

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-02

王风平 ****, 海洋学院 固定电话:**

教育背景 1998年,博士,华中农业大学,分子生物学专业;

工作经历 2019年至今,上海交通大学海洋学院;
1999年,德国 Osnabrueck 大学生物化学系从事博士后研究工作;
1998 年,国家海洋局第三海洋研究所工作任职助理研究员。

出访及挂职经历 应邀在 2006年6月至12月访问了美国佐治亚大学半年。

研究方向 主要聚焦深部生物圈,以深部生命(微生物)的生物地球化学功能为研究核心和突破点,近年来在深部生命及其地质地球化学作用这一新兴科学领域取得了一些重要研究进展,在包括Nat Microbiol, PNAS, ISME J, EM等杂志发表SCI文章80余篇,得到了国内外同行的广泛关注和认可。
3)发现深海生态系统的动态演化和丰富的代谢活动,揭示深部微生物在 N/S 等重要元素生物地球化学循环中的驱动机制。

科研项目 承担了国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点支持项目 “海洋沉积物中古菌介导的碳循环机制研究”;国家自然科学基金****基金“深部生物圈生物地球化学功能研究”;国家自然科学基金中-以国际合作项目“海洋沉积物深层微生物介导的铁还原作用研究”;以及国家科技部重点研发计划专项课题,自然资源部海洋生物资源项目等在研项目经费超过1000万元。

代表性论文专著 1.Feng Wang, Xiang Xiao, Hong-YU Ou, Yingbao Gai, and Fengping Wang* The role and regulation of fatty acid biosynthesis in Shewanella piezotolerans WP3 response to different temperature and pressure. J Bacteriol. 2009 Apr; 191(8):2574-84
2.Fengping Wang, Yinbao Gai, Xiang Xiao* Arthrobacter psychrochitiniphilus sp. nov., a novel psychrotrophic bacterium isolated from Antarctica. IJSEM 2009 Jul 22. [Epub ahead of print]
3.Fengping Wang, Huaiyang Zhou, Jun Meng, Xiaotong Peng, Lijing Jiang, Ping Sun, Chuanlun Zhang, Joy D. Van Nostrand‖, Ye Deng, Zhili He, Liyou Wu, Jizhong Zhou&, and Xiang Xiao&GeoChip-based Analysis of Metabolic Diversity of Microbial Communities at the Juan de Fuca Ridge Hydrothermal Vent. PNAS 2009 Mar 24; 106(12):4840-5.
4.Meng J, Wang FP(co-first author), Wang F, Zheng Y, Peng X, Zhou H, Xiao X. An uncultivated crenarchaeota contains functional bacteriochlorophyll a synthase. ISME J. 2009 Jan;3(1):106-16. Epub 2008 Oct 2.
5.Fengping Wang, Jianbin Wang, Shengkang Li, Xiang Zeng, Douglas Hoyt Bartlett, Songnian Hu, Xiang Xiao (corresponding author) Genome sequence and expression analysis of Shewanella piezotolerans WP3, a piezotolerant and psychrotolerant deep-sea iron reducing bacterium PLoS ONE. 2008 Apr 9; 3(4):e1937.
6.Li S, Xiao X, Sun P, Wang FP Screening of genes regulated by cold shock in Shewanella piezotolerans WP3 and time course expression of cold-regulated genes. Arch Microbiol. 2008 Jun; 189(6):549-56. Epub 2008 Jan 10.
7.Xu MX, Xiao X,Wang FP Isolation and characterization of alkane hydroxylases from a metagenomic library of Pacific deep-sea sediment. Extremophiles. 2008 Mar; 12 (2):255-262.
8.Xu MX, Wang FP(co-first author), Xiao X(corresponding author) Construction and preliminary analysis of a metagenomic library from a deep sea sediment of east pacific nodule province. FEMS Microbial Ecology 2007 Dec; 62(3):233-41
9.Wang F, Wang FP(co-first author), Li Q, Xiao X (corresponding author) A novel filamentous phage from a deep sea bacterium Shewanella piezotolorans WP3 is induced at low temperature. JB 2007 Oct; 189(19):7151-3
10.Xiao X , Wang P, Zeng X, Bartlett DH, Wang FP Shewanella psychrophila sp. nov., Shewanella piezotolerans sp. nov., two new Shewanella species from west Pacific deep-sea sediment IJSEM 2007 57:60-65
11.Li Q, Xiao X(Co-first author), Wang FP(corresponding author). Screening of genes involved in chitinase production in Aeromonas caviae CB101 via transposon mutagenesis. 2007 J Appl Microbiol Mar, 102(3):640-649
12.Li SK, Xiao X (Co-first author), Yin XB, and Wang FP. Bacterial community along a historic lake sediment core of Ardley Island, west Antarctica Extremophiles 2006 10(5):461-467
13.Wu LN, Lin XM, Wang FP, Ye DZ, Xiao X, Wang SY, Peng XX OmpW and OmpV are required for NaCl regulation in Photobacterium damsela J Proteome Res. 2006 Sep 5(9)2250-2257
14.Xiao X, Yin XB, Lin J, Sun LG, You ZY, Wang P, and Wang FP. Chitinase genes in the lake sediments of Ardeley Island, Antarctica. Appl Environ Microbiol 2005, 71: 7904-7909
15.Li Q, Wang FP, Xiao X* . The exposed aromatic and hydroxyl residues on the surface of the N-terminal domains of Chi1 from Aeromonas caviae CB101 are essential for chitin binding and hydrolysis. Appl Environ Microbiol 2005, 71: 7559-7561

教学工作 近三年给本科生授课(理论教学)学时数:198学时;

学术兼职 现任DCO (Deep carbon observation) DL (Deep life) 科学指导委员会委员,中国地质微生物专业委员会副主任;ISME中国大使(Ambassador),PICES-ICES气候变化和生物介导储碳科学工作组 (WG-33) 中国代表组员,IODP (International Ocean Discovery Progam) 中国科学委员会委员,微生物海洋学学会副理事长,中国化学会女化学专业委员会委员,{Scientic Reports} 编辑,{Frontiers in Marine biology and ecology} 副主编 (associated editor) 等社会兼职。

荣誉奖励 2008年度“中国青年女科学家奖”提名奖。

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