

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01

王炜哲 研究员

教育背景 2003.09 - 2007.10,上海交通大学,动力机械及工程,博士
2000.09 - 2003.06,上海交通大学,动力机械及工程,硕士
1996.09 - 2000.06,河海大学,热能动力工程,学士

工作经历 2010.04 - :上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 / 叶轮机械研究所 / 助理研究员、副研究员、研究员 / 博士生导师
2012-2013、2014、2015: 德国斯图加特大学MPA / 访问****
2007.11 - 2010.03: 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 / 机械工程 / 博士后

出访及挂职经历 2019 韩国釜山国立大学
2015/2016/2017/2018/2019 日本石川岛播磨
2014/2015 德国斯图加特大学MPA
2014 /2019韩国科学技术院KAIST
学术会议 ,主题报告/邀请报告
1. 第二届长寿命高温材料高端发展论坛暨2018年先进电站长寿命高温材料学术会议,大会主题报告,2018/09
2. 第十九届全国疲劳与断裂力学大会,分会场特邀报告,2018/07
3. 第十八届全国疲劳与断裂力学大会,分会场主席,分会场特邀报告 ,2016/04
4. 第四届材料与结构强度青年论坛,大会邀请报告,2017/07/23
5. 第六届材料与结构强度青年论坛,大会邀请报告,2019/08/04
连续2届ASME TURBO EXPO国际会议论文(学生宣读论文)直接推荐ASME JOURNAL期刊发表。
3. 2014,韩国釜山国立大学,1名学生
4. 2015,日本九州大学,1名学生
5. 2016,日本早稻田大学,2名学生
6. 2017,英国曼彻斯特大学,1名学生
7. 2016-2017(为期1年),德国斯图加特大学,1名学生
8. 2017-2018(为期1年),英国拉夫堡大学,1名学生

研究方向 本课题组围绕国家重大需求行业(航空、地面燃机、智慧能源),开展过程系统和部件系统数字孪生技术的研究。已经自主研发了基于网络信息交互的过程控制系统数字孪生平台,开展数字化仿真建模、大数据挖掘和机器学习,应用于智慧能源和系统动态过程的反演、性能优化、故障诊断,积累大量数据运算模块。此外,本课题组与工业界长期不间断深化合作,增强了对部件结构特征和安全性能的敏感性,积累了结构强度设计、安全评价方法,正在开展结构三维空间热状态和强度性能的快速反演技术,结合过程控制系统数字孪生平台,创建基于信息网络的部件系统数字孪生技术。本课题组与工业界紧密合作,建立了长期的科研合作关系,为课题组成员提供国家重大需求行业实践机会。
2.4 高温环境下多层微观涂层结构力学特性分析,构建结构、力学和热学多源异构数据融合技术。

科研项目 【项目负责人】
-> 物理信息融合机器学习、模型降阶及技术应用
47) 2020-2021,国际合作,电站设备故障智能识别及模型技术
46) 2020-2020,国际合作,电站系统故障智能预警研究
45) 2019-2020,国际合作,电站系统全范围故障库开发及智能预警研究
44) 2019-2020,企业合作,动力保障系统XX动态性能实时仿真及分析
43) 2019-2020,国际合作,基于虚拟DCS技术的数字化电站运维仿真系统
42) 2018-2019,国际合作,Analysis and modeling of heat transfer in automotive turbochargers
41) 2018-2019,国际合作,电厂运行优化、开发及应用
40) 2016-2017,国际合作,Design optimization of compressor impeller with optimization tool
39) 2015-2016,国际合作,Rotor disk 3D feature analysis and optimization method study
38) 2008-2015,企业合作,网络数字化仿真系统软件平台开发及工程应用
37) 2008-2015,企业合作,基于分散式数字化平台的电站性能在线监测/优化系统开发及应用

