- W. Ying, A multilevel adaptive approach for computational cardiology, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Mathematics, Duke University, May 2005 ([PDF]).
- D.G. Schaeffer, W.-J. Ying and X.-P. Zhao, Asymptotic approximation of an ionic model for cardiac restitution, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 51, No. 1-2, pp. 189-198, 2008 ([DOI]).
- W.-J. Ying and N. Pourtaheri and C.S. Henriquez, Field stimulation of cells in suspension: use of a hybrid finite element method, Proceedings of the 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, New York City, pp. 2276-2279, 2006 ([DOI]).
- D.G. Schaeffer, J.W. Cain, D.J. Gauthier, S.S. Kalb, R.A. Oliver, E.G. Tolkacheva, W.-J. Ying and W. Krassowska, An ionically based mapping model with memory for cardiac restitution, Bull. in Math. Bio., Vol. 69, No. 2, pp. 459-482, 2007 ([DOI]).
- W.-J. Ying and C.S. Henriquez, Hybrid finite element method for describing the electrical response of biological cells to applied fields, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 611-620, 2007 ([DOI]).
- M.L. Hubbard and W.-J. Ying and C.S. Henriquez, Effect of gap junction distribution on impulse propagation in a monolayer of myocytes: a model study, Europace, Vol. 9 (suppl 6), pp. vi20-vi28, 2007 ([DOI]).
- W.-J. Ying and C.S. Henriquez, A kernel-free boundary integral method for elliptic boundary value problems, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 227, No. 2, pp. 1046-1074, 2007 ([DOI]).
- W.-J. Ying, D.J. Rose and C.S. Henriquez, Efficient fully implicit time integration methods for modeling cardiac dynamics, IEEE. Trans. Biomed. Engrg., Vol. 55, No. 12, pp. 2701-2711, 2008. ([DOI]).
- C. S. Henriquez and W.-J. Ying, The bidomain model of cardiac tissue: from microscale to macroscale, Cardiac Bioelectric Therapy, Springer, pp. 401-421, 2009 ([DOI]).
- N. Pourtaheri, W.-J. Ying, J.M. Kim and C.S. Henriquez, Thresholds for transverse stimulation: fiber bundles in a uniform field, IEEE. Trans. Biomed. Engrg., Vol 17, No. 5, pp. 478-486, 2009 ([DOI]).
- W.-J. Ying and C.S. Henriquez, Adaptive mesh refinement for modeling cardiac electrical dynamics (submitted to CHAOS, an Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science) ([PDF]).
- W.-J. Ying, C.S. Henriquez and D.J. Rose, Composite backward differentiation formula: an extension of the TR-BDF2 scheme, technical report ([PDF]).
- W.-J. Ying and J. T. Beale, A fast accurate boundary integral method for potentials on closely packed cells, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 1073-1093, 2013.
- Houde Han, Zhongyi Huang and W.-J. Ying, A semi-discrete tailored finite point method for a class of anisotropic diffusion problems, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 65, No. 11, pp. 1760-1774, 2013.
- W.-J. Ying and W.-C. Wang, A kernel-free boundary integral method for implicitly defined surfaces, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 252, pp. 606-624, 2013.
- W.-J. Ying and W.-C. Wang, A kernel-free boundary integral method for variable coefficients elliptic PDEs, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 1108-1140, 2014.
- Houde Han, Min Tang and W.-J. Ying, A tailored finite point method for the discrete ordinates transport equations, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 797-826, 2014.
- W.-J. Ying and C.S. Henriquez, Adaptive mesh refinement and adaptive time integration for electrical wave propagation on the Purkinje system, (submitted to BioMed Research International), 2014 ([PDF]).
- W.-J. Ying, A Cartesian grid-based boundary integral method for an elliptic interface problem on closely packed cells, submitted to Journal of Computational Physics (in revision), 2014 ([PDF]).
- W.-J. Ying, A kernel-free boundary integral method for the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation, submitted to Journal of Computational Physics (in revision), 2014 ([PDF]).
- W.-J. Ying, A kernel-free boundary integral method for the biharmonic equation (in preparation), 2014.
- W.-J. Ying and Craig S. Henriquez, A kernel-free boundary integral method for the heat equation and its applications (in preparation), 2014.
- W.-J. Ying and Craig S. Henriquez, Composite backward differentition formula for the bidomain equations (in preparation), 2014.
- W.-J. Ying, Shuwang Li and Xiaofan Li, A Cartesian grid method for mean curvature flows in two and three space dimensions (in preparation), 2014.
W.-J. Ying and W.-C. Wang, A kernel-free boundary integral method for the Stokes equation (in preparation), 2014.
Wenjun Ying, Ph.D.Department of MathematicsShanghai Jiao Tong University 800 Dongchuan Road Minhang, Shanghai 200240 Office Location: 619 Old Library Building |