

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01

王亚飞 副教授

教育背景 2010-2013日本东京大学 电气学院 电气工程博士
2005-2008上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 车辆工程硕士
2001-2005吉林大学 汽车工程学院 热能与动力工程学士

工作经历 2019- 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 副教授
2016- 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 讲师
2013-2016 日本东京大学 新领域创成研究科 博士后
2008-2009 德尔福(中国)科技研发中心 电子与安全部门 工程师

研究方向 智能网联汽车的传感及控制

科研项目 负责项目:
2018―2020 上海市经信委软件与集成电路专项“基于高清3D环视的智能辅助控制器的研发与产业化”,交大负责人
2017―2020 国家重点研发计划“智能电动汽车电子电气架构研发 ”,课题负责人
2017―2020 上海市经信委工业强基项目“核心器件自主可控的77GHz毫米波雷达传感器与控制器 ”,交大负责人
2017―2019 自然科学基金青年项目“面向电动车辆智能化控制、考虑传感器采样多速率及延时问题的状态估计研究”,负责人
2018-2019 上汽基金会项目“面向智能驾驶汽车驾乘性能的虚拟测试和评价方法研究”,负责人
2018-2018 企业横向项目 "面向低速无人驾驶的环境感知系统开发",负责人
2018-2020 企业横向项目 "基于毫米波和视觉融合的环境感知算法研究",负责人
2018-2018 企业横向项目 "基于V2X的车辆控制",负责人
2017-2018 企业横向项目 "xxx 前端算法研究",负责人
2017-2017 企业横向项目 "xxx 故障模拟系统开发" ,负责人
2017-2017 企业横向项目 "xxx 前端显示系统",负责人
2016―2018 国家十三五重点国际合作专项子课题“网联与智能汽车共享技术研究”,参与人
2016―2019 上海市科委政府间国际合作项目“基于多传感器信息融合和驾驶员行为识别的智能电动汽车辅助驾驶研究”,参与人
2015―2016 日本科技振兴机构项目,智能城市中电动车辆的能量管理系统开发,参与人
2013―2015 日本科技振兴机构项目,基于Glocal控制理论的电动车辆能量管理,参与人
2012―2014 日立研究所-东京大学共研项目,基于视觉伺服的贴片机研制,参与人
2010―2013 东京大学GCOE项目,电动汽车的状态估计及运动控制,参与人

