导师姓名: 陈莲华 专业代码: 100217
性别: 女 专业名称: 麻醉学
培养单位: 附属第一人民医院 三级学科/
导师类型: 博士生导师 专业学位导师: 兼
联系方式: chenlianhua1991@aliyun.com
邮编: 200080 邮箱地址: chenlianhua@citiz.net
研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)
科研项目 项目编号项目名称课题来源起止年月批准经费承担职责
** neuregulin1通过agrin影响面肌和骨骼肌乙酰胆碱受体分布并导致对肌松药敏感性差异的机制研究 国家自然科学基金 2019-01~2022-12 57万元 课题负责人
** 面肌和骨骼肌对肌松药敏感性差异的机制及受损后发生的改变 国家自然科学基金 2013-01~2016-12 70万元 课题负责人
** 神经肌接头阻滞差异性在术中面神经监测的应用基础研究 国家自然科学基金 2009-01~2011-12 34万元 课题负责人
学术论文 作者论文标题期刊名出版年卷期页码
吴爽,黄勇,邢怡安,,李士通 烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体在面神经支配的口轮匝肌和躯体神经支配的腓肠肌中的表达差异研究 现代生物医学进展 2020 20(2):209-213.
Chao Gong, Shitong Li, Xiaojing Huang, TAPB and RSB protects cardiac diastolic function in elderly patients undergoing abdominopelvic surgery: a retrospective cohort study PeerJ 2020 2020; 8: doi: 10.7717/peerj.9441
Minglu Gu, Ming Lian,Chao Gong,, Shitong LI The teaching order of using direct laryngoscopy first may improve the learning outcome of endotracheal incubation: A preliminary, randomized controlled trial Medicine 2019 98:21
Yun Wang, Hong Wang, Huijuan Wang, Xiao Zhao, Shitong Li, Exploring the intraoperative lung protective ventilation of different positive end-expiratory pressure levels during abdominal laparoscopic surgery with Trendelenburg position Annals of Translational Medicine 2019 7(8):171
Jing Xu,Yong Huang, Shitong Li,, Zhanggang Xue Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit expression in the gastrocnemius and in the orbicularis oris before and after facial nerve injury in rats Neurological Research 2019 16:1-10
Shuang Wu,Yong Huang,Yian Xing,, Meirong Yang, Shitong Li Two Pathways Regulate Differential Expression of nAChRs Between the Orbicularis Oris and Gastrocnemius Journal of Surgical Research 2019 243(11):130-142
徐典,魏薇,连明,,李士通 以肺动态顺应性为导向靶控呼气末正压减少单肺通气肺内分流的临床研究 上海医学 2019 42(10):577-582.
Yian Xing,Dian Xu,Yanyifang Xu,,Hong Wang,Shitong Li Effects of Neuromuscular Blockages on Entropy Monitoring During Sevoflurane Anesthesia Medical Science Monitor 2019 25:8610-8617
苏珍,安礼俊,张阳, 镇痛指数在全麻手术中评估镇痛程度的临床价值 中国应用生理学杂志 2018 34(6):519-521
Yong Huang, Yian Xing, Hong Wang,, Shitong Li Differences in pharmacodynamic responses to rocuronium in normal or injured orbicularis oris are associated with expression of acetylcholine receptor subunits Scientific Reports 2017 12;7(1):3238.
Zhiqing Gu, Quanying Jin, Junjun Liu, Observation of ventilation effects of laryngeal mask airways I-gel?, Supreme?, and Ambu AuraOnce? with respiratory dynamics monitoring in small children Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 2017 31:1035-1041.
Wei Wei, Shi-wei Huang,,Yang Qi, Yi-min Qiu, Shi-tong Li Airflow behavior changes in upper airway caused by different head and neck positions: Comparison by computational fluid dynamics J Biomech 2017 52: 89–94.
Ming Lian, Xiao Zhao, Hong Wang,, Shitong Li Respiratory dynamics and dead space to tidal volume ratio of volume-controlled vs pressure-controlled ventilation during prolonged gynecological laparoscopic surgery Surgical Endoscopy 2017 31: 3605-3613.
张莹,王兆民,周雅春, Stanford A 型主动脉夹层腔内隔绝术的麻醉及围术期管理 实用心脑肺血管病杂志 2016 24 (7): 74-76.
Xiao Zhao,Shiwei Huang,Zhaomin Wang,,Shitong Li The Relationship between Respiratory Dynamics and Body Mass Index in Patients Undergoing General Anesthesia with LMA and the Comparison between Lithotomy and Supine Positions. 2016; Medical Science Monitor 2016 22: 2706-2713.
