

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-02

导师姓名: 项永兵 专业代码: 100400
性别: 男 专业名称: 公共卫生与预防医学
培养单位: 公共卫生学院 三级学科/
导师类型: 博士生导师 专业学位导师: 兼专业学位硕导
联系方式: 上海市斜土路2200弄25号
邮编: 200032 邮箱地址: ybxiang@ shsci.org

研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)


科研项目 项目编号项目名称课题来源起止年月批准经费承担职责
2016YFC** 中国主要恶性肿瘤的危险因素监测及控制关键技术研究 国家重点研发计划“重大慢性非传染性疾病防控研究”重点专项 2016-09~2020-12 223万元 子课题负责人
UM1 CA182910 上海女性健康队列研究 国际合作(美国NCI/NIH) 2014-09~2019-08 600万元 课题负责人
2015CB554000 结直肠癌和肝细胞癌的癌前病变和侵袭的早期分子事件研究 科技部973项目 2014-01~2019-08 100万元 课题参与人
2012ZX** 经肝炎向肝癌发展病程的流行病学研究与早期预警 科技重大专项(十二五,子项目) 2012-01~2015-12 162万元 子课题负责人
2008ZX10002-015 经肝炎向肝癌发展过程中的流行病学研究 科技重大专项(十一五,子项目) 2008-01~2010-12 357万元 子课题负责人
R01 CA82729, UM1 CA173640 上海男性健康队列研究 国际合作(美国NCI/NIH) 2001-06~2018-08 2500万元 课题负责人

学术论文 作者论文标题期刊名出版年卷期页码
Nguyen S, Li H, Yu D, Gao J, Gao Y, Tran H,, Zheng W, Shu XO Adherence to dietary recommendations and colorectal cancer risk: results from two prospective cohort studies Int J Epidemiol 2020 Feb 1;49(1):270-280
Zhao LG, Li ZY, Feng GS, Ji XW, Li HL, Tan YT, Gunter MJ, Coffee drinking and cancer risk: an umbrella review of meta-analysis of observational studies BMC Cancer 2020 20(1):101
Ji XW, Jiang Y, Wu H, Zhou P, Tan YT, Li HL, Zhang L, Zhao WS, Xia QH, Bray F, Long-term liver cancer incidence and mortality trends in the Changning District of Shanghai, China J Dig Dis 2020 Apr;21(4):230-236
Jiang YF, Li ZY, Ji XW, Shen QM, Tuo JY, Yuan HY, Global pattern and trend of liver cancer survival: a systematic review of population-based studies Hepatoma Res 2020 6:52
Zhao LG, Li ZY, Feng GS, Ji XW, Tan YT, Li HL, Gunter M, Tea drinking and risk of cancer incidence: a meta-analyses of prospective cohort studies and evidence evaluation Adv Nutr 2020 Oct 1:nmaa117
Yang WS, Liu ZN, Zhao QH, Tan YT, Gao J, Li HL, Diet and liver cancer risk: a narrative review of epidemiologic evidence Bri J Nutr 2020 Aug 14;124(3):330-340
Zhang W, Wang J, Gao J, Li HL, Han LH, Qing Lan, Nat Rothman, Shu XO, Zheng W, Prediagnostic level of urinary isoflavonoids in relation to risk of liver cancer in Shanghai, China Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2019 28(10):1712-1719
Muller DC, Larose TL, Hodge A, Guida F, Langhammer A, Grankvist K, Meyer K, Cai Q, Arslan AA, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A, Albanes D, Giles GG, Sesso HD, Lee IM, Gaziano JM, Yuan JM, Hoffman Bolton J, Buring JE, Visvanathan K, Le Marchand L, Purdue MP, Caporaso NE, Midttun ?, Ueland PM, Prentice RL, Weinstein SJ, Stevens VL, Zheng W, Blot WJ, Shu XO, Zhang X,, Koh WP, Hveem K, Thomson CA, Pettinger M, Engstr?m G, Brunnstr?m H, Milne RL, Stampfer MJ, Han J, Johansson M, Brennan P, Severi G, Johansson M Circulating high sensitivity C reactive protein concentrations and risk of lung cancer: nested case-control study within Lung Cancer Cohort Consortium BMJ 2019 364:k4981. doi: 10.1136/bmj.k4981
Zhao LG, Shu XO, Li HL, Gao J, Han LH, Wang J,Fang J, Gao YT, Zheng W, Prospective cohort studies of dietary vitamin B6 intake and risk of causespecific mortality. Clin Nutr 2019 38(3):1180-1187
Lu Y, Kweon SS, Tanikawa C, Jia WH,, Cai Q, Zeng C, Schmit SL, Shin A, Matsuo K, Jee SH, Kim DH, Kim J, Wen W, Shi J, Guo X, Li B, Wang N, Zhang B, Li X, Shin MH, Li HL, Ren Z, Oh JH, Oze I, Ahn YO, Jung KJ, Conti DV, Schumacher FR, Rennert G, Jenkins MA, Campbell PT, Hoffmeister M, Casey G, Gruber SB, Gao J, Gao YT, Pan ZZ, Kamatani Y, Zeng YX, Shu XO, Long J, Matsuda K, Zheng W Large-scale Genome-wide Association Study of East Asians Identifies Loci Associated With Risk for Colorectal Cancer Gastroenterology 2019 156(5):1455-1466
