

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01

职 称:教授


2019/01-至今 上海交通大学 教授
2017/04-2018/12 上海交通大学 副教授
2016/06-2016/07 香港大学 Research Associate
2012/11-2012/12 香港城市大学 Research Associate
2012/09-2017/03 华东理工大学 副教授
2011/11-2012/02 香港大学 Research Associate
2009/09-2012/08 华东理工大学 讲师
2008/06-2008/08 香港大学 Research Associate
2007/05-2007/11 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学 公派联合培养

(1). 国家重点研发计划:面向智能工厂动态生产的实时优化运行技术与系统,2019/07-2022/06, 子课题负责
(2).万华化学集团: 基于人工智能技术的丙烯酸装置数据建模分析及收率提升, 2019/12-2020/07,主持
(3). 智能机器人与系统高精尖创新中心:复杂动态约束下多无人系统协同编队控制,2019/10-2021/09, 主持
(4). 国家自然科学基金重点项目(**):网络化系统分布式实时优化决策理论应用,2019/01-2023/12,第二
(6). 上海市自然科学基金项目(18ZR**):网络结构不确定复杂系统的分布式预测控制自调整技术,2018/01-2020/12,主持
(7). 国家自然科学基金面上项目(**):时间/事件混合驱动环境下的分布式预测控制设计与性能分析,2014/01-2017/12,主持
(8). 国家自然科学基金青年项目(**):约束不连续非线性系统预测控制显式设计与性能分析,2011/01-2013/12, 主持
(9).上海市"晨光计划"(CG10CG30): 混杂系统预测控制的显式设计与性能分析,2011/01-2013/12,主持
(10). 上海电气集团:高端大规模可编程自动化系统算法研制,2014/06-2017/06,主持