-> 寿命管理及延寿设计、安全评价方法
36) 2020-2021,企业合作,特种阀门的高温蠕变作用机制及应对措施
35) 2019-2020,企业合作,煤电机组寿命评估要素分析与项目经济性研究
34) 2019-2020,企业合作,盐雾腐蚀环境下疲劳设计方法研究
33) 2019-2020,企业合作,汽轮机起停及运行过程中调节阀座的力学研究
32) 2019-2020,企业合作,蠕变疲劳交互作用下金属接触密封的变形及寿命研究
31) 2019-2022,国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. ** ,燃气轮机叶片含孔热障涂层中TGO热生长及其对涂层多层结构应力演化影响的研究
30) 2018-2021,国家“两机专项”(No. 2017-V-0002)子课题,XXX盐雾腐蚀XXX技术(19GFA-ZD10-270)
29) 2017-2018,企业合作,135MW等级机组阀门定参数快速冷态启动曲线的制定、优化及结构强度评估
28) 2016-2019,国际合作,燃气轮机关键技术
27) 2016-2019,国际合作,材料老化特性对断裂力学参数影响的方法研究
26) 2016-2018,企业合作,蠕变疲劳交互作用下局部高温区多结构的变形及寿命评价研究
25) 2016-2018,企业合作,定参数快速冷启动过程中阀门结构强度的计算和评价方法
24) 2016-2017,企业合作,HW**试验管理平台方案设计
23) 2016-2017,企业合作,基于冷却技术的700°C汽轮机阀门设计方案研究
22) 2016-2017,企业合作,700°C下高温承压部件结构强度分析及安全评估流程研究
21) 2015-2016,国际合作项目—斯图加特大学合作,高温部件试验及剩余寿命评估
20) 2015-2016,国际合作,高速离心压缩机动静干涉作用的数值研究
19) 2015-2016,国际合作,Combustor structure analysis
18) 2015-2016,企业合作,1200MW超超临界汽轮机中压模块分析
17) 2015-2017,企业合作,现役超超临界机组关键部位损伤取样分析技术研究
16) 2014-2015,上海交大学科技创新专项,燃气轮机热端部件强度分析和结构设计安全评估方法研究
15) 2014-2015,企业合作,蒸汽滤网冲击性能分析
14) 2014-2015,企业合作,配H级二托一联合循环汽轮机HIP汽缸流动换热分析
13) 2012-2013,企业合作,二次再热汽轮机超高压内缸和转子启停优化及蠕变疲劳寿命评估
12) 2011-2013,上海航天基金,电源柜内发热源诱导空间流场—温度场分析及优化
11) 2011-2012,企业合作,大型核电汽轮机低压转子应力腐蚀疲劳寿命评估
10) 2011-2012,企业合作,汽轮机新型高压阀门设计方案研究
9) 2011-2012,企业合作,转动部件环腔的流场和温度场分析
8) 2010-2011,企业合作,超临界高中压转子蠕变疲劳耦合寿命损伤计算
7) 2010-2012,国家自然科学基金,接触式高压气流密封接触点传热及流固耦合传热研究
6) 2009-2010,机械系统与振动国家重点实验室开放基金,接触式高压气流密封流固热机理及其诱导高温部件强度分析
5) 2010-2011,上海交通大学“新进青年教师启动计划”项目,接触式高压气流密封高温蠕变行为诱导密封低滞后泄漏效应
4) 2010-2011,上海交通大学 “医工(理 交叉研究基金”,动静脉畸形数字化模型建立和非线性血流动力学实验研究
3) 2010-2011,企业合作,高温部件大螺纹环及其附件结构分析和设计规范的建立
2) 2009-2010,企业合作,超超临界660MW机组高温部件蠕变疲劳强度计算
1) 2009-2010,上海飞机设计研究院,起落架缓冲器密封技术研究

10) 2014-2015,企业合作,调节装置声振耦合评估及结构参数的影响
9) 2013-2014,企业合作,大口径提升式阀门气动与强度性能研究与优化
8) 2012-2013,企业合作,二次再热汽轮机高压转子启停优化及蠕变疲劳寿命评估
7) 2011-2012,企业合作,超临界汽轮机蝶阀气动特性研究
6) 2009-2011,上海市科委社发处重大项目,IGCC燃气轮机压气机/涡轮的气动匹配研究,(第二负责人)
5) 2009-2010,教育部重大项目,超超临界汽轮机汽轮机先进汽封技术的研究(第二负责人)
4) 2009-2010,企业合作,200MW核电汽轮机配汽机构设计研究
3) 2008-2010,企业合作,660MW超超临界汽轮机高温强度分析
2) 2006-2009,企业合作,1000MW超超临界汽轮机阀门蒸汽流场分析
1) 2004-2005,国家863重大专项子课题,超超临界汽轮机关键技术研究—防汽流激振研究