Cui Y, Wen W, Zheng T, Li H, Gao YT, Cai H, You M, Gao J, Yang G, Zheng W,, Shu XO* Use of Antihypertensive Medications and Survival of Breast, Colorectal, Lung, or Stomach Cancer Am J Epidemiol 2019 pii: kwz106. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwz106
Yang JJ, Yu D,, Blot W, White E, Robien K, Sinha R, Park Y, Takata Y, Lazovich D, Gao YT, Zhang X, Lan Q, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Johansson I, Tumino R, Riboli E, Tj?nneland A, Skeie G, Quirós JR, Johansson M, Smith-Warner SA, Zheng W, Shu XO Association of Dietary Fiber and Yogurt Consumption With Lung Cancer Risk: A Pooled Analysis JAMA Oncol 2019 doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2019.4107
Li HL, Zhao LG, Wang J, Liu DK, Han LH, Personal characteristics effects on validation of self-reported type 2 diabetes from a cross-sectional survey among Chinese adults J Epidemiol 2019 doi: 10.2188/jea.JE**
Zuo H, Ueland PM, Midttun ?, Tell GS, Fanidi A, Zheng W, Shu X,, Wu J, Prentice R, Pettinger M, Thomson CA, Giles GG, Hodge A, Cai Q, Blot WJ, Johansson M, Hultdin J, Grankvist K, Stevens VL, McCullough ML, Weinstein SJ, Albanes D, Ziegler RG, Freedman ND, Caporaso NE, Langhammer A, Hveem K, N?ss M, Buring JE, Lee I, Gaziano JM, Severi G, Zhang X, Stampfer MJ, Han J, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A, Marchand LL, Yuan J, Wang R, Koh W, Gao Y, Ericson U, Visvanathan K, Jones MR, Relton C, Brennan P, Johansson M, Ulvik A Vitamin B6 catabolism and lung cancer risk: results from the Lung Cancer Cohort Consortium (LC3) Ann Oncol 2019 30(3):478-485
Zhu J,, Cai H, Li H, Gao YT, Zheng W, Shu XO A Prospective Investigation of Dietary Intake and Functional Impairments among the Elderly Am J Epidemiol 2018 187(11):2372-2386
Takata Y,, Burk RF, Li H, Hill KE, Cai H, Gao J, Zheng W, Shu XO, Cai Q Plasma selenoprotein P concentration and lung cancer risk: Results from a case-control study nested within the Shanghai Men's Health Study Carcinogenesis 2018 doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgy103
Yang Y, Gao J, Tan YT, Li HL, Wang J, Ma X, Zheng W, Shu XO, Individual and combined effects of hepatitis B surface antigen and viral load on liver cancer risk among hepatitis B carriers J Gastroen Hepatol 2018 May;33(5):1131-1137
Wu H, Zhou P, Zhang W, Jiang Y, Liu XL, Zhang L,Xia QH*, Time trends of incidence and mortality in colorectal cancer in Changning District of Shanghai, 1975‐ 2013 J Dig Dis 2018 19?9?:540‐549
Sun JW, Zheng W, Li HL, Gao J, Gao YT, Yang G, Lan Q, Rothman N, Shu XO, Dietary glycemic load, glycemic index, and carbohydrate intake on the risk of lung cancer among men and women in Shanghai Nutr Cancer 2018 May-Jun;70(4):671-677
Liu X, Xu W, Cai H, Gao YT, Li H, Ji BT, Shu X, Wang T, Gerszten RE, Zheng W,, Shu XO Green tea consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes in Chinese adults: the Shanghai Women's Health Study and the Shanghai Men's Health Study Int J Epidemiol 2018 doi: 10.1093/ije/dyy173
Yu D, Zheng W, Johansson M, Lan Q, Park Y, White E, Matthews CE, Sawada N, Gao YT, Robien K, Sinha R, Langhammer A, Kaaks R, Giovannucci EL, Liao LM,, Lazovich D, Peters U, Zhang X, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Willett WC, Tsugane S, Takata Y, Smith-Warner SA, Blot W, Shu XO Overall and Central Obesity and Risk of Lung Cancer: A Pooled Analysis J Natl Cancer Inst 2018 110(8):831-842
Shu X,, Rothman N, Yu D, Li HL, Yang G, Cai H, Ma X, Lan Q, Gao YT, Jia W, Shu XO, Zheng W Prospective study of blood metabolites associated with colorectal cancer risk Int J Cancer 2018 doi: 10.1002/ijc.31341