杨美蓉,裘毅敏,,李士通 危重病例库的建立及其在麻醉教学中的应用 中华医学教育探索杂志 2015 14(12): 1283-1285.
顾志清,刘珺珺,金泉英, I-gel喉罩和Ambu喉罩用于1岁以下婴儿全身麻醉的比较。. 上海医学 2015 38(8);629-634
魏薇,黄施伟,裘毅敏,,李士通。 3种气管插管头位上气道CT三维图像的比较分析。. 复旦学报 2015 42(2):237-242
刘珺珺,顾志清,金泉英, 婴儿Ambu喉罩通气下压力和容量控制通气的呼吸动力学比较 上海医学 2015 38(6):484-486.
Jinghua Tan, Jing Xu, Yian Xing,, Shitong Li The effect of rocuronium on the level and mode of pre-synaptic acetylcholine release by facial and somatic nerves and changes following facial nerve injury in rabbits. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology 2015 2015; 8(2):1479-1490.
Yuqi Liu,, Shitong Li Controlled Ventilation or Spontaneous Respiration in Anesthesia for Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Removal: A Meta-analysis. Pediatric Anesthesia 2014 2014;24:1023-1030.
赵晓,黄施伟,王兆民,,李士通 全身麻醉患者喉罩通气下平卧位和截石位的呼吸动力学比较。 上海医学 2014 37(6): 474-478.
Yian Xing,, Shitong Li Evoked electromyography to rocuronium in orbicularis oris and gastrocnemius in facial nerve injury in rabbits. Journal of Surgical Research 2013 2013; 185(1):198-205.
Jing Xu, Zheng Yao, Shaoqing Li, A non-tracheal intubation (tubeless) anesthetic technique with spontaneous respiration for upper airway surgery. Clinical and Investigative Medicine 2013 2013; 36(3): E151-157.
Ru-Yuan Zhou, Jing Xu, Fang-Lu Chi,, Shi-Tong Li Differences in sensitivity to rocuronium among orbicularis oris muscles innervated by normal or damaged facial nerves and gastrocnemius muscle innervated by somatic nerve in rats: combined morphological and functional analyses The laryngoscope 2012 122(8):1831-1837
Shaoqing Li,,Fang Tan Laryngeal surgery using a CO2 laser: is a polyvinylchloride endotracheal tube safe? American Journal of Otolaryngology 2012 2012; 33:714-717.
Jun-liang CHEN, Shao-qin LI, Fang-lu CHI,, Shi-tong Li. Different Sensitivities to Rocuronium of the Neuromuscular Junctions Innervated by Normal / Damaged Facial Nerves and Somatic Nerve in Rats: the Role of the Presynaptic Acetylcholine Quantal Release Chinese Medical Journal 2012 125(10): 1747-1752
Fang Tang, Shao-Qing Li,, Chang-Hong Miao. The comparison of various ventilation modes and the association of risk factors with CO2 retention during suspension laryngoscopy. The laryngoscope 2011 121: 503-508
Shao-qing Li, Jun-liang Chen, Hai-bin Fu, Jing Xu, Airway management in pediatric patients undergoing suspension laryngoscopic surgery for severe laryngeal obstruction caused by papillomatosis. Pediatric Anesthesia 2010 20:1084-1091
Shaoqing Li, Yuqi Liu, Fang Tan, Junliang Chen, Efficacy of manual jet ventilation using Manujet III for bronchoscopic airway foreign body removal in children International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2010 74(12): 1401-1404
, Xu Zhang, Shao-qin Li, Yu-qi Liu, Tian-yu Zhang, Jun-zheng Wu The risk factors for hypoxemia in children younger than 5 years old undergoing rigid bronchoscopy for foreign body removal. Anesthesia & Analgesia 2009 109:1079-84
Yi-rong CAI, Jing XU,,Fang-lu CHI. Electromyographic facial nerve monitoring during middle ear microsurgery under different levels of peripheral neuromuscular blockade Chinese Medical Journal 2009 122(3):311-314
,薛张纲,蒋豪 Effect of propofol on pathologic time-course and apoptosis after cerebral ischemia–reperfusion injury. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2008 52(3): 413-419
,龚沁燕,肖常思 Effect of propofol, midazolam and thiopental sodium on outcome and amino acids accumulation in focal cerebral ischemia- reperfusion in rats Chinese Medical Journal 2003 116(2): 292-296
, Alexander Nemirovsky, 龚沁燕 Interaction of combined administration of intrathecal morphine with subcutaneous morphine or buprenorphine. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2000 21(8):685-689
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-02
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