一种简单、高效的钯纳米粒子催化体系被用于Suzuki偶联反应中.该催化体系对含各种官能团的卤代芳烃和芳基硼酸都表现出了非常高的催化活性.当用对硝基溴苯作底物时,在催化剂用量低至0.001 mol%时转化数能达到90000,这也证实了该催化体系有比较好的稳定性和较长的寿命.
关键词: 卤代芳烃, 芳基硼酸, 钯纳米粒子, Suzuki偶联
A simple and highly efficient palladium nanoparticles catalytic system was applied in Suzuki coupling reaction. This system could catalyze a variety of aryl halide and arylboronic acid substrates with a wide range of functional groups. A high turnover number of 90000 was obtained with the catalyst loading as low as 0.001 mol%. This catalyst system exhibited good stability and longevity.
Key words: aryl hailde, arylboronic acid, palladium nanoparticle, Suzuki coupling