

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-02

姓名: 邢辉
职称: 副教授
博导/硕导: 博导
所属二级机构: 凝固科学与技术研究所
通讯地址: 上海市闵行区东川路800号材料学院B楼411室
邮编: 200240
E-mail: xinghui@sjtu.edu.cn

从事专业: 材料科学

2019.1至今 副教授,上海交通大学 材料学院
2019.3-2020.2 访问****,英国伦敦帝国理工学院
2009.4-2018.12 助理研究员,上海交通大学 材料学院
2012.8-2013.8 访问****,美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校


1999.9-2005.7 武汉理工大学,本硕连读班,材料学专业,工学硕士

研究方向一 高性能合金强韧化微观机理
研究方向二 多尺度高通量表征方法开发
研究情况 1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,牙种植体用成分梯度β钛合金中微观塑性行为的协同变形机制,**,2019-2022,61万,在研,主持。
2.国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题,新型牙种植体用钛合金及其表面构建机制 **,2019-2022,120万,在研,交大负责人。

讲授主要课程 本科生课程:1.材料组织结构表征 2.工程学导论
研究生课程:1、材料科学实验方法 2、无损检测

代表性论文、论著 1) Li, Z., Dong, A., Xing,H.*, , et al.Microstructure and mechanical properties of bimodal Ti-Bi alloys fabricated bymechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering for biomedical applications, MaterialsCharacterization, 2020, 161,110134
2) LuanQ. , Xing H., Zhang J., Jiang J., Experimental and crystal plasticity study on deformationbands in single crystal and multi-crystal pure aluminium, Acta Materialia, 183(2020) 78–92
3)Xing H., Zhao B., WangY., et al. Rapid construction of Fe-Co-Ni composition-phase map bycombinatorial materials chip approach. Acs Combinatorial Science, 2018,20,127-131 (Cover Paper)
4)Xing H., Dong A. P.,Huang J., et al. Revisiting intrinsic brittleness and deformation behavior ofB2 NiAl intermetallic compound: A first-principles study. Journal of Materials Science andTechnology, 2017.
5)Xing H., Huang J., First-principlesstudy of magnetic effect on the mechanical properties of Ni-rich NiAl withalloying elements, Materials Letters, 2017.1.15, 187:80~82
6) Dong J. F., Dong Q., Dai Y.B., Xing H.*, Han Y. F., Ma J. B., Zhang J.*, Wang J., Sun B. D., Studyon structure homogeneity of plate sample with large dimension during equalchannel angular pressing (ECAP), Journal of Materials Research,2016.11.01, 31(21):3420~3427
7) Kim K.H., XingH. (co-first author), Zuo J. M., Zhang P. and Wang H. F., TEM based highresolution and low-dose scanning electron nanodiffraction technique fornanostructure imaging and analysis. Micron, 2015, (71): 39-45.
8) Wang X. L., Li L., XingH.*, Ou P. and Sun J.*. Role of oxygen in stress-induced ω phasetransformation and {332}mechanical twinning in β Ti-20V alloys, SriptaMaterialia, 2015, (96): 37-40.
9) Li L., Xing H.*,Wang X. L. and Sun J.*. Zigzag configuration of mechanical twin andstress-induced omega phase in metastable b Ti-34Nb (at.%) alloy, Journalof Alloys and Compounds, 2015, (625): 188-192.
10)Ou P., Xing H.*, Wang X.L., and Sun J.*,Tensile yield behavior and precipitation strengthening mechanism in Super304Hsteel, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2014, (600): 171-175.
11)Huang J., Xing H.* and Sun J.*, Structuralstability and generalized stacking fault energies in β Ti-Nb alloys: Relationto dislocation properties, Scripta Materialia, 2012, (66):682-685.
12)Xing H. and Sun J., Structure and elastic property ofnanosized complex oxide particles in ferric/martensitic alloy: an electronenergy-loss spectroscopy study, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2011,(416):331-334.
13)Xing H. and Sun J. Stress-induced ω phase transformationvia{112} deformation twinning in a metastable β titanium alloy, Appliedphysics letters, 2008, 93(3): 031908.
14) Xing H., Sun J., Yao Q., Guo W. Y.and Chen R. Origin of substantial plastic deformation in gum metals, Appliedphysics letters, 2008, 92(15): 151905.

荣誉和奖励 1) 2019年上海交通大学优秀青年教师“晨星奖励计划”(副教授系列)
3) 2017年度上海市科委“青年科技启明星”人才计划
4) 2017年上海交通大学“教学成果特等奖”(教学团队)
5) 2016年度上海交通大学“最受欢迎教师奖”
6) 上海交通大学年度考核优秀3次,上海交通大学聘期考核优秀1次

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