangiameli, 2014Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico, 1186–90
A. Kohl, 2013Revue de droit international et de droit comparé, 644–6
Ralph Christensen, 2013Juristen Zeitung(JZ), 354–5
Courses taught:
Private international law, Western legal culture, English legal writing
Other Professional Activities:
Asian Journal of Law and Society(Cambridge University Press), Managing Editor (2016–9); Ancilla Iuris – Constellations of Law(anci.ch), Member of the Editorial Board (since 2016); Coordinator of International Activities at the China Institute for Socio-Legal Studies, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (since 2019); Research fellow at the Law and Society Centre of KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (since 2018); Fellow of the Study Group for Legal Linguistics, University of Heidelberg (since 2014)
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