报告名称:SRF Plans at INFN-LASA and SRF Cavity Industrialization
报 告 人:Prof. Carlo Pagani(University of Milano)
报告时间:2017年7月10日 14:00
- 1971 - joins INFN, to work in the Milan cyclotron group.
- 1978/82 - Assistant Professor (Professore Incaricato) of Particle Accelerators, Physics Department of
the Università degli Studi di Milano.
- 1978/80 - research associate in Caen, working on the acceleration systems of the GANIL accelerator
complex. In the same period, takes part in the ECFA-LEP study group.
- 1981/90 - leader of the group that designed and built the RF and vacuum systems for the Milan-LNS
superconducting cyclotron.
- 1983/2010 - Associate Professor of Physics, at the Physics Department of the Università degli Studi
di Milano, where he has since been teaching Particle Accelerators, Electronics and Physics courses,
supervising over 100 thesis works, including PhD, in Italy and abroad.
- 1986 - promotes with R. Bonifacio the ELFA project for the first SASE FEL.
- 1988/92 - joins the INFN ARES project for a FEL facility based on a superconducting linac. Editor
of the proposal, his main contributions are in the fields of linac design, SC cavity development, FEL
and high brightness RF guns.
- 1992 onwards - joins the TESLA Collaboration as leader of the INFN-Milan Group responsible for a
major part of the Italian contribution to TESLA/TTF., including RF gun design, SC cavity design
and fabrication in industry, photocathode development, preparation and operation, design and
fabrication of the TTF cryostats, theoretical work on the SASE FEL project, etc. INFN Member of
the TESLA Collaboration Board and of the TESLA Technical Board
- 1996 onwards - works on the Italian design study for a SC linac based ADS (Accelerator Driven
System) for nuclear waste transmutation. Develops matching and cavity design criteria and, once the
project is funded, he becomes responsible for the SC linac design, including development and
prototyping of low–beta cavities and cryomodules. In 2000 designs the cavities for the SNS Project
in US and in 2002 participates to the proposal for the 8 GeV proton driver at FNAL. Member of the
Working Party on Partitioning and Transmutation of the OECD/NEA till 2004 and onward of the
Working Party on Fuel Cycle (for the Generation IV).
- 1998/2003 - chairman of the TESLA Technical Board
- 2001/10 – member of the Machine Advisory Committee of the LHC at CERN.
- 2003/05 - Project Leader of TESLA and the cold technology expert in the International Technology
Recommendation Panel process for the decision of the common technology to be adopted for ILC.
TESLA was chosen among the 3 competitors.
- 2005/13 - member of the ILC Global Design Effort and of the ILC Change Control Board
- 2007 onward - European Commission appointed member in the IFMIF/EVEDA Project Committee.
- 2007/10 - represents Italy in the European XFEL International Steering Committee and in the In-
Kind Contribution Review Committee.
- 2010 onward - represents Italy in the Council of the European XFEL Project and leads the Italian
contribution that includes: half of the 800 superconducting cavities, half of the cryo-modules, the
photo-cathode system and the complete 3rd harmonic module for the beam phase space linearization.
- 2010 onward – Full Professor of Physics at the Physics Department of the Università degli Studi di
- 2014 onward - Appointed Visiting Professor of the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese
Academy of Science, Beijing.
Member or chairman of several Steering and Review Committees related to accelerator projects,
author of over 200 papers, presenter of over 40 invited talks at International Conferences and
Workshops, lecturer in 8 International Accelerator Schools in Asia, Europe and US.
学术报告:SRF Plans at INFN-LASA and SRF Cavity Industrialization_上海应用物理研究所
上海应用物理研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-06
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