

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-03

姓名 秦裕林
研究领域 交叉学科
职称 访问****
毕业院校 卡内基-梅隆大学
最高学历 博士
秦裕林,卡内基梅隆大学获心理学博士,从师图灵奖,诺贝尔经济学奖获得者H. 西蒙。与西蒙,J.安德森等人常年合作,在认知心理学和认知神经科学取得了一系列成果。
《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of American, SCI影响因子9.681)
《心理学评论》(Psychological Review,SCI影响因子7.756)
《认知科学的趋向》(Trends in Cognitive Sciences, SCI影响因子12.586)
《神经科学期刊》(Journal of Neuroscience,SCI影响因子5.175)
《大脑皮层》(Cerebral Cortex,SCI影响因子6.544)
《伦敦皇家学会哲学学报:生物科学》(Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences,SCI影响因子6.401)
《认知神经科学期刊》(Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, SCI影响因子5.175)
《认知心理学》(Cognitive Psychology, SCI影响因子4.273)
《医学磁共振》(Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,SCI影响因子2.964)
《认知科学》(Cognitive Science,SCI影响因子2.376)
《神经影像》(NeuroImage, (SCI影响因子5.895)
《神经学科学期刊》(Journal of the Neurological Sciences,SCI影响因子2.353)
《知识信息系统》(Knowledge . Information. System, SCI影响因子2.225)
认知心理学及其应用, 认知神经科学及其应用, 认知科学及其应用
1987.08 -- 1992.12:认知心理学博士, 卡内基-梅隆大学心理学系
导师:赫伯特·西蒙(Herbert Alexander Simon,1916 –2001) 生前系中科院首批外籍院士,美国科学院院士, 人工智能与认知心理学奠基人之一,曾获得诺贝尔经济奖(1978),美国国家科学金奖(1986),计算机科学图灵奖(1975),美国心理学会杰出科学贡献奖(1969),国际人工智能协会杰出研究奖(1995)等不同领域的十几项最高奖项。
1979.09 -- 1982.05:计算机科学与工程硕士,北京航空学院计算机系
1973.03 -- 1974.04: 应用数学训练班, 北京大学数学系
1963.08 -- 1968.12:大学本科, 南京航空学院飞机系
2013.09-- 现在:访问**** 上海交通大学凯原法学院。中国,上海
2007.09 – 2013.08:**** 北京工业大学国际WIC学院。中国, 北京
2006.09 -- 2007.05:兼任教授 浙江大学心理与行为科学系。中国, 杭州
2000.08 -- 现在:高级研究心理学家 (senior research psychologist) (认知心理学),J·安德森实验室(John R. Anderson, 美国科学院院士,2001-2004 美国科学院心理学Section Chair),卡内基-梅隆大学心理学系, 美国,匹兹堡
1999.08 -- 2000.08:助理教授(认知神经科学),理疗与康复系,贝勒医学院。美国,休斯敦
1998.08 -- 1999.08:助理教授(认知神经科学),新泽西神经科学研究所。美国, 新泽西
1997.12 -- 1998.08:研究助理 (脑功能图像数据分析),图像研究中心,核磁共振室,德州大学圣安东尼奥健康科学中心。美国,圣安东尼奥
1996.12 -1997.12:博士后(神经心理学:语言与工作记忆),赖斯大学心理系。美国,休斯敦
导师: Randi Martin, Ph. D.
1992.12 -- 1996.12:博士后(神经生理:学习记忆与老年化),亚利桑那大学,亚利桑那研究实验室,神经系统,记忆与老年化室。美国,图桑
导师: Bruce McNaughton, Ph. D. and Carol A. Barnes, Ph. D.