Shu X, Zheng W, Yu D, Li H, Lan Q, Yang G, Cai H, Ma X, Rothman N, Gao YT, Jia W,, Shu XO Prospective metabolomics study identifies potential novel blood metabolites associated with pancreatic cancer risk Int J Cancer 2018 143(9):2161-2167
王静, 李泓澜, 马骁, 韩丽华, 方婕, 高立峰, 舒晓鸥, 十字花科蔬菜和肺癌关系的巢式病例对照研究 中华预防医学杂志 2018 52(8):816-821
Zhang QL, Zhao LG, Li HL, Gao J, Yang G, Wang J, Zheng W, Shu XO, The joint effects of major lifestyle factors on colorectal cancer risk among Chinese men: a prospective cohort study Int J Cancer 2018 Mar 15;142(6):1093-1101
唐卫国, 舒晓鸥, 高静, 李泓澜, 张薇, 方婕, 高立峰, 刘大可, 郑苇, 膳食大豆食物摄入与全肿瘤死亡风险关系的前瞻性队列研究 肿瘤 2017 37(4):350-358
Zhao LG, Shu XO, Li HL, Zhang W, Gao J, Sun JW, Zheng W, Dietary antioxidant vitamins intake and mortality: A report from two cohort studies of Chinese adults in Shanghai. J Epidemiol. 2017 27(3):89-97
Yang JJ, Yu D, Takata Y, Smith-Warner SA, Blot W, White E, Robien K, Park Y,, Sinha R, Lazovich D, Stampfer M, Tumino R, Aune D, Overvad K, Liao L, Zhang X, Gao YT, Johansson M, Willett W, Zheng W, Shu XO Dietary Fat Intake and Lung Cancer Risk: A Pooled Analysis J Clin Oncol 2017 JCO
Zhang QL, Zhao LG, Zhang W, Li HL, Gao J, Han LH, Zheng W, Shu XO, Combined Impact of Known Lifestyle Factors on Total and Cause-Specific Mortality among Chinese Men: A Prospective Cohort Study Sci Rep 2017 13;7(1):5293
Zhao LG, Li HL, Sun JW, Yang Y, Ma X, Shu XO, Zheng W, Green tea consumption and all-cause mortality: results from two Chinese cohort study J Epidemiol 2017 27(1):36–41
张庆丽, 郑苇, 李泓澜, 高静, 方婕, 高立峰, 刘大可,舒晓鸥, 健康生活方式指数与男性胃癌关系的前瞻性队列研究 中华预防医学杂志 2017 51(5): 386-392
生存分析 见: 徐望红(主编),肿瘤流行病学 2017 上海: 复旦大学出版社, 2017.6, P269-280
肿瘤登记 见: 徐望红(主编), 肿瘤流行病学 2017 上海: 复旦大学出版社, 2017.6,P89-99
Ma X, Yang Y, Li HL, Zheng W, Gao J, Zhang W, Yang G, Shu XO, Dietary trace element intake and liver cancer risk: results from two population-based cohorts in China Int J Cancer 2017 140(5):1050-1059
Yang Y, Gao J, Li HL, Shu XO, Zhang W, Ma X, Tan YT, Rothman N, Gao YT, Chow WH, Zheng W, Dose-response association between hepatitis B surface antigen levels and liver cancer risk in Chinese men and women Int J Cancer 2016 139(2):355-62
Bao PP, Zheng Y, Wu CX, Huang ZZ, Gao YT, Jin F,, Zhong WJ, Lu W, Wu F Cancer incidence in urban Shanghai, 1973-2010: an updated trend and age-period-cohort effects BMC Cancer 2016 16(1):284
Liao LM, Friesen MC,, Cai H, Koh DH, Ji BT, Yang G, Li HL, Locke SJ, Rothman N, Zheng W, Gao YT, Shu XO, Purdue MP Occupational Lead Exposure and Associations with Selected Cancers: The Shanghai Men's and Women's Health Study Cohorts Environ Health Perspect 2016 124(1):97-103
Gao J, Yang G, Wen W, Cai QY, Zheng W, Shu XO, Impact of known risk factors on endometrial cancer burden in Chinese women Eur J Cancer Prev 2016 25(4):329-34
Sun JW, Shu XO, Li HL, Zhang W, Gao J, Zhao LG, Zheng W, Dietary selenium intake and mortality in two population-based cohort studies of 133 957 Chinese men and women. Public Health Nutr 2016 20:1-8
Ma X, Yang Y, Tu H, Gao J, Tan YT, Zheng JL, Bray F, Risk prediction for hepatocellular carcinoma in different populations–a systematic review Chin J Cancer Res 2016 28(2):150-160
Zhao LG, Sun JW, Yang Y, Ma X, Wang YY, Fish consumption and all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis of cohort studies Eur J Clin Nutr. 2016 70(2):155-61
Yang WS, Li HL, Xu HL, Yang G, Gao YT, Zheng W, Shu XO, Type 2 diabetes and the risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: a report from two population-based cohort studies in China Eur J Cancer Prev 2016 25(2):149-54
