本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-02
邢向军 教授
研究机构: 维尔切克量子中心
研究领域: 统计物理,软凝聚态理论
办公地点: 理科楼5号楼805室
办公电话: 86-
电子邮箱: xxing@sjtu.edu.cn
研究方向: (1) Elasticity of complex elastomeric materials (2) Liquid Crystals and Membranes (3) Statistical Mechanics of charged systems (4) Generalized elasticity theory (5) Topological Defects
简历: 1993年毕业于南京大学数学系,获学士学位;1996年获南京大学物理学硕士学位。2003年,获美国科罗拉多大学(UC Boulder)物理学博士。2003-2005伊利诺大学香槟分校做博士后研究;2005-2010年,在美国雪城大学(Syracuse University)物理系任助理教授。2010年6月起回上海交通大学工作。
在研项目:1. Translocation of semiexible polymer through nanopores with Liviu Mouvileanu
2. Pre-transitional nematic uctuations in liquid crystal elastomers
with Paul Goldbart, Bing Lu, Fangfu Ye
3. E_ective interaction between charged colloidal particles
主要著作: Bing-Sui Lu, Fangfu Ye, Xiangjun Xing*, Paul M. Goldbart*(*corresponding authors), Polydomain structure and its origins in isotropic-genesis nematic elastomers, arXiv:1101.1323, submitted to Nature Physics.
Xiangjun Xing, The Poisson-Boltzmann Theory for The Two-Plates Problem: Some Exact Results, arXiv:1010.4944, to appear in the special issue of Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences (IS) on _ Oionic uids and its biological application", dedicated to Prof. Lesser Blum.
Xiangjun Xing, The Poisson-Boltzmann Theory for Two Parallel Uniformly Charged Plates, arXiv:1010.4943, to appear in Physical Review E.
Xiangjun Xing, Biaxial Deformations of Rubber: Entanglements or Elastic Fluctuations? arXiv:1007.4274, submitted to Physical Review E.
Robert Bikwemu, Aaron J Wolfe, Xiangjun Xing and Liviu Movileanu , Facilitated translocation of polypeptides through a single nanopore, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22 (2010) 454117, PECIAL ISSUE ON NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN NANOPORE RESEARCH~NFROM FUNDAMENTALS TO APPLICATIONS.
Lin Jia, Amin Cao, Daniel Levy, Bing Xu, Pierre-Antoine Albouy, Xiangjun, Xing, Mark J. Bowick, Min-Hui Li, Smectic Polymer Vesicles, Soft Matter, 2009, 5, 3446 – 3451.
Xiaoming Mao, Paul M. Goldbart, Xiangjun Xing, Annette Zippelius , Soft random solids and their heterogeneous elasticity, Phys. Rev. E 80, 031140 (2009).
Xiangjun Xing, Topological and geometry of smectic order on compact curved substrates, J. Stat. Phys. (2009) 134: 487-536.
Monwhea Jeng, Mark J. Bowick, Werner Krauth, Jennifer M. Schwarz, and Xiangjun Xing, Vacancy di_usion in the triangular lattice dimer model, Phys. Rev. E 78, 021112 (2008).
X. Xing and Aparna Baskaran , Isotropic-Cholesteric Transition of a Weakly Chiral Elastomer Cylinder, Phys. Rev. E 78, 021709 (2008)
Homin Shin, Mark J. Bowick and Xiangjun Xing, Topological Defects in Spherical Nematics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 037802 (2008).
Xiangjun Xing, Stephan Pfahl, Swagatam Mukhopadhyay, Paul M. Goldbart and Annette Zippelius, Nematic elastomers: From a microscopic model to macroscopic elasticity, Theory, Physical Review E 77, 051802 (2008).
Xiangjun Xing and Leo Radzihovsky, Nonlinear Elasticity, Fluctuations and Heterogeneity of Nematic Elastomers, Annals of Physics, Vol. 323, Issue 1, Jan. 2008, 105-203 January Special Issue 2008.
Xiangjun Xing, Topology of Smectic Order on Compact Substrates, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 147801 (2008).
Xiangjun Xing, Semigroup Theory of Rate Independent Hysteresis, Preprint arXiv:0707.3302, submitted to Physical Review Letters.
Xiaoming Mao, Paul M. Goldbart, X. Xing, and Annette Zippelius, Spatial Heterogeneity in the Elasticity of Soft Random Solids, Cond-mat/**, Europhysics Letters 80 No 2 (October 2007) 26004.
X. Xing, L. Radzihovsky and P. M. Goldbart , Thermal Fluctuations and Rubber Elasticity, Physical Review Letters 98, 075502 (2007), Featured by Physical Review Focus, 20 February 07, Rubber Theory Fits without a Stretch.
X. Xing, S. Mukhopadhyay, P. M. Goldbart, Scaling of Entropic Shear Rigidity, Physical Review Letters 93, 225701 (2004).
X. Xing and L. Radzihovsky, Phases and Transitions in Phantom Nematic Elastomer Membranes, Physical Review E 71, 011802 (2005).
X. Xing and L. Radzihovsky, Fluctuating Nematic Elastomer Membranes, Physical Review E 68, 021108 (2003).
X. Xing and L. Radzihovsky, Thermal Fluctuations and Anomalous Elasticity of Homogeneous Nematic Elastomers, Europhysics Letters 61, 769 (2003).
X. Xing and L. Radzihovsky, Universal Elasticity and Fluctuations of Nematic Gels, Physical Review Letters 90, 168301 (2003).
T. C. Lubensky, R. Mukhopadhyay, L. Radzihovsky, X. Xing, Symmetries and Elasticity of Nematic Gels, Physical Review E 66, 011702 (2002).
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