代表性论文专著 (*-通讯作者)
[5] Genghui Jiang, Ming Kang, Zhenwei Cai, Han Wang, Yingzheng Liu, Weizhe Wang(*), Reduced-order method and data-assimilation-based real-time reconstruction of the three-dimensional temperature field of a thick wall component, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Nov. 2020, Submitted.
[4] Han WANG, Zhenwei CAI, Zifan ZHANG, Yingzheng LIU, Xiaofeng ZHAO, Weizhe WANG(*), Dynamic evolution of nonuniform temperature-stress distributions in continuously eroding thermal barrier coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, Submitted, Nov. 2020.
[3] R.A. Adjei, T. Bamba, K. Nagao, K. Nakamura, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Arbitrary Shape Deformation-based Design for Performance Improvement of a Turbocharger Compressor Volute, Aerospace Science and Technology, Submitted, 2020.04
[2] R.A. Adjei, Q.Y. Luo, W.Z. Wang(*), T. Bamba, N. Kazuaki, Y.Z. Liu, Assessment of Artificial Neural Network Models (ANN) for the Accurate Prediction of Heat Transfer in Automotive Turbochargers, 18th International Symposium on Transportation Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, April 12-23, 2020, Submitted.
[1]N.L. Zhao, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Startup Fatigue Behavior Study of a Steam Turbine Rotor Based on Crystal Plasticity with Macroscale Phenomenological Constitutive Models, ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Under Review, 2018.06

