

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01

王迪 助理教授

教育背景 2015.09-2020.07 北京大学,工业工程与管理系,博士
2018.09-2019.11 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,工业与系统工程系,联合培养博士
2011.09-2015.06 南开大学,工业工程系,学士

工作经历 2020.09至今 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,助理教授

研究方向 基于数据分析和人工智能对复杂工程和服务系统的建模:
? 复杂时空动态系统的统计建模、预测和监控
? 基于统计学习的物联网系统建模与监控
? 基于深度学习和多元传感数据融合的过程建模与预测

代表性论文专著 期刊论文
1. An, Y., Wang, D., and Zhang, X. (2020) “A novel local temperature change detection approach in a 3D thermal field,” Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, in press.
2. Wang, D., Liu, K., and Zhang, X. (2020) “Spatiotemporal multitask learning for 3-D dynamic field Modeling,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 708–721.
? 论文获得2019年IISE Annual Conference数据分析和信息系统分会最佳学生论文提名奖
? 论文获得2018年中国质量与可靠性技术国际研讨会最佳展示二等奖
3. Wang, D., Liu, K., and Zhang, X. (2020) “Spatiotemporal thermal field modeling using partial differential equations with time-varying parameters,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 646–657.
4. Wang, D., Liu, K., and Zhang, X. (2019) “Modeling of a three-dimensional dynamic thermal field under grid-based sensor networks in grain storage,” IISE Transactions, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 531–546.
? 论文获得2020年IISE Transactions最佳应用论文奖
? 论文入选2019年ISE Magazine专题文章
5. Wang, D., and Zhang, X. (2019) “Dynamic field monitoring based on multitask learning in sensor networks,” Sensors, vol. 19, no. 7, 1533, pp. 1–17.
6. Wang, D., and Zhang, X. (2019) “Modeling of a 3D temperature field by integrating a physics-specific model and spatiotemporal stochastic processes,” Applied Sciences, vol. 9, no. 10, 2108, pp. 1–13.
1. Wang, D. and Zhang, X. (2017) “Modeling grain quality characteristics via dynamic models using sensing data,” Proceedings of the IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, pp. 336–341.
? 论文获得2017年IEEE/SICE-SII国际会议最佳论文奖
2. Wang, D., and Zhang, X. (2015) “A prediction method for interior temperature of grain storage via dynamics model: a simulation study,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference of Automation Science and Engineering, pp. 1477–1483.

软件版权登记及专利 发明专利
1. 王迪,张玺,一种基于时空动态耦合的三维温度传感数据分析方法,发明专利(中国),专利号:ZL 5.8, 2020
2. 王迪,张玺,一种基于迁移学习的仓储粮食温度场估计方法,发明专利(中国),专利号:ZL 2.1, 2020
1. 王迪,张玺,仓储粮食品质监测平台V1.0,登记号:2018SR229405,2018

学术兼职 学术会议组织活动
? 分会场组织者兼主席,“Data analytics for engineering and service system improvement”,INFORMS Annual Meeting,2019
? 分会场主席,“Process analytics and optimization for system and service improvement”,IEEE/SICE-SII,2017
? IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
? IISE Transactions
? IEEE Transactions on Reliability
? Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
? Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering
? IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)
? IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII)

荣誉奖励 ? IISE Transactions最佳应用论文奖,IISE,2020
? INFORMS Annual Meeting数据挖掘分会最佳学生论文奖,INFORMS, 2019
? IISE Annual Conference数据分析和信息系统分会最佳学生论文提名奖,IISE,2019
? ISE Magazine专题文章,IISE,2019
? 中国质量与可靠性技术国际研讨会最佳展示二等奖,2018
? 中国工业工程与精益管理创新大赛一等奖,中国机械工程协会,2018
? IEEE/SICE-SII国际会议最佳论文奖,IEEE,2017
? 北京市优秀毕业生,北京市教育委员会,2020
? 国家奖学金,中国教育部,2014,2018,2019

相关话题/机械 上海交通大学