

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01

刘冉 副教授

教育背景 2005-2011 上海交通大学 博士
2002-2005 西北工业大学 硕士
1998-2002 西北工业大学 学士

工作经历 2017- 今 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,工业工程与管理系,副教授,博导
2012-2016 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,工业工程与管理系,讲师,硕导
2011-2012 法国圣艾蒂安国立高等矿业大学 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-étienne,博士后
2008-2009 香港城市大学机械工程与工程管理系,研究助理 (Research Associate)

研究方向 研究方向: 运筹优化、优化算法、大数据和机器学习
请邮件联系 (Liuran2009@sjtu.edu.cn)

科研项目 主持科研项目:
6、自然科学基金中港合作项目:“集装箱区域运输的协作管理-优化模型和决策系统”,2009-2012, 主要完成人
7、自然科学基金面上项目:“协同物流优化运作管理方法研究”,2009-2012, 主要完成人

代表性论文专著 1. Ran Liu, Biao Yuan, Zhibin Jiang. The large-scale periodic home health care server assignment problem: a region-partition-based algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2020,17(3): 1543-1554.
2. Ran Liu, Yangyi Tao, Xiaolei Xie. An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and synchronized visits, Computers & Operations Research. 2019, 101: 250–262. (SCI)
3. Ran Liu, Zhibin Jiang. A hybrid large-neighborhood search algorithm for the cumulative capacitated vehicle routing problem with time-window constraints, Applied Soft Computing, 2019,80: 18-30. (SCI)
4. Ran Liu, Biao Yuan, Zhibin Jiang. A branch-and-price algorithm for the home-caregiver scheduling and routing problem with stochastic travel and service times, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 2019, 31(4): 989–1011. (SCI)
5. Ran Liu, Zhibin Jiang. A constraint relaxation-based algorithm for the load-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 2019, 31:331–353 . (SCI)
6. Ran Liu, Xiaolan Xie. Physician Staffing for Emergency Departments with Time-Varying Demand, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2018, 30(3): 588-607. (SCI)
7. Ran Liu, Yangyi Tao, Qiaoyu Hu, Xiaolei Xie. Simulation-based optimisation approach for the stochastic two-echelon logistics problem. International Journal of Production Research, 2017, 55(1):187-201.(SCI)
8. Ran Liu, Biao Yuan, Zhibin Jiang. Mathematical model and exact algorithm for the home care worker scheduling and routing problem with lunch break requirements. International Journal of Production Research, 2017,55(2):558-575.(SCI)
9. Ran Liu, Xiaolan Xie, Garaix Thierry. Hybridization of tabu search with feasible and infeasible local searches for periodic home health care logistics, Omega,2014,47:17-32 (SCI, SSCI).
10. Ran Liu, Zhibin Jiang, Na Geng. A hybrid genetic algorithm for the Multi-depot Open Vehicle Routing Problem. OR Spectrum, 2014,36:401-421 (SCI)
11. Ran Liu, Xiaolan Xie, Vincent Augusto, Carlos Rodriguez. Heuristic algorithms for a vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pickup and time windows in home health care. European Journal of Operational Research, 2013, 230: 475-486.(SCI)
12. Ran Liu, Zhibin Jiang. The Close-Open Mixed Vehicle Routing Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 2012, 220:349-360. (SCI)
13. Ran Liu, Zhibin Jiang. Task Selection and Routing Problems in Collaborative Truckload Transportation. Transportation Research Part E, 2010, 46: 1071-1085. (SCI)
14. Ran Liu, Zhibin Jiang, Richard Fung. Two-phase heuristic algorithms for full truckloads multi-depot capacitated vehicle routing problem in carrier collaboration. Computers & Operations Research, 2010, 37: 950-959. (SCI)
15. Peilian Wang, Ran Liu, Zhibin Jiang. The Optimization of Combination- Chemotherapy Schedules in the Presence of Drug Resistance, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2019,16(1):165-179.(SCI)
16. Biao Yuan, Ran Liu, Zhibin Jiang. Daily scheduling of home caregivers with stochastic times, International Journal of Production Research, 2018, 56(9): 3245–3261.(SCI)
17. Peilian Wang, Ran Liu, Zhibin Jiang. Optimization of combination chemotherapy with dose adjustment using a memetic algorithm. Information Sciences, 2018, 432:63–78.(SCI)
18. Jianxu Zhu, Ran Liu, Zhibin Jiang. Optimization of drug regimen in chemotherapy based on semi-mechanistic model for myelosuppression. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2015,57:20–27. (SCI)