1986.01 -- 1987.07:计算机软件工程开发,SYSCORP International Comp,美国, 奥斯汀
1982.05 -- 1985.12:讲师,北京航空学院计算机系。中国,北京
1974.04 -- 1979.08:工程师, 航空工业部三0一研究所,质量控制与应用数学组。中国,北京
1968.12 -- 1973.03:设计员,成都飞机制造公司 设计科。中国,成都
重要摘要(highly selected)
1. R. Martin and Y-L. Qin (1997). Comprehension of compound noun phrases vs. prepositional phrases in sentence anomaly judgments -- New evidence for the semantic component of working memory. Abstracts. Society for Neuroscience. Vol. 23, 1055.
2. Sohn MH, Qin Y, Goode A, Carter C, Anderson J (2002). Changes in neural activities during cognitive skill learning: An event-related fMRI study with pseudo-algebraic problem solving, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 53-53 B43 Suppl. S, APR 2002.
3. Yu-Lin Qin, Ying Liu and John R. Anderson(2004). ERP as a complement of fMRI study in a symbolic-manipulation task (presented in 2004 annual meeting of cognitive neuroscience society.)
4. Qin YL, Jung KJ, Anderson J (2005) Using FMRI to explore the processes of sub-goal processing, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 22-22 Suppl. S, 2005
5. Fincham, J. M., Qin, Y., & Anderson, J. R. (2008). An fMRI study of cognitive demand and control during skill acquisition. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA, p. 244.
Anderson, J., Bothell, D., Fincham, J., Anderson, A., Poole, B. & Qin, Y. (2011). Brain regions engaged by part- and whole-task performance in a video game: A model-based test of the decomposition hypothesis. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23(12):3983-3997. (2012-07-04-sci-citation: 1)
Anderson, J, Cameron S. ,Carter, J, Fincham, M. Yulin Qin, Ravizza, S. & Rosenberg-Lee ,M.(2008). Using fMRI to Test Models of Complex Cognition. Cognitive Science. 32: 1323-1348. (2012-07-04-sci-citation: 7)
John R. Anderson & Yulin Qin (2008). Using brain imaging to extract the structure of complex events at the rational time band. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 20(9):1624-1636 (2012-07-04-sci-citation: 7)
John R. Anderson, Jon M. Fincham, Yulin Qin, and Andrea Stocco (2008). A central circuit of the mind. Trends in Cognitive Science. 12(4):136-143 (2012-07-04-sci-citation: 26)
Yulin Qin, Daniel Bothell, and John R. Anderson (2007). ACT-R meets fMRI.In Ning Zhong, Jiming Liu, YiYu Yao, Jinlong Wu, Shengfu Lu, Kuncheng Li (Eds.) Web Intelligence Meets Brain Informatics. 205-222. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
John R. Anderson, Yulin Qin, Kwan-jin Jung, and Cameron S.Carter (2007). Information-processing modules and their relative modality specificity. Cognitive Psychology. 54, 185-217. (2012-07-04-sci-citation: 20)
Kwan-jin Jung, Parikshit Prasad, Yulin Qin, and John R. Anderson (2005). Extraction of overt verbal response from the acoustic noise in a functional magnetic resonance imaging scan by use of segmented active noise cancellation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 53. 739-744 (2012-07-04-sci-citation: 6)
John R. Anderson, Scott Douglass, Yulin Qin. (2005). How should a theory of learning and cognition inform instruction?In A Healy (Ed.) Experimental cognitive psychology and its applications. 47-58. American Psychological Association.
Anderson, J. R., Bothell, D., Byrne, M. D., Douglas, S., Lebiere, C., Qin, Y. (2004). An integrated theory of the mind. Psychological Review. 111(4). 1036-1060 (2012-07-04-sci-citation: 397)
John R. Anderson, Yulin Qin, V. Andrew Stenger, and Cameron S.Carter (2004). The relationship of three cortical regions to an information-processing model. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 16(4):637-653(2012-07-04-sci-citation: 24)
Yulin Qin, Cameron S. Carter , Eli Silk, V. Andrew Stenger, Kate Fissell, Adam Goode, and John. R. Anderson (2004). The change of the brain activation patterns as children learn algebra equation solving. PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America). 101(15): 5686-5691 (2012-07-04-sci-citation: 43)
Atsushi Terao, Kenneth R. Koedinger, Myeong-Ho Sohn, Yulin Qin, John. R. Anderson, and Cameron S.Carter (2004). An fMRI study of the interplay of symbolic and visuo-spatial systems in mathematical reasoning. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. 1327-1332.
