
为了探寻新型含氮杂环活性物质,以杀螨剂唑螨酯为先导化合物,在吡唑肟的分子结构中引入苯并三氮唑单元结构,设计合成了17个未见文献报道的含苯并三氮唑结构的新型吡唑肟类衍生物.目标化合物的结构经1H NMR,13C NMR和元素分析确证.初步的生测数据表明,部分目标化合物显示出优良杀虫作用.在20 μg/mL浓度下,3个化合物对朱砂叶螨有70%~100%的防效.6个化合物在20 μg/mL浓度下对蚜虫的杀死率在90%~100%.另外,16个化合物在500 μg/mL浓度下对粘虫也呈现出较好的杀虫活性(致死率≥ 80%).
关键词: 苯并三氮唑, 吡唑肟, 合成, 生物活性
In search of new N-heterocyclic compounds possessing good biological activities, 17 novel pyrazole oxime derivatives were designed and synthesized by introducing benzotriazole moiety into pyrazole oxime skeleton based on fenpyroximate. Their structures were tested by 1H NMR, 13C NMR and elemental analysis. Preliminary bioassay data displayed that 3 compounds showed 70%~100% insecticidal activities towards Tetranychus cinnabarinus at 20 μg/mL. 6 compounds possessed 90%~100% mortality rates towards Aphis medicaginis at 20 μg/mL. Moreover, 16 compounds displayed more than 80% insecticidal activities against Mythimna separata (Walker) at 500 μg/mL.
Key words: benzotriazole, pyrazole oxime, synthesis, biological activity