[118] R.A. Adjei, C.W. Fan, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for Performance Improvement of an Axial Flow Fan using Freeform Deformation, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Jan 2021, 143(1): 011003-1-18
[117].R.A. Adjei, W.Z. WANG(*), W.W. ZHOU, Y.Z. LIU, Numerical Investigation of Inclination Angle and Hole Length Effects on Film Cooling Effectiveness for a Sand Dune-Inspired Design, Frontier in Energy, Accepted, 2020.
[116].H. Hong, Z.W. Cai, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, An Online Monitoring Method for Creep-Fatigue Life Consumption with Real-Time Damage Accumulation, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, Accepted, 2020.
[115].H. Hong, Z.W. Cai, H. Wang, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, A Model-Guided Neural Network for the Prediction of Creep Behavior under In-Service Conditions, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2020, 142(7): 071008-18
[114]. Z.W. Cai, H. Hong, X.F. Zhao, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Z.M. Cao, A numerical study of the influence of interface morphology on the stress behavior in thermal barrier coatings near an inclined-film cooling hole, Ceramics International, 2020, 46(11), 18142-18150
[113]. Z.W. Cai, H. Hong, D. Peng, X.F. Zhao, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Z.M. Cao,Stress evolution in ceramic top coat of air plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coatings due to CMAS penetration under thermal cycle loading, Surface & Coatings and Technology, 381(15), 2020, 125146
[112].J.S. Jiang, D.WU, W.Z. Wang, X.F. Zhao, X.F. Ma, B. Wang, H.J. Shi, Fracture behavior of TBCs with cooling hole structure under cyclic thermal loadings, Ceramics International, 3(46), 2020: 3644-3654
[111].T. Cai, ,S. Guo, Y. Li, D.* Peng, X.* Zhao, W.Z. Wang, Y.Z. Liu, Ultra-Sensitive Mechanoluminescent Ceramic Sensor based on Air-Plasma-Sprayed SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ Coating, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 315, 2020:112246.
[110].H. Hong, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, High-temperature fatigue behavior of a turbine rotor under flexible operating conditions with variable loading amplitudes, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 163, 2019, 105121
[109].R.A. Adjei, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Aerodynamic Design Optimization of an Axial Flow Compressor Stator Using Parameterized Free-Form Deformation, ASME JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER, 2019, 141(10): 101015
[108].Z.W. Cai, J.S. Jiang, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Z.M. Cao, CMAS penetration-induced cracking behavior in the ceramic top coat of APS TBCs, Ceramics International, 2019, 45(11), 14366-14375
[107].N.L. Zhao, Anish Roy,W.Z. Wang, Liguo Zhao,Vadim V. Silberschmidt, Coupling crystal plasticity and continuum damage mechanics for creep assessment in Cr-based power-plant steel, Mechanics of Materials, 2019, 130, 29-38.
[106].J.S. Jiang, L.X. Jiang, X.F. Zhao, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Z.M. Cao, Numerical stress analyses of the TBC-film cooling system under the operating condition considering the effects of thermal gradient and TGO growth, Surface & Coatings and Technology, 2019, 357, 433-444
[105].W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Continuum damage mechanics-based analysis of creep-fatigue-interaction behavior in a turbine rotor, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2019, 28(3), 455-477
[104].Fuqi Li, Bryan Quay, Peng Wang, Domenic A. Santavicca, Weizhe Wang, Sihua Xu, and Yingzheng Liu, Transient thermal behaviors of a scaled turbine valve: Conjugate heat transfer simulation and experimental validation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2019, 141, 116-128
[103].Guo Songtao, Cai Tao, Zhao Xiaofeng, Peng Di, Xiao Ping, Wang Weizhe, Liu Yingzheng, Generalization of the quantitative stress-intensity relationship of mechanoluminescent sensor SrAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+ in elastic domain, Measurement Science and Technology,2019,30(7)
[102].J.S. Jiang, X.F. Zhao, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Z.M. Cao, Numerical analyses of the residual stress and top coat cracking behavior in thermal barrier coatings under cyclic thermal loading, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 196(1): 191-205
[101].J.S. Jiang, Z.H. Zou, W.Z. Wang(*), X.F. Zhao, Y.Z. Liu, Z.M. Cao, Effect of internal oxidation on the interfacial morphology and residual stress in air plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings, Surface & Coatings and Technology, 2018, 334(25):215-226
[100].B.Q. Xu, J.S. Jiang, Z.H. Zhou, W.Z. Wang, X.F. Zhao(*), Y.Z. Liu, P. Xiao, Time-dependent spalling behavior of thermally grown oxide induced by room temperature interfacial deformation, Surface & Coatings and Technology, 2018, 334(25): 164-172
[99].J.S. Jiang, J.D. Yang, L. Xiao, S.H. Xu, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Numerical analysis of the impact effect of foreign bodies on a steam strainer in a steam turbine valve, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2018, 32 (1) :405-413
[98].N.L. Zhao, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z.Liu, Intergranular mechanical behavior in a blade groove-like component by crystal plasticity model with cohesive zone model, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 201(1):196-213
[97].R.A. Adjei, W.Z. Wang(*), D. Peng, T. Bamba, Y.Z. Liu, Tip Clearance Effects on Turbocharger Compressor Performance, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, June 11-15, Norway, 2018
[96].W.Z. Wang(*), S.H. Xu, Y.Z. Liu, Numerical investigation on creep-fatigue behavior in a steam turbine inlet valve under cyclic thermo-mechanical loading, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2017, 139(11), 112502-112502-15.