19. Biao Yuan, Ran Liu, Zhibin Jiang. A branch-and-price algorithm for the home health care scheduling and routing problem with stochastic service times and skill requirements. International Journal of Production Research, 2015, 53(24): 7450-7464. (SCI)
20. Richard Fung, Ran Liu, Zhibin Jiang. A memetic algorithm for the open capacitated arc routing problem. Transportation Research Part E, 2013, 50:53-67. (SCI)
21. Na Geng, Letian Chen, Ran Liu, Yanhong Zhu. Optimal patient assignment for W queueing network in a diagnostic facility setting. International Journal of Production Research, 2017,55(19): 5609–5631.(SCI)
22. Wenjin Lin, zhibin Jiang, Ran Liu, The bullwhip effect in hybrid supply chain. International Journal of Production Research, 2013, 28(11): 2062-2084.(SCI)
23. 袁彪, 刘冉, 江志斌, 耿娜. 随机服务时间下的家庭护理人员调度问题研究. 系统工程理论与实践, 2015, 35 (12): 3083-3091.
24. 刘强,谢晓岚,刘冉,陈尔真,杨之涛. 面向动态时变需求的急诊科医生排班研究,工业工程与管理,2015,20(2):106-113.
25. 卓艺赫, 刘冉, 华怡慷. 周期性居家医疗护理问题的禁忌求解算法, 中国科技论文, 2015, 10(14): 1714-1721.
26. 林罗丹,谢晓岚,刘冉. 面向时变需求的急诊室医生周排班研究,工业工程与管理,2017,22(4):55-67.
27. 袁彪, 刘冉, 江志斌. 多类型家庭护理人员调度问题研究. 系统工程学报, 2017, 32(1), 1-9.
28. 胡乔宇,杨琨,刘冉. 考虑随机客户需求的两级车辆路径问题研究,工业工程与管理,2018,23(5):74-81.
29. 虎慧泽,杨之涛,陈尔真,刘冉. 面向时变复杂环境的救护车布置和重定位,上海交通大学学报,2019,53(10):1165-1172.
30. 李航,刘冉,曲子灵. 采用 AGV 物料搬运系统的复杂生产线布局优化模型与算法,工业工程与管理,2020.
31. 李航,章旸,叶鸿庆,曲子灵,刘冉. 考虑批量流与换模时间的柔性生产线调度方法研究,工业工程与管理,2020.
32. 杨琨,刘玉欣,杨之涛,陈尔真,刘冉. 面向高度时变不确定患者需求的急诊医生周排班方法研究,工业工程与管理,2020.
[1] Hang Li, Ran Liu, The Layout Optimization Problem of Automobile Engine Production Line. 2018, The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). (EI)
[2] Ran Liu, Xiaolan Xie, Thierry GARAIX, Weekly home health care logistics. 2013, IEEE International Conference on Networking Sensing and Control. (EI)
[3] Ran Liu, Xiaolan Xie, Vincent Augusto, et al., Heuristic approaches for a special simultaneous pickup and delivery problem with time windows in home health care industry. 2012, 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing. (EI)
[4] Ran Liu, Zhibin Jiang, Na Geng, et al., A Heuristic Approach for the Open Capacitated Arc Routing Problem. 8th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems, SCMIS 2010. (EI)
[5] Ran Liu, Zhibin Jiang, Hongtao Hu, et al., A Memetic Algorithm for the Close-Open Mixed Vehicle Routing Problem. The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2010. (EI)
[6] Ran Liu, Zhibin Jiang, Feng Chen, et al., Heuristic methods for vehicle routing problem in carrier collaboration, 2008, 38th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering. (ISTP)
[7] Biao Yuan, Ran Liu,Zhibin Jiang,Home Health Care Crew Scheduling and Routing Problem with Stochastic Service Times.2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE2014,EI)
[8] Qiang Liu, Xiaolan Xie,Ran Liu. A Queuing Approximation Method for Capacity Planning of Emergency Department with Time-Varying Demand. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE2014,EI)

教学工作 课程:优化算法设计

软件版权登记及专利 软件著作权:

学术兼职 2014年7月,担任中国运筹学会企业运筹学分会理事;
European journal of operational research,
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering,
Computers & Operations Research,
International Journal of Production Research,
Flexible Services and Manufacturing,
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 等

荣誉奖励 2020-2022年,上海交通大学SMC-晨星优秀青年****奖励计划(副教授A类)
2018-2019年,期刊 International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 授予 best paper award (全年唯一)

已上传文件 近年论文1:Physician Staffing for Emergency Departments with Time-Varying Demand

近年论文2:Hybridization of tabu search with feasible and infeasible local searches for periodic home health care logistics

近年论文3:Mathematical model and exact algorithm for the home care worker scheduling and routing problem with lunch break requirements

近年论文4:A branch?and?price algorithm for the HHC problem with stochastic travel and service times-online

近年论文5:An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and synchronized visits

相关话题/机械 上海交通大学