Yulin Qin, Myeong-Ho Sohn, John. R. Anderson, V. Andrew Stenger, Kate Fissell, Adam Goode, and Cameron S.Carter (2003). Predicting the practice effects on the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) function of fMRI in a symbolic manipulation task. PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America). 100(8): 4951-4956 (2012-07-04-sci-citation: 34)
John R. Anderson, Yulin Qin, Myeong-Ho Sohn, V. Andrew Stenger, and Cameron S.Carter (2003). An information-processing model of the BOLD response in symbol manipulation tasks. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 10(2): 241-261 (2012-07-04-sci-citation: 41)
Min Jung, Yulin Qin, Daeyeol Lee, and Inhee Mook-Jung (2000). Relationship among discharges of neighboring neurons in the rat prefrontal cortex during spatial working memory tasks. The Journal of Neuroscience. 20(16):6166-6172 (2012-07-04-sci-citation: 19)
Yu-Lin Qin, Bruce L. McNaughton, William E. Skaggs, and Carol A. Barnes (1997, 1999). Memory reprocessing in cortico-corticaland hippocampo-cortical neural ensembles. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences. 352. 1525-1533 (1997). Also in N. Burgress, K.J. Jeffery and J. O'Keefe (Eds.), The Hippocampal and Parietal Foundations of Spatial Cognition. 305- 319. Oxford University Press, 1999. (2012-07-04-sci-citation: 112)
Min W. June, Yu-Lin Qin, Bruce L. McNaughton and Carol A. Barnes (1998). Firing characters of deep layer neurons in prefrontal cortex in rats performing spatial working memory task. Cerebral Cortex. 8(5): 437-50 (2012-07-04-sci-citation: 116)
B.L. McNaughton, C.A. Barnes, J.L. Gerrard, K. Gothard, M.W. Jung, J.J. Knierim, H. Kudrimoti, Y. Qin , W.E. Skaggs, M. Suster,and K.L. Weaver (1996). Deciphering the hippocampal polyglot: the hippocampus as a path integration system. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 199:173-185 (2012-07-04-sci-citation: 429)
Etan J. Markus, Yu-Lin Qin, Brian Leonard, William E. Skaggs, Bruce L. McNaughton and Carol A. Barnes (1995). Interactions between location and task affect the spatial and directional firing of hippocampal neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience. 15(11): 7079-7094.(2012-07-04-sci-citation: 255)
Yulin Qin and HerbertA. Simon (1995). Imagery and mental models in problem solving, In Janice Glasgow, N. Hari Narayanan, and B. Chandrasekaran (Eds.), Diagrammatic Reasoning: Cognitive and Computational Perspectives. 403-434. AAAI Press and MIT Press.
Yulin Qin and HerbertA. Simon (1992, 1994). Imagery and mental models in problem solving. Working Notes. 18 - 23. AAAI Spring Symposium on Reasoning with Diagrammatic Representations, Stanford University, March 25 - 27, 1992. (Also published as AAAI Technical Report on Reasoning with Diagrammatic Representations, SS-92-02, AAAI Press, 1994).
Yulin Qin and HerbertA. Simon (1992). Imagery as process representation in problem solving. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 1050 - 1055. NJ: LEA Publishers.
Yulin Qin, Tom M. Mitchell, and HerbertA. Simon (1992). Using EBG to simulate human learning from examples and learning by doing. Proceedings of the Fifth Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium. 235 - 239. Fl: Florida AI Research Society.
