
学术报告:Method and instrumentation of molecular imaging with X-ray lasers_上海应用物理研究所

上海应用物理研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-06

报告题目:Method and instrumentation of molecular imaging with X-ray lasers

报 告 人:Dr. Dingjie Wang (Arizona State University)


报告时间:2015年8月26日14:00 (周三)


X-Ray crystallography and NMR are two major ways of achieving atomic resolution of structure determination for macro biomolecules such as proteins. Recently, new developments of hard X-ray pulsed free electron laser XFEL opened up new possibilities to break the dilemma of radiation dose and spatial resolution in diffraction imaging by outrunning radiation damage with ultra high brightness femtosecond X-ray pulses, which is so short in time that the pulse terminates before atomic motion starts. A variety of experimental techniques for structure determination of macro biomolecules is now available including imaging of protein nanocrystals, single particles such as viruses, pump–probe experiments for time-resolved nanocrystallography, and snapshot wide-angle x-ray scattering (WAXS) from molecules in solution. Progress and breakthroughs of imaging with XFEL with be briefly introduced, followed by more detailed introduction on experimental methods and instrumentstions.

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