Ren HG, Luu HN, Cai H,, Steinwandel M, Gao YT, Hargreaves M, Zheng W, Blot WJ, Long JR, Shu XO Oral health and risk of colorectal cancer: results from three cohort studies and a meta-analysis Ann Oncol 2016 27(7):1329-36
, 张薇 非小细胞肺癌的流行病学研究 见:非小细胞肺癌, 陆舜(主编) 2016 北京: 人民卫生出版社, 2016. P501
Sun JW, Zhao LG, Yang Y, Ma X, Wang YY, Obesity and Risk of Bladder Cancer: A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of 15 Cohort Studies PLoS One 2015 10(3):e**
Xu H, Tan Y, Epplein M, Li H, Gao J, Gao Y, Zheng W, Shu X, Population-based cohort studies of type 2 diabetes and stomach cancer risk in Chinese men and women Cancer Sci 2015 106(3):294-8
Wu QJ, Yang G, Zheng W, Li HL, Gao J, Wang J, Gao YT, Shu XO, Pre-diagnostic cruciferous vegetables intake and lung cancer survival in Chinese women Sci Rep 2015 doi: 10.1038/srep10306
Wu QJ,, Yang G, Li HL, Lan Q, Gao YT, Zheng W, Shu XO, Fowke JH Vitamin E intake and the lung cancer risk among female nonsmokers: A report from the Shanghai Women's Health Study Int J Cancer 2015 1363(3):6106-17
高静, 乳腺癌流行病学研究进展 见: 陆劲松, 徐兵河(主编), 乳腺癌临床与转化性研究进展 2015 北京:中华医学电子音像出版社, 2015, P5-18
Shu XO, Li H, Yang G, Gao J, Cai H, Takata Y, Zheng W, Cohort Profile: The Shanghai Men’s Health Study International Journal of Epidemiology 2015 doi: 10.1093/ije/dyv013
Luu HN, Blot WJ,, Cai H, Hargreaves MK, Li H, Yang G, Signorello L, Gao YT, Zheng W, Shu XO Prospective Evaluation of the Association of Nut/Peanut Consumption With Total and Cause-Specific Mortality JAMA Intern Med 2015 doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.8347
Kim C, Gao YT,, Barone-Adesi F, Zhang Y, Hosgood HD, Ma S, Shu XO, Ji BT, Chow WH, Seow WJ, Bassig B, Cai Q, Zheng W, Rothman N, Lan Q Home kitchen ventilation, cooking fuels, and lung cancer risk in a prospective cohort of never smoking women in Shanghai, China Int J Cancer 2015 136(3):632-8
Shen T, Shu XO,, Li HL, Cai H, Gao YT, Zheng W, Lipworth L Association of hypertension and obesity with renal cell carcinoma risk: a report from the Shanghai Men's and Women's Health Studies Cancer Causes Control. 2015 26(8):1173-80
马骁, 杨洋, 王莹莹, 赵龙刚, 孙江伟, 谭玉婷, Meta分析中剂量反应关系分析方法和应用 复旦学报(医学版) 2015 42(1):123-128
Xu WH,, Zhang X, Ruan Z, Cai H, Zheng W, Shu XO Association of dietary glycemic index and glycemic load with endometrial cancer risk among chinese women Nutr Cancer 2015 67(1):89-97
Wang YY, Zhang W, Li HL, Gao J, Tan YT, Gao YT, Shu XO, Zheng W, Population attributable risks of cigarette smoking for deaths of all causes, all cancer and other chronic diseases in urban Shanghai, China. Chin J Cancer Res 2015 27(1):59-65
Yang Y, Zhao LG, Wu QJ, Ma X, Association between dietary fiber and lower risk of all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis of cohort studies Am J Epidemiol 2015 181(2):83-91
Gao J, Xu HL, Gao S, Zhang W, Tan YT, Rothman N, Purdue M, Gao YT, Zheng W, Shu XO, Genetic variants of NFKB1 and NFKBIA and liver cancer risk: a nested case-control study in Shanghai, China BMJ Open 2014 4(2):0044-27
Kweon SS, Shu XO,, Yang G, Ji BT, Li H, Gao YT, Zheng W, Shrubsole MJ One-carbon metabolism dietary factors and distal gastric cancer risk in chinese women Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2014 23(7):1374-82
Yang WS, Yang Y, Yang G, Chow WH, Li HL, Gao YT, Ji BT, Rothman N, Zheng W, Shu XO, Pre-existing type 2 diabetes and risk of lung cancer: a report from two prospective cohort studies of 133 024 Chinese adults in urban Shanghai BMJ Open 2014 4(7):0048-75
Vogtmann E, Shu XO, Li HL, Chow WH, Yang G, Ji BT, Cai H, Yu C, Gao YT, Zheng W, Gallstone increases the risk of liver cancer: results from two cohort studies in China J Epidemiol Community Health 2014 68(8):565-570