Yulin Qin and HerbertA. Simon (1990).Laboratory Replication of Scientific Discovery Processes. Cognitive Science. 14, 281-312.(2012-07-04-sci-citation: 56)
Yulin Qin and HerbertA. Simon (1990). Imagery and Problem Solving. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. 646 - 653. NJ: LEA Publishers.
Zhijiang Wang, Jiming Liu, Ning Zhong, Yulin Qin, Haiyan Zhou, Kuncheng Li (2012). Changes in the brain intrinsic organization in both on-task and post-task resting state. NeuroImage. (in press).
Guangwei Jin, Kuncheng Li, Yulin Qin, Ning Zhong, Zhiqun Wang, Jie Xiang, Haiyan Zhou, Yingying Hu, Mingxiao Wang,Qingyu Zeng (2012) fMRI Study in Posterior Cingulate and Adjacent Precuneus Cortex in Healthy Elderly Adults using Problem Solving Task, Journal of the Neurological Sciences. (in press).
Guangwei Jin, Kuncheng Li, Yingying Hu, Yulin Qin, Xiangqing Wang, Jie Xiang, Yanhui Yang, Jie Lu, Ning Zhong((2011): Amnestic mild cognitive impairment : funxtional MR imaging study of response inposterior cingulate cortex and adjacent precuneus during problem solving tasks. Radiology, 261: 525-533.
Yi Zeng, Erzhong Zhou, Yan Wang, Xu Ren, Yulin Qin, Zhisheng Huang, Ning Zhong(2011): Research interests: their dynamics, structures and applications in unifying search and reasoning. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 37(1): 65-88
Yi Zeng, Ning Zhong, Yan Wang, Yulin Qin, Zhisheng Huang, Haiyan Zhou, Yiyu Yao, Frank van Harmelen(2011): User-centric query refinement and processing using granularity-based strategies. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 27(3): 419-450 (2012-07-04-sci-citation: 1)
Zhong, N; Liang, PP; Qin, YL; Lu, SF; Yang, YH; Li, KC(2011). Neural substrates of data-driven scientific discovery: An fMRI study during performance of number series completion task.SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES. 54(5): 466-473, (2012-07-04-sci-citation: 1
Dazhong Liu, Ning Zhong, Yulin Qin(2011): Exploring Functional Connectivity Networks in fMRI Data Using Clustering Analysis. Brain Informatics 2011: 148-159(EI)
Zhijiang Wang, Jiming Liu, Ning Zhong, Yulin Qin, Haiyan Zhou, Kuncheng Li(2011): Robust and Stable Small-World Topology of Brain Intrinsic Organization during Pre- and Post-Task Resting States. Brain Informatics 2011: 136-147 (EI)
Haiyan Zhou, Jieyu Liu, Wei Jing, Yulin Qin, Shengfu Lu, Yiyu Yao, Ning Zhong(2011): The Role of Lateral Inferior Prefrontal Cortex during Information Retrieval. Brain Informatics 2011: 53-63 (EI)
X. Ren, Y. Zeng, Y.L. Qin, N. Zhong, Z.S. Huang, Y. Wang, C. Wang(2010). Social Relation Based Search Refinement: Let Your Friends Help You! Proc. the 2010 International Conference on Active Media Technology (AMT 2010), LNCS 6335, Springer, 2010: 475-485. (EI)
F.F. Wang, J. Xiang, H.Y. Zhou, Y.L. Qin, N. Zhong(2010). Neural Mechanisms of Working Memory and Mental Imagery in Problem Solving. Proc. the 7th International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS 2010): 172-173. (EI)