[95].N.L. Zhao, W.Z. Wang(*), J.S. Jiang, Y.Z. Liu, Study of Creep-Fatigue Behavior in a 1000 MW Rotor Using a Phenomenological Lifetime Model, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2017, 31(2): 605-614.
[94].J.S. Jiang, B.Q. Xu, W.Z. Wang(*), Richard Adjei, X.F. Zhao, Y.Z. Liu, Finite Element Analysis of the Effects of Thermally Grown Oxide Thickness and Interface Asperity on the Cracking Behavior Between the Thermally Grown Oxide and the Bond Coat, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power (ASME TURBO EXPO 2016, 大会推荐期刊发表), 2017, 139: 022504-1-9.
[93].Z.W. Cai, W.Z. Wang(*), H. Hong, Numerical study of steam film cooling on a thick-wall cylinder with R5 Code based strength analysis, ASME PVP July 16-20, USA, 2017
[92].J.S. Jiang, Z.W. Cai, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Finite element analysis of thermal-mechanical behavior in the thermal barrier coatings with cooling holes structure, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, June 26-30, USA, 2017
[91].R. A. Adjei, W.Z. Wang(*), J.S. Jiang, Y.Z. Liu, T. Kawakubo, Numerical investigation of the evolution of upstream propagating shockwaves in a transonic centrifugal compressor, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, June 26-30, USA, 2017
[90].W.Z. Wang(*), P. Buhl, A. Klenk, Y.Z. Liu, A continuum damage mechanics-based viscoplastic model of adapted complexity for high temperature creep-fatigue loading, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2016, 138(9), 092501-10.
[89].W.Z. Wang(*), P. Buhl, A. Klenk, Y.Z. Liu, The effect of in-service steam temperature transients on the damage behavior of a steam turbine rotor, International Journal of Fatigue, 2016,87, 471–483.
[88].W.Z. Wang(*), P. Buhl, A. Klenk, Y.Z. Liu, Influence of high-temperature dwell time on creep-fatigue behavior in a 1000 MW steam turbine rotor, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2016, 166, 1-22.
[87].W.Z. Wang(*), P. Buhl, A. Klenk, Y.Z. Liu, Study of creep-fatigue behaviour in a 1000 MW rotor using a unified viscoplastic constitutive model with damage, International Journal of Damage Mechanics;25(2): 178-202, 2016
[86].N.L. Zhao, W.Z. Wang(*), J.H. Zhang, Y.Z. Liu, Numerical investigation on life improvement of low-cycle fatigue for an ultra-supercritical steam turbine rotor, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016, 30(4), 1747-1754
[85].N.L. Zhao, W.Z. Wang(*), H. Hong, Richard Adjei, Y.Z. Liu, Mechanical behavior study of steam turbine casing bolts under in-service conditions, ASME TURBO EXPO 2016
[84].H. Hong, W.Z. Wang(*), N.L. Zhao, Z.W. Cai, Y.Z. Liu, Influence of temperature and pressure fluctuation on the mechanical behavior of a seal structure in steam turbine valve under in-service condition, ASME TURBO EXPO 2016
[83].Z.W. Cai, W.Z. Wang (*), Y.Z. Liu, R5 procedure based damage estimation in a steam turbine valve under in-service conditions, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping, Canada, Vancouver, 2016
[82].H. Hong, W.Z. Wang (*), Y.Z. Liu, Fatigue life investigation of a high pressure inner casing under in-service conditions, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping, Canada, Vancouver, 2016
[81].Z.W. Cai, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Numerical study of steam film cooling behavior in a thick-wall cylinder, 9th China-Japan Bilateral Symposium on High Temperature Strength of Materials, Changsha, China, 2016.
[80].Richard A. Adjei, Weizhe Wang(*), Nailong Zhao, Yingzheng Liu,FATIGUE AND LIFETIME ESTIMATION OF A HIGHLY STRESSED CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR IMPELLER(分组特邀报告),第十八届全国疲劳与断裂学术会议, 2016
[79].W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Analysis of the sealing performance and creep behavior of the inner casing of a 1000 MW supercritical steam turbine under bolt relaxation, Engineering Failure Analysis, 57: 363-376, 2015
[78].W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, P.N. Jiang, Numerical investigation on influence of real gas properties on nonlinear behavior of labyrinth seal-rotor system, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 263: 12-24, 2015
[77].W.Z. Wang(*), P. Buhl, A. Klenk , A unified viscoplastic constitutive model with damage for multi-axial creep-fatigue loading, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 24(3): 363-382, 2015
[76].J.S. Jiang, W.Z. Wang (*), Y.Z. Liu, Application of a creep damage constitutive model for the rotor of a 1000 MW ultra-supercritical steam turbine, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2015; 138(2):022606-022606-6
[75].J.F. Mao, W.Z. Wang(*), J.H. Zhang, Y.Z. Liu, Numerical investigation on the dynamic behaviors of turbine valve disc–seat impact at low velocity, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 29(2):1-9, 2015
[74].G.C. Jiao, W.Z. Wang(*), S.J. Tan, C. Yu, Y.Z. Liu, Crack-tip constraint analysis of SENB specimen under creep condition, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 29 (2):1-6, 2015
[73].Z.W. Cai, W.Z. Wang (*), Study of Creep Damage of a Thin-wall Outer Casing of a 1000MW Ultra-supercritical Steam Turbine, The 13th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery, 7th-10th Sept., WASEDA University, Tokyo, Japan, 2015
[72].H. Hong, W.Z. Wang (*), Numerical Investigation of Creep Behavior of an Inner Casing of a 1000MW Ultra-supercritical Steam Turbine, The 13th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery, 7th-10th Sept., WASEDA University, Tokyo, Japan, 2015
[71].J.S. Jiang, W.Z. Wang (*), Y.Z. Liu, Application of a creep damage constitutive model for the rotor of a 1000 MW ultra-supercritical steam turbine, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, ASME TURBO EXPO 2015, Montreal, Canada, 2015
[70].W.Z. Wang(*), Analysis of multi-axial creep-fatigue damage on an outer cylinder of a 1000MW supercritical steam turbine, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 136(11): 112504-112504-8, 2014