Yang Y, Wu QJ, Xie L, Chow WH, Rothman N, Li HL, Gao YT, Zheng W, Shu XO, Prospective cohort studies of association between family history of cancer and risk of liver cancer Int J Cancer 2014 135(7):1605-1614
Yu D, Zhang X,, Yang G, Li H, Fazio S, Linton M, Cai Q, Zheng W, Gao YT, Shu XO Association of soy food intake with risk and biomarkers of coronary heart disease in Chinese men Int J Cardiol 2014 172(2):e285-7
Yu D, Shu XO,, Li H, Yang G, Gao YT, Zheng W, Zhang X Higher Dietary Choline Intake Is Associated with Lower Risk of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver in Normal-Weight Chinese Women J Nutr 2014 144(12):2034-40
Yu D, Zhang X,, Yang G, Li H, Gao YT, Zheng W, Shu XO Adherence to dietary guidelines and mortality: a report from prospective cohort studies of 134,000 Chinese adults in urban Shanghai Am J Clin Nutr. 2014 100(2):693-700
马骁, 王莹莹, 杨万水, 谭玉婷, 张薇, 李泓澜, 2型糖尿病患者罹患生殖系统恶性肿瘤危险性的Meta分析 中国肿瘤 2014 23(4):265-274
Wu QJ+, Wang J+, Gao J, Zhang W, Han LH, Gao S, Gao YT, Ji BT, Zheng W, Shu XO, Urinary Isothiocyanates Level and Liver Cancer Risk: A Nested Case-Control Study in Shanghai, China Nutr Cancer 2014 66(6):1023-1027
Vogtmann E,, Li HL, Cai Q, Wu QJ, Xie L, Li GL, Yang G, Waterbor JW, Levitan EB, Zhang B, Zheng W, Shu XO Cruciferous vegetables, glutathione S-transferase polymorphisms, and the risk of colorectal cancer among Chinese men. Ann Epidemiol 2014 24(1):44-49
Yang G, Shu XO, Li HL, Chow WH, Wen W,, Zhang X, Cai H, Ji BT, Gao YT, Zheng W Prediagnosis Soy Food Consumption and Lung Cancer Survival in Women J Clin Oncol 2013 31(12):1548-1543
Takata Y,, Yang G, Li H, Gao J, Cai H, Gao YT, Zheng W, Shu XO Intakes of Fruits, Vegetables, and Related Vitamins and Lung Cancer Risk: Results from the Shanghai Men's Health Study (2002-2009) Nutr Cancer. 2013 65(1):51-61
Emily Vogtmann, Hong-Lan Li, Xiao-Ou Shu, Wong-Ho Chow, Bu-Tian Ji, Jing Gao, Wei Zhang, Yu-Tang Gao, Wei Zheng, Dietary glycemic index, glycemic load and carbohydrates and risk of primary liver cancer among Chinese men and women Ann Oncol 2013 24(1):238-244
Jia WH, Zhang B, Matsuo K, Shin A,, Jee SH, Kim DH, Ren Z, Cai Q, Long J, Shi J, Wen W, Yang G, Delahanty RJ; Genetics and Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer Consortium (GECCO); Colon Cancer Family Registry (CCFR), Ji BT, Pan ZZ, Matsuda F, Gao YT, Oh JH, Ahn YO, Park EJ, Li HL, Park JW, Jo J, Jeong JY, Hosono S, Casey G, Peters U, Shu XO, Zeng YX, Zheng W Genome-wide association analyses in east Asians identify new susceptibility loci for colorectal cancer Nat Genet 2013 45(2):191-196
Zhang W,, Li HL, Yang G, Cai H, Ji BT, Gao YT, Zheng W, Shu XO Vegetable-based dietary pattern and liver cancer risk: results from the Shanghai Women's and Men's Health Studies Cancer Sci 2013 104(10):1353-1360
Wang N, Zhang X,, Li H, Yang G, Gao J, Zheng W, Shu XO Associations of Tai Chi, Walking, and Jogging With Mortality in Chinese Men Am J Epidemiol 2013 178(5):791-6
Qi-Jun Wu, Yang Yang, Emily Vogtmann, Jing Wang, Li-Hua Han, Hong-Lan Li, Cruciferous vegetables intake and the risk of colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis of observational studies Ann Oncol 2013 24(4):1079-1087
Li H, Yang G,, Gao J, Zhang X, Zheng W, Gao YT, Shu XO. Body weight, fat distribution and colorectal cancer risk: a report from cohort studies of 134255 Chinese men and women. Int J Obes 2013 37(6):783-9