Y. Wang, Y. Zeng, C. Wang, X. Ren, Y.L. Qin, V. Momtchev, N. Zhong, B. Andersson(2010). Cognitive Memory Inspired Search Refinement on Life Science Literatures. Proc. the 7th International Conference on Cognitive science (ICCS 2010): 176-177. (EI)
Wang, Zhijiang, Liu, Jiming,Zhong, Ning,Zhou, Haiyan,Qin, Yulin(2010) ,Two Perspectives to Investigate the Intrinsic Organization of the Dynamic and Ongoing Spontaneous Brain Activity in Humans. World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2010) (ISTP)
J. Xiang, Y.L. Qin, J.J. Chen, H.Y. Zhou, K.C. Li, N. Zhong(2010). The Role of Posterior Parietal Cortex in Problem Representation. In Yiyu Yao, Ron Sun, Tomaso Poggio, Jimjin Liu, Ning Zhong, and Jimmy Huang (Eds.) Brain Informatics (LNAI 6334). 417-426. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. (EI)
Weiyan Yu, Peipeng Liang, Yulin Qin, Haiyan Zhou, Ning Zhong(2010). The role of category label in adults’ categorization judgment. Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS10), Beijing. 175-176 (EI)
Y. Zeng, E.Z. Zhou, Y.L. Qin, N. Zhong(2010). Research Interests: Their Dynamics, Structures and Applications in Web Search Refinement. Proc. the 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2010): 639-646. (EI)
H.Y. Zhou, J.Y. Liu, W. Jing, Y.L. Qin, S.F. Lu, Y.Y. Yao, N. Zhong(2010). Basic Level Advantage and Its Switching during Information Retrieval: An fMRI Study. In Yiyu Yao, Ron Sun, Tomaso Poggio, Jimjin Liu, Ning Zhong, and Jimmy Huang (Eds.) Brain Informatics (LNAI 6334). 427-436. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (EI)
钟宁,梁佩鹏, 秦裕林,吕胜富,杨延辉,李坤成(2009). 数据驱动的科学发现的神经机制:一项fMRI研究, 《中国科学 C: 生命科学》,39(3): 271-278
N. Zhong, P.P. Liang, K.C. Li, S.F. Lu, Y.L. Qin, J.M. Liu, Y.Y. Yao(2009). The Cognitive Neural Mechanism of Human Inductive Reasoning: A Brain Informatics Perspective. Asia Pacific Biotech News. 13(9): 17-19
R.F. Wang, J. Xiang, H.Y. Zhou, Y.L Qin and N. Zhong(2009). Simulating Human Heuristic Problem Solving: A Study by Combining ACT-R and fMRI Brain Image. In Ning Zhong, Kuncheng Li, Shengfu Lu, Lin Chen (Eds.) Brain Informatics (LNAI 5819). 53-62. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. (EI)
J. Xiang, J.J. Chen, H.Y. Zhou, Y.L. Qin, K.C. Li and N. Zhong(2009). Using SVM to Predict High-Level Cognition from fMRI Data: A Case Study of 4*4 Sudoku Solving. In Ning Zhong, Kuncheng Li, Shengfu Lu, Lin Chen (Eds.) Brain Informatics (LNAI 5819). 171-181. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg(EI)
J. Xiang, H.Y. Zhou, N. Zhong, Y.L. Qin(2009). Using SVM to Predict High Level cognitive Behavior from fMRI. 从细胞机制到计算方法—北京2009国际认知科学研讨会.
王日凤,相洁,周海燕,秦裕林,钟宁(2008). 基于ACT-R的启发式问题解决认知机制研究. 第四届全国脑与认知科学学术研讨会暨脑与认知科学国际研讨会.
相洁, 王丽娟, 周海燕, 秦裕林(2008).. Sudoku问题解决的神经机制. 第四届全国脑与认知科学学术研讨会暨脑与认知科学国际研讨会
秦裕林(2008). 读“心”术—Anderson的一种由fMRI逐次扫描数据推断被试脑行为的方法简介.心理学会.