[69].W.Z. Wang(*), Numerical analysis of fatigue life improvement by optimizing the startup phase for a 1000?MW supercritical steam turbine inner casing, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137(4):042601-042601-10, 2014
[68].W.Z. Wang(*), J.H. Zhang, Influence of creep on low-cycle fatigue life assessment of ultra-supercritical steam turbine rotor, ASME TURBO EXPO 2014, June 16-20, Dusseldorf, Germany, 2014
[67].W.Z. Wang(*), Chao Yu, Junhui Zhang, Yingzheng Liu, Numerical investigation on creep and fatigue behaviours of a 1000 MW steam turbine inner cylinder [C. International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Material X, The Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis, MA, USA, 21-26 September 2014
[66].J.F. Mao, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, J.H. Zhang, Comparative study of flange-to-seal contact couplings with bolt relaxation under creep condition, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 136(7):072504-072504-8, 2014
[65].J.F. Mao, W.Z. Wang, Environmental fatigue analysis of a U seal in pressure vessel under simulated LWR operation, Engineering Failure Analysis, 36: 362-371, 2014
[64].J.F. Mao, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, Experimental and theoretical investigation on the sealing performance of the combined seals for reciprocating rod, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 26(6): 1765-1772, 2012
[63].P.N. Jiang, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, G. Meng, Influence of steam leakage through vane, gland, and shaft seals on rotordynamics of high-pressure rotor of a 1000 MW ultra-supercritical steam turbine, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 82(2): 177-189, 2012
[62].G.C. Jiao, W.Z. Wang(*), Crack-tip constraint analysis of two collinear cracks under creep condition, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 43(3): 311-320, 2012
[61].J.F. Mao, W.Z. Wang(*), Y.Z. Liu, J.H. Zhang, Multiaxial creep-fatigue life prediction on the rotor of a 1000MW supercritical steam turbine, GT-2012 ASME Turbo Expo, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11-15, 2012
[60].G.C. Jiao, G. Chen, W.Z. Wang(*), A model for the stress corrosion cracking growth rate of the metallic materials, GT-2012 ASME Turbo Expo, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11-15, 2012
[59].P.N. Jiang, W.Z. Wang(*), G.C. Jiao, Analysis of high temperature creep on the nut connection components of a 600MWsupercritical steam turbine, , GT-2012 ASME Turbo Expo, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11-15, 2012
[58].W.Z. Wang , Ying Zheng Liu, Guang Meng, Pu Ning Jiang, Influence of rub groove on rotordynamics associated with leakage air flow through a labyrinth seal, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2010,24(8):1573-1581, 2010.04
[57].W.Z. Wang, LIU Ying-zheng, Meng Guang, Jiang Pu-ning, A nonlinear model of flow-structure interaction between steam leakage through labyrinth seal and the whirling rotor, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2009(23): 3302-3315.
[56].W.Z. Wang, LIU Ying-zheng, JIANG Pu-ning, CHEN Han-ping, Nonlinear analysis of orbital motion of the rotor subject to leakage air flow through an interlocking seal, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2009,2 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2008.07.009)
[55].W.Z. Wang, LIU Ying-zheng, CHEN Han-ping, et al., Computation of Rotordynamic Coefficients Associated with Leakage Steam Flow through Labyrinth Seal, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2007.
[54].LIU Ying-zheng, W.Z. Wang, Chen Han-ping, .Jing Jian-ping, GE Qing, YUAN Ying, Influence of the leakage flow through labyrinth seal on rotor dynamics: numerical calculations and experimental measurements, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2007 (SCI: DOI 10.1007/s00419-007-0119-z).
[53].W.Z. Wang, LIU Ying-zheng, JIANG Pu-ning CHEN Han-ping, Numerical analysis of leakage flow through two labyrinth seals, Journal of Hydrodynamics Ser.B, 2007, 19(1): 107-112.
[52].W.Z. Wang, LIU Ying-zheng, Meng Guang, A Nonlinear Model of Rotor-Bearing-Seal System Associated With Leakage Through the Labyrinth Seal, GT2010-Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air, June 14-18, 2010, Glasgow, UK
[51].W.Z. Wang, LIU Yingzheng, CHEN Hanping, et al. Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Labyrinth-Seal Flow and Rotor Dynamics, AICFM-9, Jeju, Korea, 2007, 10.
[49].罗淇元,韩彦冬,蔡振威,王炜哲, 基于NARX神经网络的汽轮机转子温度变化趋势实时预测,动力工程学报,录用,2020.10
[48].张子凡,蔡振威,王炜哲(*),彭迪,刘应征,循环热力载荷下含冷却孔热障涂层的强度分析,湘潭大学学报自然科版, 2019,(6):104~112
[37].蔡振威,王炜哲(*),不同冷却速率对TRISO 核燃料多层结构强度影响的研究,高第十九届全国疲劳与断裂学术会议,沈阳,2018.8.15-17
[33].蔡振威,王炜哲(*),胡怡丰 ,刘应征,优化启动温升率对汽轮机中压薄壁外缸疲劳行为的影响,第十八届全国疲劳与断裂学术会议, 2016
[32].赵乃龙,王炜哲(*),刘应征,现场服役机组蒸汽温度波动对汽轮机转子蠕变-疲劳损伤的影响,第十八届全国疲劳与断裂学术会议, 2016
[29].赵乃龙,吴穹,王炜哲(*),张军辉. 百万等级超超临界汽轮机高压转子低周疲劳及损伤分析 [J. 上海交通大学学报,2015, 5(49): 590-594.
[28].吴穹,王炜哲(*),张军辉,胡怡丰,高清辉. 超超临界汽轮机中压转子高温蠕变强度分析[J. 动力工程学报,2015, 35(241):25-29.
[26].喻 超,王炜哲(*),张军辉,刘应征,超超临界机组高压内缸蠕变强度分析,动力工程学报,34(05):365-370,2014
[25].毛剑峰,张军辉,王炜哲(*),陈汉平,汽轮机进汽阀U型密封高温强度与密封性能分析. 中国电机工程学报,33(20): 104-110,2013.
[23].焦广臣,王炜哲,蒋蒲宁,刘应征,核电汽轮机转子结构应力腐蚀裂纹扩展研究,汽轮机技术,55(2):113-114 ,2013.
[22].谈尚炯,陈钢,焦广臣,王炜哲(*),陈汉平,喷丸对汽轮机红套转子应力腐蚀失效概率的影响分析,热力透平,42(03):181-185 ,2013.
[21].谈尚炯,王炜哲(*),陈汉平,刘应征,汽轮机复杂套装转子内部应力分析,动力工程学报,33(08):581-585 ,2013.
[20].毛剑峰,王炜哲(*),刘应征,陈汉平,汽轮机螺栓松弛对汽缸蠕变强度的影响,动力工程,33(2):107-111 ,2013.
[17].戴伟,王炜哲,刘应征,径向间隙对刷式密封泄漏特性影响的数值分析 [J.动力工程学报,2011,7(31):507-512
[16].刘华锋,王炜哲(*),蒋浦宁,刘应征, 陈汉平,超超临界汽轮机转子蠕变对低周疲劳应变的影响分析,动力工程,2010.2.8
[13].邬文睿,王炜哲(*),蒋浦宁,刘应征,陈汉平,660MW超超临界汽轮机高压转子的高温蠕变强度分析,动力工程,2009, 29(2):99-103
[12].王青,王炜哲(*),万大伟,费智敏,刘应征,曹兆敏,三例人体颈动脉分叉管血液动力学的数值对比分析, 水动力学研究与进展:A辑,2009 ,24(3):313-318.
[10].邬文睿,王炜哲(*),蒋浦宁,刘应征,陈汉平,660MW超超临界汽轮机高压转子高周疲劳强度分析, 中国动力工程学会第四届青年学术年会,北京,2009.01.
[5].王炜哲, 刘应征, 陈汉平等.汽轮机轴封-转子系统动力学特性的数值分析[J,动力工程,2007,27(6):845-849 .
[4].王炜哲, 刘应征, 陈汉平等. 迷宫密封-转子系统动力学特性的实验和数值研究[J,机械工程学报,2007,43(3): 22-27.
[3].王炜哲, 刘应征, 陈汉平等. 气流激振周向剪切力对轴封转子动特性系数的影响[J,动力工程,2007,27(5): 717-720
[2].王炜哲,施鎏鎏,刘应征等. 1000MW超临界机组主调阀内流动和噪声计算分析[J,动力工程,2007,27(3): 401-405