Delahanty R,, Spurdle AB, Beeghly-Fadiel A, Long J, Thompson DJ, Tomlinson I, Yu H, Lambrechts D, Dork T, Goodman MT, Zheng Y, Salvesen H, Bao PP, Amant F, Beckmann MW, Coenegrachts L, Coosemans A, Dubrowinskaja N, Dunning A, Runnebaum IB, Easton DF, Ekici AB, Fasching PA, Halle M, Hein A, Howarth K, Gorman M, Kaydarova D, Krakstad C, Lose FA, Lu L, Lurie G, O'Mara T, Matsuno RK, Pharoah P, Risch HA, Corssen M, Trovik J, Turmanov N, Wen W, Lu W, Cai Q, Zheng W, Shu XO Polymorphisms in inflammation pathway genes and endometrial cancer risk Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2013 22(2):216-23
Vogtmann E,, Li HL, Levitan EB, Yang G, Waterbor JW, Gao J, Cai H, Xie L, Wu QJ, Zhang B, Gao YT, Zheng W, Shu XO Fruit and vegetable intake and the risk of colorectal cancer: results from the Shanghai Men's Health Study Cancer Causes Control 2013 24(11):1935-1945
谢丽,张焕玲, 唐认桥, 杨洋,舒晓鸥, 郑苇, 队列研究中人群归因危险度估计及其应用 中国肿瘤 2013 22(5):373-378
王莹莹, 马骁, 杨万水, 徐红丽, 高静, 谭玉婷, 2型糖尿病和消化系统恶性肿瘤队列研究的meta分析 中国肿瘤 2013 11(22):845-857
Yang Y, Xie L, Zheng JL, Tan YT, Zhang W, Incidence trends of urinary bladder and kidney cancers in urban shanghai, 1973-2005 PLoS ONE 2013 8(12):8243-0
唐认桥, 郑苇, 李泓澜, 舒晓鸥, 生活方式因素健康分值与男性癌症发病的公共卫生学评价 中华流行病学杂志 2013 34(2):109-113
Epplein M,, Cai Q, Peek RM Jr, Li H, Correa P, Gao J, Wu J, Michel A, Pawlita M, Zheng W, Shu XO Circulating cytokines and gastric cancer risk Cancer Causes Control. 2013 24(12):2245-50
Wu QJ, Xie L, Zheng W, Vogtmann E, Li HL, Yang G, Ji BT, Gao YT, Shu XO, Cruciferous vegetables consumption and the risk of female lung cancer: a prospective study and a meta-analysis Ann Oncol 2013 24(7):1918-1924
Wan-Shui Yang, Xiao-Ou Shu, Hong-Lan Li, Jing Gao, Yang Gong, Hui Cai, Bu-Tian Ji, Nat Rothman, Yu-Tang Gao, Wei Zheng, Prospective evaluation of type 2 diabetes mellitus and liver cancer risk in Chinese men and women. Annals of Oncology 2013 24(6):1679-1685
Jing Gao+, Li Xie+, Wan-Qing Chen+, Si-Wei Zhang, Qi-Jun Wu, Wan-Shui Yang, Yang Yang, Yu-Ting Tan, Urban-rural, gender variations and time trend of liver cancer incidence in China, 1988-2005 European Journal of Cancer Prevention 2013 22(5):448-454
Wu QJ, Yang Y, Wang J, Han LH, Cruciferous vegetables consumption and gastric cancer risk: a meta-analysis of epidemiological studies Cancer Sci 2013 104(8):1067-1073
Xu HL, Gao XR, Zhang W, Cheng JR, Tan YT, Zheng W, Shu XO, Effects of polymorphisms in translesion DNA synthesis genes on lung cancer risk and prognosis in Chinese men Cancer Epidemiol 2013 37(6):917-922
Long J, Delahanty RJ, Li G, Gao YT, Lu W, Cai Q,, Li C, Ji BT, Zheng Y, Ali S, Shu XO, Zheng W A Common Deletion in the APOBEC3 Genes and Breast Cancer Risk J Natl Cancer Inst 2013 105(8):573-579
“胆道肿瘤(第23章)”, 见: 赵平, 陈万青, 孔灵芝(主编), 中国癌症发病与死亡, 2003-2007 北京: 军事医学科学出版社 2012 P228-240
Zhang W, Shu XO, Li H, Yang G, Cai H, Ji BT, Gao J, Gao YT, Zheng W, Vitamin Intake and Liver Cancer Risk: A Report From Two Cohort Studies in China. J Natl Cancer Inst 2012 104(15):1173-1181
Zhang X, Gao YT, Yang G, Li H, Cai Q,, Ji BT, Franke AA, Zheng W, Shu XO. Urinary isoflavonoids and risk of coronary heart disease Int J Epidemiol 2012 41(5):1367-1375
Tao L,, Chan KK, Wang R, Gao YT, Yu MC, Yuan JM Cytochrome P4501A2 phenotype and bladder cancer risk: The Shanghai bladder cancer study Int J Cancer 2012 130(5):1174-1183
Gao Shan, Yang Wan-Shui, Freddie Bray,Va Puthiery, Zhang Wei, Gao Jing, Declining rates of hepatocellular carcinoma in urban Shanghai: incidence trends, 1976-2005. European Journal of Epidemiology 2012 27(1):39-46
Wan-Shui Yang, Man-Yu Wong, Emily Vogtmann, Ren-Qiao Tang, Li Xie, Ying-Si Yang, Qi-Jun Wu, Wei Zhang, Meat consumption and risk of lung cancer: evidence from observational studies. Annals of Oncology 2012 23():3163-3170
唐认桥, 郑苇, 李泓澜, 高玉堂, 舒晓鸥, 成人身高与恶性肿瘤发病的前瞻性队列研究 肿瘤 2012 32(12):992-1000
高静,吴春晓,谢丽,鲍萍萍,王静,郑莹, 上海市2006~2008年原发性肝癌发病及死亡资料分析 肿瘤 2012 32(7):526-530
