报告题目:New perspectives in the study of the nuclear equation of state using INDRA and FAZIA 4p detectors
报 告 人:Olivier LOPEZ (Senior researcher at LPC Caen, France)
INDRA is one of the most efficient world-class charged particle 4p detectors designed for reactions in the Fermi energy range, i.e. between 10A and 100A MeV. It is operated with success since 20 years and it is still in excellent running conditions. Since several years, the french INDRA collaboration as decided to start a new Research and Development program for a new detection array in the framework of an European initiative called FAZIA. In this talk, I will present an overview of the results obtained so far by the INDRA collaboration during the last years and show what are the topics that we want to adress in the next future in the domain of the dynamics and thermodynamics of nuclear matter. Those ones are strongly connected to the isospin physics, with the possibility to probe the isovector part of the equation of state of nuclear matter thanks to new upcoming radioactive beam facilities worldwide. I will also present what is the current status of the FAZIA program and what are the experiments and analyses we want to perform in the following years in european facilities such as GANIL/SPIRAL and LNL/SPES.
Olivier LOPEZ (lopezo@in2p3.fr)
Senior researcher at LPC Caen, France since 1993
Head of the Dynamics and Thermodynamics group at LPC Caen
Member of the INDRA and FAZIA international collaborations
Physics domain of research:
- Study of Heavy-ion induced reactions in the Fermi energy domain (INDRA),
- Dynamics of collisions, study of transport properties and the nuclear Equation of State,
- Study of multifragmentation and very dissipative reactions,
- Thermodynamics of hot nuclear matter and phase transitions in strongly correlated finite systems,
- Development of new detector techniques for charged particle (FAZIA)
学术报告:New perspectives in the study of the nuclear equation of state using INDRA and FAZIA 4p..._上海应用
上海应用物理研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-06
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