教学工作 1. 机械与动力仿真实践(能动类),授课对象:本科,学时:64,学分4
2. 动力机械强度与分析,授课对象:本科,学时:48,学分3
3. PRP, 《飞机起落架缓冲器密封装置性能数字化仿真》
4. WPI国际学生工程合作项目,《Flame temperature distribution inroom》(学生暑期赴美为期两个月项目合作)
5. WPI国际学生工程合作项目,《Laser imaging system 》(学生暑期赴美为期两个月项目合作)
6. WPI国际学生工程合作项目,《Design of Mobile Fire Products Collector》(学生暑期赴美为期两个月项目合作)
7. PRP,《燃气轮机热障涂层内TGO动态生长仿真计算》
RICHARD AMANKWA ADJEI,博士(2015~),研究方向:Multidisciplinary Design Optimization and Heat Transfer for Operation Range Enhancement of a Turbocharger Compressor Stage
洪 辉,硕博(2015~2020),研究方向:灵活运行工况下汽轮机关键部件结构强度评估与优化
赵乃龙,直博(2013-2018),论文题目:Creep-fatigue strength assessment in an ultra-supercritical steam turbine rotor by macro-mesoscopic mechanical methods
李 乾,专业硕士(2017-2020),研究方向:基于数据挖掘风电仿真系统开发
周 觉,专业硕士(2016-2019),论文题目:基于不同评估规范的超超临界汽轮机阀门蠕变疲劳强度研究
苏 虎,专业硕士(2015-2018),论文题目:超超临界汽轮机平衡活塞处动静结构启停工况下局部变形及强度研究
吴 穹,专业硕士(2012-2015),论文题目:超超临界汽轮机大口径中压阀门的高温强度研究
喻 超,学术硕士(2011-2014),论文题目:超超临界汽轮机高压内缸的高温强度研究
周 觉,2016,毕设题目:基于R5规范的超超临界汽轮机阀门蠕变疲劳耦合强度评估
苏 虎,2015,毕设题目:百万超超临界机组阀门滤网高温蠕变变形分析
袁 闻,2012,毕设题目:国产超超临界高压缸主调阀门强度数值分析

