报告题目:Bose Einsten Condensation, Fermionic Quenching and Efimov States From HIC
报 告 人:A. Bonasera (Texas A&M University, USA; Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, INFN, Italy)
The 6Li +6Li →3α reaction has been measured in a kinematically complete experiment at 3.1MeV of beam energy. The reaction mainly proceeds via intermediate 8Be states. The interaction between any two of the three α particles provides events with one, two or three 8Be interfering levels, with strong enhancement in the α–α coincidence yield. Evidence of three 8Be levels within the same 3α event suggests that one α particle is exchanged between the other two. This is a condition for Efimov states to occur in nuclei, for which no observation exists yet. The hyperspherical formalism for the low-energy three- body problem has been applied to point out the 3αparticle correlation.
I also discuss experimental observations of nuclear fermionic and bosonic components displaying different behaviors in the decay of hot Ca projectile-like sources produced in mid-peripheral collisions at sub-Fermi energies. This may support the existence of a Bose Einstein condensation phenomena in heavy ion collisions. By means of quantum fluctuation analysis techniques, temperatures and mean volumes per particle as seen by bosons and fermions separately are correlated to the excitation energy of the reconstructed system. The obtained results are consistent with the production of dilute mixed (bosons/fermions) systems, where bosons experience a smaller volume and a higher energy density as compared to the surrounding fermionic gas. Our findings recall phenomena observed in the study of Bose condensates and Fermi gases in atomic traps despite the different scales.
1987" Dottore di Ricerca" -Rome, Italy.?1985 Master degree at Michigan State University.?1981 "Laurea" in physics at the University of Catania (110/110 cum laude). 2009-present Senior scientist at Texas A&M University, Cyclotron institute.
1988-present Researcher at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) in Catania. Visiting Distinguished Scientist at JAERI Tokai-Japan; Toulose-France; Strasbourg- France; GANIL, Caen –France; NSCL-MSU, E.Lansing, USA; phys. Dep. University of Kyoto-Japan; Ludwig Maximilian U. (LMU), Munich, Germany; Research Institute for Fundamental Physics-Yukawa Hall University of Kyoto, Japan; 2011 Recipient of the ’Eunus’ prize by the Kiwanis club (Italy-San Marino) for scientific accomplishments; Member of the Nature reader panel; More than 200 papers on refereed journals; book on Quale energia per il futuro?, (our energy future)Springer Verlag publ.,2010; Patent applications on ‘Collisione di fasci incrociati di ioni utilizzando laser di alta potenza’ (ion-ion collisions using high power lasers) patent pending RM2014A000373, ENEA-INFN (Italy);‘Produzione di energia controllata’ (Controlled energy production) patent pending TO2014A000408, INFN-Italy; ‘Hybrid fragmentation-fission subcritical reactor and nuclear waste disposal’ Texas A&M university submitted.
学术报告:Bose Einsten Condensation, Fermionic Quenching and Efimov States From HIC_上海应用物理研究所
上海应用物理研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-06
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