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Chen X,, Long JR, Cai H, Cai Q, Cheng J, Wen W, Gao YT, Zheng W, Shu XO Genetic polymorphisms in obesity-related genes and endometrial cancer risk. Cancer 2012 118(13):3356-3364
Qi-Jun Wu, Emily Vogtmann, Wei Zhang, Li Xie, Wan-Shui Yang, Yu-Ting Tan, Jing Gao, Cancer Incidence among Adolescents and Young Adults in Urban Shanghai, 1973–2005 PLoS ONE 2012 7(8):4260-7
Yang Wan-Shui, Puthiery Va, Man-Yu Wong, Huan-Ling Zhang, Soy food and lung cancer risk: a meta-analysis of epidemiological studies Am J Clin Nutr 2011 94():1575-1583
Yang G, Zheng W,, Gao J, Li HL, Zhang X, Gao YT, Shu XO Green tea consumption and colorectal cancer risk: a report from the Shanghai Men's Health Study Carcinogenesis 2011 32(11):1684-1688
Hong-Lan Li, Gong Yang, Xiao-Ou Shu,, Wong-Ho Chow, Bu-Tian Ji, Xianglan Zhang, Hui Cai, Jing Gao, Yu-Tang Gao, Wei Zheng Dietary glycemic load and risk of colorectal cancer in Chinese women Am J Clin Nutr 2011 93():101-107
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Yang WS, Va P, Bray F, Gao S, Gao J, Li HL, The role of pre-existing diabetes mellitus on hepatocellular carcinoma occurrence and prognosis: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies PLoS One 2011 5(12):2732-6
Villegas R,, Elasy T, Li HL, Yang G, Cai H, Ye F, Gao YT, Shyr Y, Zheng W, Shu XO Fish, shellfish, and long-chain n-3 fatty acid consumption and risk of incident type 2 diabetes in middle-aged Chinese men and women. Am J Clin Nutr 2011 94(2):543-551
张薇,, 方茹蓉, 程家蓉, 袁剑敏, 高玉堂 成年期体质指数与膀胱癌关系的全人群病例对照研究 中国肿瘤 2011 20(12):879-884
Mélanie Fon Sing, Yang Wan-Shui, Gao Shan, Gao Jing, Epidemiological studies on the association of tea consumption and liver cancer: a Meta-analysis European Journal of Cancer Prevention 2011 20(3):157-165
Puthiery Va, Wan-Shui Yang, Sarah Nechuta, Wong-Ho Chow, Gong Yang, Hui Cai, Shan Gao, Yu-Tang Gao, Wei Zheng, Xiao-Ou Shu, Marital status and mortality among middle age and elderly men and women in Shanghai PLoS One 2011 6(11):2660-0
Cai H,, Qu S, Long J, Cai Q, Gao J, Zheng W, Shu XO. Association of genetic polymorphisms in cell-cycle control genes and susceptibility to endometrial cancer among chinese women. Am J Epidemiol 2011 173(11):1263-1271
Zheng W, McLerran DF, Rolland B, Zhang X, Inoue M, Matsuo K, He J, Gupta PC, Ramadas K, Tsugane S, Irie F, Tamakoshi A, Gao YT, Wang R, Shu XO, Tsuji I, Kuriyama S, Tanaka H, Satoh H, Chen CJ, Yuan JM, Yoo KY, Ahsan H, Pan WH, Gu D, Pednekar MS, Sauvaget C, Sasazuki S, Sairenchi T, Yang G,, Nagai M, Suzuki T, Nishino Y, You SL, Koh WP, Park SK, Chen Y, Shen CY, Thornquist M, Feng Z, Kang D, Boffetta P, Potter JD Association between body-mass index and risk of death in more than 1 million Asians N Engl J Med 2011 364(8):719-729
张焕玲,杨万水,高姗, 张薇,高静, 绿茶与消化道恶性肿瘤关系流行病学研究的Meta分析 中国肿瘤 2011 20(2):139-150
Zhang X, Shu XO,, Yang G, Li H, Gao J, Cai H, Gao YT, Zheng W Cruciferous vegetable consumption is associated with a reduced risk of total and cardiovascular disease mortality Am J Clin Nutr 2011 94(1):240-246
杨万水, 淋巴瘤(第十七章). 见: 赵平, 孔灵芝(主编),中国肿瘤死亡报告(全国第三次死因回顾抽样调查) 北京: 人民卫生出版社 2011 P155-169
Epplein M, Shu XO,, Chow WH, Yang G, Li HL, Ji BT, Cai H, Gao YT, Zheng W Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Risk of Distal Gastric Cancer in the Shanghai Women's and Men's Health Studies. Am J Epidemiol 2010 172(4):397-406
Rengaswamy Sankaranarayanan,Rajaraman Swaminathan,Hermann Brenner,Kexin Chen,Kee Seng Chia,Jian Guo Chen, Stephen C K Law,Yoon-Ok Ahn,,Balakrishna B Yeole,Hai Rim Shin,et al Cancer survival in Africa, Asia, and Central America: a population-based study Lancet Oncol 2010 11():165-173