代表性论文专著 书籍章节:
Y. Wang,H. Fujimoto, Chapter 9 Dynamics Control For EVs, Woodhead Publishing, Elsevier, 2017.
(10) Y. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Sun, S. You, PSO-based Model Predictive Control Strategy for Energy Optimization of Series-parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Journal of Cleaner Production, accepted.
(9) C. Wei, K. Zhang, C. Hu, Y. Wang, H.Taghavifar, X. Jing, A Tunable Nonlinear Vibrational Energy Harvesting System with Scissor-like Structure, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, accepted.
(8) Y. Wang, Z. Zhou, C. Wei, Y. Liu and C. Yin, Vision-based Lateral State Estimation for Integrated Control of Automated Vehicles considering Multi-rate and Unevenly Delayed Measurements, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, accepted.
(7) Y. Wang, Z. Zhou, C. Wei, Y. Liu and C. Yin, Host-Target Vehicle Model-based Lateral State Estimation for Preceding Target Vehicles Considering Measurement Delay, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018.
(6) J.S. Hu, Y. Wang, H. Fujimoto, and Y. Hori, Robust yaw stability control for in-wheel motor electric vehicles, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2017.
(5) Y. Wang,H. Fujimoto,S. Hara,Driving Force Distribution and Control for Electric Vehicles with Four In-Wheel-Motors: A Case Study of Acceleration on Split-Friction Surfaces,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017.
(4) Y. Wang,H. Fujimoto,S. Hara,Torque Distribution-based Range Extension Control Systemfor Longitudinal Motion of Electric Vehicles by LTI Modeling with Generalized Frequency Variable,IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,2016,21(1):443-452.
(3) Y. Wang, B. M. Nguyen, H. Fujimoto, and Y. Hori, Multirate Estimation and Control of Body Slip Angle for Electric Vehicles Based on Onboard Vision System, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.61, no.2, pp.1133-1143, 2014.
(2) B.M. Nguyen, Y. Wang, H. Fujimoto, Y. Hori, Lateral Stability Control of Electric Vehicle Based On Disturbance Accommodating Kalman Filter using the Integration of Single Antenna GPS Receiver and Yaw Rate Sensor, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, vol.8, no.4, pp. 899-910, 2013.
(1) Y. Wang, B. M. Nguyen, P. Kotchapansompote, H. Fujimoto, and Y. Hori, Image-Processing-Based State Estimation for Vehicle Lateral Control Using Multi-rate Kalman Filter, Recent Patents on Signal Processing, vol.2, no.2, pp.140-148, 2012.
(22) Y. Wang,H. Fujimoto,S. Hara,Driving Force Control for Electric Vehicles with Four In-Wheel-Motors on Split-friction Surfaces,The 2017 American Control Conference.
(21) Z. Zhou, Y. Wang,K. Dai,.C Yin,Steering Angle Estimation for Preceding Vehicles Considering Host-Target Vehicle Dynamics,2017 International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Powertrain.
(20) Y. Wang,H. Fujimoto,Y. Hori, Lateral State Estimation for Lane Keeping Control of Electric Vehicles Considering Sensor Sampling Mismatch Issue, SAE-TONGJI 2016 Driving Technology of Intelligent Vehicle Symposium.
(19) T. Sasaki, H. Yanami, J. Kaneko, S. Hara, Y. Wang, and H. Iwane, State-Dependent Virtual Hierarchization of Batteries and Its Application to Energy Management Systems, in Proc. of the 2015 SICE Annual Conference, Jul. 2015.
(18) H. Yanami, T. Sasaki, J. Kaneko, S. Hara, S. Moriyama, Y. Wang, and H. Iwane, ”State-Dependent Virtual Hierarchization of Batteries for Realizing a Glocal Control in Energy Network Systems and Its Application to Peak Power Reduction in Office,” in Proc. of the 10th Asian Control Conference, May, 2015.
(17) J.S. Hu, Y. Wang, H. Fujimoto, and Y. Hori, Robust Yaw-Moment Control for Electric Vehicles, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Mar. 2015.
(16) Y. Wang and H. Fujimoto, Yaw Moment Observer Design for Electric Vehicles Considering Vehicle Speed Variation, in Proc. of the 12th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, 2014.
(15) Y. Wang, H. Fujimoto, and S. Hara, Range Extension Control System for Electric Vehicles by LTI Modeling with Generalized Frequency Variable, in Proc. of the 2014 American Control Conference, 2014.
(14) B.M. Nguyen, W. Ohnishi, Y. Wang, H. Fujimoto, Y. Hori, K. Ito, etc., Dual Rate Kalman Filter Considering Delayed Measurement and Its Application in Visual Servo, in Proc. of the 13th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, 2014.
(13) K. Ito, B.M. Nguyen, Y. Wang, M. Odai, H. Ogawa, etc., Fast and Accurate Vision-based Positioning Control Employing Multi-rate Kalman Filter, in Proc. of the 39th IEEE Annual Conference of Industrial Electronics Society, 2013, pp.6466-6471.
(12) Y. Wang, B.M. Nguyen, H. Fujimoto and Y. Hori, Multi-rate Kalman Filter Design for Electric Vehicles Control based on Onboard Vision System with Uneven Time, in Proc. of the 6th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, 2013.
(11) B.M. Nguyen, Y. Wang, H. Fujimoto, and Y. Hori, Design of Double Layer State Estimator for Electric Vehicle Using Single Antenna GPS and Advanced Multi-rate Kalman Filter, in Proc. of the 6th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, 2013.
(10) Y. Wang, B.M. Nguyen, H. Fujimoto and Y. Hori, Vision-based Integrated Lateral Control System for Electric Vehicles with Multi-rate Kalman Filter Considering Uneven Time Delay, in Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2013.
(9) B.M. Nguyen, Y. Wang, H. Fujimoto, and Y. Hori, Robust Stability Control of Electric Vehicles Based on Multi-rate Disturbance Accommodating Control Using GPS, in Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, 2013.
(8) Y. Wang, H. Fujimoto, and Y. Hori, Integrated Lateral State Estimation and Control for Electric Vehicles using Onboard Vision System, in Proc. of the 2013 SNU-UT Joint Seminar, 2013.
(7) Y. Wang, B.M. Nguyen, H. Fujimoto, Y. Hori, Multi-rate Estimation and Control of Body Slip Angle for Electric Vehicles, in Proc. of the 38th IEEE Annual Conference of Industrial Electronics Society, 2012.
(6) Y. Wang, K. Nam, H. Fujimoto, Y. Hori, Proposal of Multi-rate Controller for Vehicle Body Slip Angle based on Real-time Lane Detection, in Proc. of the 11th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, 2012.
(5) Y. Wang, B.M. Nguyen, P. Kotchapansompote, H. Fujimoto, and Y. Hori, Vision-based Vehicle Body Slip Angle Estimation with Multi-rate Kalman Filter considering Time Delay, in Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2012.
(4) B.M. Nguyen, Y. Wang, S. Oh, H. Fujimoto, and Y. Hori, GPS Based Estimation of Vehicle Sideslip Angle Using Multi-rate Kalman Filter with Prediction of Course Angle Measurement Residual, in Proc. of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress, 2012.
(3) B.M. Nguyen, Y. Wang, S. Oh, H. Fujimoto, and Y. Hori, Sideslip Angle Estimation Using Multi-rate Kalman Filter with Model Error and Disturbance Compensation for Electric Vehicle Stability Control, in Proc. of the 8th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2012.
(2) P. Kotchapansompote, Y. Wang, T. Imura, H. Fujimoto, Y. Hori, Electric Vehicle Automatic Stop Using Wireless Power Transfer Antennas, in Proc. of the 38th IEEE Annual Conference of Industrial Electronics Society, 2011.
(1) Y. Wang, P. Kotchapansompote, H. Fujimoto, and Y. Hori, Multi-rate Estimation for Vehicle Body Slip Angle Using Onboard Vision System, in Proc. of the 2011 SNU-UT Joint Seminar,2011.

教学工作 汽车多能源管理与优化 研究生课程
智能网联汽车技术 研究生课程

学术兼职 会议
2012 11th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control 分会主席
2011 Seoul National Univ.-Univ. of Tokyo Joint Seminar 分会主席
IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics,IEEE/ASME Transaction on Mechatronics,
IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, Mechatronics, Proc. IMechE, Part D等

荣誉奖励 2018 聘期考核优秀
2018 优秀班主任
2017 上海交通大学晨星计划
2013 日本自动车技术协会(JSAE)大学院研究奖励赏
2008 上海交通大学优秀毕业生

相关话题/机械 上海交通大学