[1].Yuanyuan Zou*, Xu Su , S. Li, Yugang Niu, Dewei Li. Event-triggered distributed predictive control for asynchronous coordination of multi-agent systems,Automatica,2019, 99, 92-98 .
[2] T. Bai, S. Li, Yuanyuan Zou, X. Yin. Networks Block-based Minimum Input Design for the Structural Controllability of Complex Networks. Automatica, 2019,107,68-76
[3] X. Mi, Yuanyuan Zou*, S. Li. Self-triggered DMPC Design for Cooperative Multi-agent Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2019.**
[4] Yuanyuan Zou*, Y. Dong. Multi-time Hierarchical Stochastic Predictive Control for Energy Management of an Island Microgrid with Plug-in Electric Vehicles. IET Generation, Transmission Distribution, 2019, DOI:10.1049/iet-gtd.2018.5332
[5] Z. Cao, Y. Niu, Yuanyuan Zou. Adaptive Neural Sliding Mode Control for Singular Semi-Markovian Jump Systems Against Actuator Attacks IEEE Systmes, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2019.**
[6]. X. Mi, Yuanyuan Zou, S. Li, Event-triggered MPC design for the distributed systems towards global performance, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2018, 28(4): 1474-1495
[7].T. Bai, S. Li, Yuanyuan Zou. Minimum input selection of reconfigurable architecture systems for structural controllability, SCIENCE CHINA: Information Sciences letters, DOI: 10.1007/s11432-018-9505-6
[8]. J.Song, Y. Niu, Yuanyuan Zou. Asynchronous sliding mode control of Markovian Jump Systems with time-varying delays and partly accessible mode detection probabilities. Automatica, 2018, 93, 33-41.
[9]. J.Song, Y. Niu, Yuanyuan Zou. A Parameter-dependent sliding mode approach for finite-iime bounded control of uncertain stochastic systems with randomly varying actuator faults and its application to a parallel active suspensionsystem, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018, 65(10): 8124– 8132.
[10].W. Chen, Yuanyuan Zou*, N. Xiao, Y. Niu. Quantized H-infinity filtering for discrete-time systems over fading channels. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control,2018, 40(10): 3115-3124
[11]. Yuanyuan Zou*, X. Su, Y. Niu. Event-triggered distributed predictive control for the cooperation of multi-agent systems.IET Control Theory & Applications, 2017, 11(1): 10-16.
[12]. Yuanyuan Zou*,X. Su, Y. Niu. Mixed time/event-triggered disributed predictive control over wired-wireless networkds.Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2017, 354, 9: 3724-3743.
[13]. W. Chen, Yuanyuan Zou*, N. Xiao, Y. Niu. Quantized feedback stabilization of LTI systems over partly-unknown Markov fading channels.International Journal of Systems Science, 2017, 48(10): 2128-2136.
[14].W. Chen, Yuanyuan Zou*, N. Xiao, Y. Niu. Mean square detectability of LTI systems over finite-state digital block-fading Channels.InternationalJournalofControl,AutomationandSystems.2017,15(2): 498-505.
[15].L. Lu, Yuanyuan Zou*, Y. Niu. Event driven robust output feedback control for constrained linear systems via model predictive control method.Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2017, 36(2): 543-558.
[16].J. Song, Y. Niu, Yuanyuan Zou. Finite-Time Stabilization via Sliding Mode Control.IEEE Transactioins on Automatic Control, 2017, 62(3): 1478-1483. (ESI高被引)
[17]. J. Song, Y. Niu, Yuanyuan Zou. Finite-time sliding mode control synthesize under explicit output constraint,Automatica,2016, 65,111-114.
[18].Yuanyuan Zou*, Q. Wang, T. Jia,Y. Niu. Multirate event-triggered model predictive control for networked control systems with transmission delays.Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2016, 35(12): 4249-4270.
[19]. Yuanyuan Zou*, J. Lam, Y. Niu, D. Li. Constrained Predictive Control Synthesis for Quantized Systems with Markovian Data Loss, Automatica, 2015, 55: 217-225.
[20]. J. Song, Y. Niu, Yuanyuan Zou. Robust finite-time bounded control for discrete-time stochastic systems with communication constraint,IET Control Theory & Application, 2015, 9(13): 2015-2021.
[21].Y. Liu, T. Jia, Y. Niu, YuanyuanZou. Design of sliding mode control for a class of uncertain switched systems,International Journal of Systems Science. 2015, 46(6): 993-1002.
[22].Y. Liu, Y. Niu, Yuanyuan Zou. Adaptive sliding mode reliable control for switched systems with actuator degradation.IET Control Theory & Application, 2015, 9(8): 1197-1204.
[23]. Y. Liu, Y. Niu, Yuanyuan Zou.Non-fragile Observer-based sliding mode control for a class of uncertain switched systems.Journal of The Franklin Institute. 2014, 351(2): 952-963.
[24]. Y. Liu, Y. Niu, Yuanyuan Zou. Sliding mode control for uncertain switched systems subject to actuator nonlinearity.International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 2014, 12(1): 57-62.
[25]. Yuanyuan Zou*, Yugang Niu, Bei Chen and Tinggang Jia. Networked predictive control of constrained linear systems with input quantization.International Journal of Systems Science, 2013, 44(10): 1970-1982.
[26]. B. Chen, Y. Niu, YuanyuanZou. Adaptive sliding mode control for stochastic Markovian jumping systems with actuator degradation.Automatica, 2013,49(6): 1748-1754. (ESI高被引)
[27]. Y. Jiang, Yuanyuan Zou*, Y. Niu. Robust explicit solution of multirate predictive control system with external disturbances,Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2013, 32(5): 2503-2515.
[28].Yuanyuan Zou*, Y. Niu. Predictive control of constrained linear systems with multiple missing measurements.Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing.2013, 32(2): 615-630.
[29]. B. Chen, Y. Niu, Yuanyuan Zou. Sliding mode control for stochastic Markovian jumping systems with incomplete transition rate.IET Control Theory & Applications, doi: 2013, 7(10): 1330-1338.
[30]. B. Chen, Y. Niu, Yuanyuan Zou. Reliable sliding mode control for Markovian jumping systems subject to actuator failures.Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2013, 32(2): 601-614.


2017年获国际期刊Cogent Engineering最佳论文奖
2009年“Guan Zhao-zhi” Award Final List



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