软件版权登记及专利 专利软件
1.专利软件名称:密封结构参数管理软件, 授权号:2009SR050154
2.专利软件名称:空压机内密封泄漏流动分析软件, 授权号:2009SR050163
3.专利软件名称:密封系统非线性转子动力学分析软件, 授权号:2009SR050167
4.专利软件名称:气流激振力分析软件, 授权号:2009SR049996
5.专利软件名称:密封泄漏分析软件, 授权号:2009SR050165
1.自抑制泄漏的密封结构形式,专利号:ZL 2012 2 **.8
2.自抑制有效通流面积的齿形结构,专利号:ZL 2012 2 **.4
3.齿顶间隙局部增阻密封齿形结构,专利号:ZL 2012 2 **.2

学术兼职 12)热能动力工程,编委
11)The 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength, Scientific Committee,Session Chair, Invited Speaker
9)ASME PVP Committee Member
8)ASME PVP Conference Session Organizer
7)TURBO EXPO 2018(ASME Turbo Expo): Session Organizer, Session Chair
6)TURBO EXPO 2017(ASME Turbo Expo, Power & Energy and ICOPE): Session Organizer, Session Chair
5)ASME TURBO EXPO 2016:Session Co-Chair (COMM 27 Structures & Dynamics: Emerging Methods in Design & Engineering: Optimization & New Methods Development)
4)2016 NexTurbine 第五届下一代燃气轮机峰会,分会场主席
3)2016-, 中国造船工程学会轮机学术委员会辅机分会,委员
2)2012-, 国际期刊《Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering》编委

荣誉奖励 2010, SMC-晨星优秀青年教师
2011, 新进青年教师启动计划
2018, 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院“最受欢迎毕业生导师”

已上传文件 研究方向一:全过程控制系统仿真(数字化电站、性能优化、寿命预测).pdf


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