Wu X, Cai H,, Cai Q, Yang G, Liu D, Sanchez S, Zheng W, Milne G, Shu XO Intra-Person Variation of Urinary Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2010 19(4):947-52
Abnet CC, Freedman ND, Hu N, Wang Z, Yu K, Shu XO, Yuan JM, Zheng W, Dawsey SM, Dong LM, Lee MP, Ding T, Qiao YL, Gao YT, Koh WP,, Tang ZZ, Fan JH, Wang C, Wheeler W, Gail MH, Yeager M, Yuenger J, Hutchinson A, Jacobs KB, Giffen CA, Burdett L, Fraumeni JF Jr, Tucker MA, Chow WH, Goldstein AM, Chanock SJ, Taylor PR A shared susceptibility locus in PLCE1 at 10q23 for gastric adenocarcinoma and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Nat Genet 2010 42(9):764-7
李泓澜, 徐飚, 郑苇, 徐望红, 高静, 舒晓鸥, 中老年男性肥胖流行特征及其与慢性病的关系 中华流行病学杂志 2010 31(4):370-374
高小荣, SHU XIAO-OU, 高玉堂,ZHENG WEI, 肺部疾病史与男性肺癌关系的队列研究 肿瘤 2010 30(6):500-504
高静, 郑家伟,杨驰,杨万水,张薇,张志愿, 上海市区1973-2005年口腔恶性肿瘤发病趋势分析 中国口腔颌面外科杂志 2010 8(1):20-25
张薇,,方茹蓉,程家蓉,袁剑敏,高玉堂 液体总摄入量及小便次数与上海市区居民膀胱癌危险性的关系 中华流行病学杂志 2010 31(10):1120-1124
Zhang X, Shu XO,, Yang G, Li H, Cai H, Gao YT, Zheng W Resting heart rate and risk of type 2 diabetes in women Int J Epidemiology 2010 39(3):900-6
刘大可, 于科, 谭玉亭, 方茹蓉, 男性食物频率问卷中食物组摄入量重现性和有效性的影响因素分析 复旦医学学报 2010 37(1):20-24
李泓澜, 高玉堂, 郑莹, 张薇, 高立峰, 徐飚, 上海市区结肠癌发病趋势分析,1973-2005 中华预防医学杂志 2009 43(10):875-879
杨万水,杨驰,郑家伟,高静,张薇,张志愿, 上海市区鼻咽癌发病率趋势分析 中华流行病学杂志 2009 30(11):1171-1174
陈伟, 高玉堂, Chow Wong-Ho, Nathaniel Rothman, 张薇, Shu Xiao-Ou, Zheng Wei, 体质指数与非吸烟女性肺癌关系的前瞻性队列研究 肿瘤 2009 29(5):448-452.
Wei Zheng, Jirong Long, Yu-Tang Gao, Chun Li, Ying Zheng,, Wanqing Wen, Shawn Levy, Sandra L Deming, Jonathan L Haines, Kai Gu, Alecia Malin Fair, Qiuyin Cai, Wei Lu, Xiao-Ou Shu Genome-wide association study identifies a new breast cancer susceptibility locus at 6q25.1 Nature Genetics 2009 2009():1-5
Stern MC, Van Den Berg D, Yuan JM, Conti DV, Gago-Dominguez M, Pike MC,, Gao YT, Cortessis VK Sequence variant on 3q28 and urinary bladder cancer risk: findings from the Los Angeles-Shanghai bladder case-control study Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009 18(11):3057-3062
Xu HL, Xu WH, Cai Q, Feng M, Long J, Zheng W,, Shu XO Polymorphisms and haplotypes in the caspase-3, caspase-7, and caspase-8 genes and risk for endometrial cancer: a population-based, case-control study in a Chinese population Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009 18(7):2114-2122
Dai Q, Gao YT, Shu XO, Yang G, Milne G, Cai Q, Wen W, Rothman N, Cai H, Li H,, Chow WH, Zheng W Oxidative Stress, Obesity, and Breast Cancer Risk: Results From the Shanghai Women's Health Study J Clin Oncol 2009 27(15):2482-8
高静,,徐望红,王静,韩丽华,高玉堂 人尿液中异黄酮水平与子宫内膜癌的关系 肿瘤 2008 28(9);786-790
徐望红, SHU Xiao-ou,,CAI Hui, 李泓澜, 刘大可, 赵根明, 高玉堂, ZHENG Wei 上海市区中老年男性吸烟状况与肥胖关系的横断面研究 中华预防医学杂志 2008 42:110-117
高玉堂,, 张薇, 高静 肺癌的病因与预防(第二章). 廖美琳(主编), 肺部肿瘤学 上海:上海科技出版社 2008 P20-49
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Xu WH,, Zheng W, Zhang X, Ruan ZX, Cheng JR, Gao YT, Shu XO Weight history and risk of endometrial cancer among Chinese women Int J Epidemiology 2006 35(1):159-66
Cai H, Yang G,, Hebert JR, Liu DK, Zheng W, Shu XO Sources of variation in nutrient intakes among men in Shanghai, China Public Health Nutrition 2005 8(8):1293-1299
Yuan JM, Wang XL,, Gao YT, Ross RK, Yu MC Non-dietary risk factors for nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Shanghai, China Int J Cancer 2000 85:364-369
Yuan JM, Wang XL,, Gao YT, Ross RK, Yu MC Preserved foods in relation to risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Shanghai, China Int J Cancer 2000 85:358-363

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