N. Zhong, J.M. Liu, Y.Y. Yao, J.L. Wu, S.F. Lu, Y. Qin, K.C. Li, and B. Wah(2007)., Web Intelligence Meets Brain Informatics, N. Zhong et al (eds). Web Intelligence Meets Brain Informatics, LNCS 4845, State-of-the-Art Survey, Springer : 1-31. (EI)
葛岩、秦裕林、何俊涛、冯竹青(2013), 态度的神经表征与变化机制-社会神经学进路及其对传播研究的启示, 《现代传播》(已录用,待发),2012年第4期
葛岩、秦裕林(2012). 行为-心理研究范式从黑箱移至灰箱—社会认知神经科学系列评介之一。《中国社会科学报》(心理学版), 2101年8月27日。
葛岩, 赵丹青,秦裕林 (2010). 网民评论对消费态度和意愿的影响——观察信息刺激、信源可信度与品牌经验的相互作用 .《现代传播》, 2010年10期:102-108.
葛岩, 秦裕林 (2008). Dragon 能否表示龙-对民族象征物跨文化传播的试验性研究.《中国社会科学》.2008年1期:163-176.
秦裕林, 朱新民, 朱丹 (2006). Herbert Simon 在最后几年里的两个研究方向.《智能系统学报》, vol.1(2,):11-15.
朱新民, 秦裕林,史铁如,Herbert A. Simon(1987)通过样例中学与做中学产生式的建立. 《心理学报》 No.2:176-183.
扬忠祥,秦裕林, 朱新民 (1984)代数因式分解问题求解的学习系统 . Automation Data. No. 86. 中科院自动化所.
秦裕林, 孙长华 (1984) 最优分割法及其心理学应用. 《心理科学通讯》 No.6:22-29.
秦裕林 (1984). 认知心理学与计算机科学的研究与教学——介绍西蒙教授的认知心理学讲学. 《心理科学进展》,No.1:63-64.
秦裕林 (1984). 一个用于有序样本聚类分析的简单专家系统.《北航科研报告》, BH-B1329
赵梅, 秦裕林 (1984). K-近邻分类器改进.《北航科研报告》, BH-B1421.
秦裕林 (1983).最大最小聚类分类器 . 《北航科研报告》 . BH-B1059.
秦裕林 (1982). Compound 分类器的分析与改进. 《北航科研报告》, BH-B992.
秦裕林 李艾 (1982),用于飞行器模式识别的两个简单方便的特征.《北航30周年校庆论文集》,Vol.6:57-61.
秦裕林, 许耀昌 (1982). 飞行器图像模式识别.《北航学报》No.2,:115-124.
Yulin Qin (1982). The comparison of some nonparametric classifiers and some distances used in nonparametric classifiers, Proceedings of 6th International conference on pattern recognition. Vol.2:876-878. Munich, Germany.
李定钧,秦裕林赵申, 扬旭 (1981). 《全面质量管理基础》, 北京:知识出版社.
秦裕林 (1983). 《统计模式识别》, 北京: 北航出版社
1. A. 纽厄尔,H. A. 西蒙 (1984). 符号与物理符号系统(秦裕林译). 《科学与哲学(研究资料)》. 1984, Vol 6: 97-110.
2. 司马贺 (Herbert A. Simon). (1992) . 漫谈科学研究方法.《自然辩证法通讯》, vol. 14(1): 6-12. (秦裕林 译)
3.赫尔伯特·西蒙著( Herbert A. Simon). 《我生活的种种模式》(曹南燕,秦裕林译). 东方出版中心,1998.
4. 司马贺( Herbert A. Simon) (2001). 预报未来还是塑造未来?(秦裕林,曹南燕译).《自然辩证法通讯》, vol. 23(4): 90-93.
5.约翰·安德森(John R. Anderson) .《认知心理学及其启示》(第7版) (秦裕林,程瑶,周海燕,徐玥 译). 人民邮电出版社,2012.
Neural Regeneration Research(SCI期刊), 审稿专家
PsyCh Journal (中国科学院心理研究所,英文期刊,2012年 创刊),Member of the Editorial Board (编委)


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