报告题目:NSLS-II and Controls
报 告 人:Dr. Yong HU(Brookhaven National Lab)
NSLS-II, the successor to NSLS (National Synchrotron Light Source) at Brookhaven National Lab, has been open to users worldwide since February 2015 as a new advanced 3rd-generation synchrotron light source with its unique features: its half-mile-circumference (792 m) Storage Ring provides the highest beam intensity (500 mA) at medium-energy (3 GeV) with sub-nm-rad horizontal emittance (down to 0.5 nm-rad) and diffraction-limited vertical emittance at a wavelength of 1 ? (<8 pm-rad). As the intelligent brain of NSLS-II facility, EPICS-based control system is designed to monitor, control, and diagnose the electron beams so that NSLS-II could be tuned up to reach its highest performance. The NSLS-II project as well as its control system overview is introduced. Additionally, the design and implementation of beam diagnostics and controls, which serve as the eyes of NSLS-II accelerators to observe fascinating particle beams, are fully described.
Commissioning results of NSLS-II accelerators, including Linac, Booster, and Storage Ring, are presented.
Yong HU, Brookhaven National Lab Dr. Hu completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Automation Engineering from Hunan University (Changsha, China) in 2003, and earned his Ph.D. of Engineering in Nuclear Technology and Applications from Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2008. From July 2008 to October 2008, after the completion of his doctoral studies, Dr. Hu visited High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Japan, and upgraded KEK Linac BPM software to an EPICS-based system. The new BPM system which Dr. Hu upgraded runs much faster and more efficiently at up to 50Hz, which meets the Linac injection requirement.
Since February 2009, Dr. Hu has been working on the new world-leading scientific research facility NSLS-II as a Research Associate, and later on as an Advanced Application Engineer, at Brookhaven National Laboratory with a focus on control systems for particle accelerator and large experimental physics. As the leading engineer for beam diagnostics controls, Dr. Hu has been and continues to be responsible for designing, implementing, developing, and researching the control system for NSLS-II accelerator with focus on beam diagnostics.
学术报告:NSLS-II and Controls_上海应用物理研究所
上海应用物理研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-06
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