
Metal Sheet Cutting Process Using Diode Lasers_上海光学精密机械研究所

上海光学精密机械研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-06

中文题目: 半导体激光切割金属薄板工艺
外文题目: Metal Sheet Cutting Process Using Diode Lasers
作者: 蔡锦达; 陈涛; 王颖; 陟俊杰
刊名: 光电工程
年: 2016 卷: 43 期: 9 页: 89--94
半导体激光; 激光切割; 光纤激光; 切割工艺

direct diode laser; laser cutting; fiber laser; cutting process
本文使用高亮度半导体激光器作为光源,对不锈钢和碳钢板材进行了激光切割实验。实现对半导体激光切割可行性的验证,并对切割过程进行全面分析。实验表明:在以氧气做辅助气体时,大部分切割能量来自于材料的氧化过程,而激光输出能量推动氧化反应持续进行;以氮气为辅助气体时,激光的功率密度和激光的总输出功率是影响切割结果的主要因素;500 W半导体激光适合切割3 mm左右的金属板材,切割效率与光纤激光接近,并且可以得到相似的切割表面和切缝形态。结合氧助激光切割碳钢的工艺特点,通过优化方案可提高半导体激光对碳钢的切割能力,使

In the experiment, laser cutting was performed on stainless steel and carbon steel by using high brightness diode laser as light source. The experiment verified the feasibility of the diode laser cutting, and analyzed the cutting process comprehensively. When using oxygen as auxiliary gas, most cutting energy was from the oxidation, which was promoted by laser. When using nitrogen as auxiliary gas, the main factors that influenced the cutting results included the total output energy and the laser power density. 500 W laser output power was suitable for sheet metal around 3 mm, and speed of diode laser cutting was found similar to the fiber laser in addition to the similar cutting surface and slit shape. The cutting ability of diode laser can be further improved with an optimization scheme of oxygen aided cutting technology for carbon steel, which can success in cutting 6mm thickness carbon steel.

文献类型: 期刊论文
正文语种: Chinese
收录类别: CSCD
相关话题/激光 半导体 工艺 中文 实验